《PRINCESS ANARCHY | Dream SMP》56. The Syndicate


Nia sits on the bed in Technoblade's room, watching him scribble into a notebook on the table at the other end of the room. Once her voice registers, he hums, his head snapping up in her direction to give her all of his attention. Though he keeps glancing at the notebook like he's trying to write down as much as he can before he forgets it.

"I have a question," says Nia with a thin smile on her lips because she's not sure how Techno might react to her request.

"Oh, I actually have a question too," he replies, subconsciously glancing at the notebook once more. "But you go first."

Nia shuffles on the bed, changing her sitting position to a more comfortable one, while hugging herself. She chews on her bottom lip nervously, looking Technoblade in the eye, wondering how to word her question.

"So, you know how all of my stuff got blown up in L'Manburg?" she starts, her eyes darting around the room before settling back on Techno's. He only nods in response, an eyebrow arched at the princess in curiosity. "Do you think I could borrow some armor and a sword from you?"

Techno briefly narrows his eyes at Nia, almost like he knows exactly what she wants and is about to reject her, "you mean my armor and sword . . ." he clarifies to understand better.

"Yeah." Nia nods, pressing her lips together, dreading the question that follows next.

"What for?"

"I— uh," she starts timidly, running a hand through her hair. Nia's chest heaves with the intake of air. She holds her breath while Techno waits for her answer. She lets it out swiftly, all at once: "I think Tommy might need my help with something . . . and I know that sounds stupid, but—"


"I can lend you my armor and weapons," Techno understands her perfectly not letting Nia finish her sentence, shrugging nonchalantly.

"What?" Nia mumbles under her breath, having expected Techno's answer to be a no.

Techno smiles, noticing the confusion in Nia's eyes. "Look, I'm not fond of Tommy right now, I mean, that kid has caused me more trouble than I'd like, but . . . I know him, and you know him. If you say he needs your help, then he probably needs it, as in a life-or-death-situation need. And as much of a pain Tommy is to me, if you want to help him, then sure."

Nia gapes at Technoblade, her lips parted. She knows him, and she knows he wouldn't get conventionally angry, but she was still worried he might think her to be weak for wanting to help the boy who betrayed them both. For once, the voice in her head had been absolutely wrong to anticipate a rejection. She should've realized that although Techno might not show it, he still cares about Tommy.

A bright grin makes its way to Nia's lips. She gets off the bed and crosses the room to hug Techno from the back, kissing his cheek. "You are the best," she says.

"Of course, you'd say that. You love me," he says, tilting his head to look at her with a grin.

"And you love me," she replies.

The princess smiles, glancing at the notebook that's been getting more of Techno's attention lately, her eyes skimming over the neat handwriting on the paper.

"What's the Syndicate?" Nia asks, reading the title. She knits her brows together, looking at Technoblade for answers. He smiles, an awkward chuckle leaving his lips as he scratches the back of his neck.

"That's actually what I wanted to ask about," he tells her, his lips pressed together. "Uh, Phil and I have been kind of working on something and one of the most important things we're missing are members." Technoblade leans back in his chair and points at the text he's written so far, those being things the Syndicate will stand for and its rules.


"You want me to join the Syndicate," says Nia obviously, now reading the text that she finds out is actually a manifesto. It states that the Syndicate should be a network of anarchists that wish to fight against tyranny.

"What do you think?"

The answer is almost automatic, no thought behind the words. "Yes, of course. I'll join," says Nia, nodding.

She understands that although L'Manburg is gone, the people who created the country in the first place are still here. Who's to say somebody won't become power-hungry again, desiring to form another country? They need a plan to ensure that nobody will cause as much damage as L'Manburg and its drama have. Countries will always lead to conflict, to war . . . to death.

"Okay, good," Techno smiles, relieved and contented. "I was actually thinking of going to visit Niki after I finish this."

"Niki? Why so?" questions Nia.

"To possibly recruit her into the Syndicate. I heard she burned down the L'Mantree, and that thing was apparently one of the most important parts of L'Manburg." The anarchist shrugs.

"I heard of that." Nia nods knowingly.

"You think Niki would join?"

"Yeah, I think she would."

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