《Forced: Kidnapped by a Vampire Master (Book One)》Chapter 17


Something moving woke me up, groaning, I felt like I had been hit by a train. Everything was sore, everything hurt, but worst of all, my head was killing me. What the hell happened last night?

And then I remembered.

"Alex!" Within seconds, he was back by my side.

"I'm here, what's up?" He stroked my cheek and climbed back under the covers. Strangely for someone who doesn't get cold, his bed was really warm and snuggly.

"Nothing, just wondered where you went." He smiled.

"It's 2 o'clock in the afternoon, not all of us can stay in bed all day."

"2?! Crap!" I heard a low growl and quickly apologized for cursing. "I was supposed to help Cinders!"

"Relax, you have the day off." But I just carried on trying to find my clothes, until a pair of hands grabbed hold of my waist and pulled me back onto the bed. Sighing, I looked up at him.

"I promised her."

"Tough!" For the first time in a while, I tensed up as he yelled at me.


"Go for a shower." It was an order, a harsh order at that. So, I followed it and climbed back out of bed, making my way over to the bathroom, looking back at him to see him staring at me. A cold, hard stare.

Stupid mood-swinging idiot!

I thought, knowing full well he would hear, and then he jumped off the bed and headed towards me, I quickly dived into the bathroom and slammed the door shut, leaning against it breathing loudly, hoping he'd go away.

"Rose! Open the door! Now!"


"Fine, just make it worse for yourself!" A cold feeling erupted in my stomach but then when he didn't say anymore, I sighed relieved.


Walking over to the sink, I looked at myself in the mirror. Dear god! I looked terrible!

Shaking my head, I started to get undressed and leaned forward to start the shower. Instantly, hot water started running and I couldn't help but groan happily.

With my hands against the wall, I let the water cover me in a hot blanket. It felt so good, and much needed. For the first time in ages, I felt clean. I didn't even feel a pair of arms wrap around my waist until I heard his voice, in my ear.

"Enjoying the shower?" I tensed again. What was he going to do? "Relax little human, I'm not going to hurt you."

It took a moment but eventually, I managed to.

"Why do you keep changing your moods towards me?" There was silence for a minute.

"It's in my nature." And that was all he said.

"Your nature is to be a giant PMS'ing woman?" As soon as it came out of my mouth I regretted it, he has his arms wrapped around me, how stupid can I get!? He could snap me like a twig! But he didn't . . . he just chuckled . . . damnnnn, he has a sexy chuckle.

"Thanks." I shivered slightly when he whispered in my ear. His voice was so low . . . so husky . . . so sexy. My eyes slowly began to close and I leaned my head back against his shoulder slightly as his hands started moving in two different directions over my body. One headed north and the other headed south.

"Alex . . . what are you doing?" My voice was barely a whisper . . . it was barely a breath. But he just shh'ed me and carried on.

Tilting his head, his lips traced down my neck and shoulder, a gasp caught in my throat. Running his soft lips back to my neck, he opened his mouth and started sucking on my skin, I could feel his tongue working patterns on it, and it felt amazing . . .

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