《PRINCESS ANARCHY | Dream SMP》17. Nobody Important to You
Quackity shouts at the crowd of Manburgians as Tommy makes his way through Manburg.
Wilbur is nowhere to be found, and Technoblade ran off after having attacked the other Manburgians. Nia was left on the stage, tending to Tubbo.
She helps him up on his feet, only to find out that Tubbo is perfectly capable of doing that himself. Despite the injuries he suffered and the scars that still linger, and will forever linger on his body now, he's in full strength.
"I'm fine, Nia, seriously," the boy tells the princess.
"I can see that," she remarks, examining Tubbo once more, just in case. "Can you get to Pogtopia?"
"Yeah, I think so," says Tubbo, nodding. "Are you going to help Tommy?"
"I'll make sure he doesn't get himself killed." Nia nods.
"Alright," says Tubbo, giving Nia a weak smile. "I'll see you in Pogtopia, then."
"Yes. In Pogtopia," Nia repeats.
The two part ways. Tubbo heads to Pogtopia while Nia goes off the stage, searching for Tommy. It isn't hard to find him, as he has a mob of Manburgians after him.
Quackity and Purpled are in the lead, and Nia has to strain her leg muscles as she forces herself to sprint faster to get to the boy.
She should've brought ender pearls with her.
Tommy gets hit by Purpled, the boy's netherite axe cutting through a part in the arm where the armor doesn't protect Tommy.
Nia catches up eventually, stepping in between Tommy and Purpled. Her axe is fastened to her belt once more, and she pulls out her two swords instead, blocking Purpled's swing.
"Take off your armor, Tommy, and run!" she turns her head in the direction of the boy.
The armor is slowing him down, especially when he's trying to run away. Sure, it sucks to give up the good armor he has, but there isn't much of a choice either.
Nia fights off Purpled and Tommy's other pursuers as she waits for the boy to swiftly get off his additional weight and runs off in the direction of Pogtopia. He's disposed of his weapons as well.
"This is kind of sad, don't you think?" asks Nia with a smirk. "There's so many of you against only me."
Tommy has run off, and she has to fight against six people. Or two and a half people, since the only good fighters are Purpled and Punz, and Bad's standing in the back, refusing to fight Nia. She's thankful for it, of sorts, because she'd hate to fight him as well.
Quackity, Schlatt, Fundy, Sam and Antfrost go down with a single punch, as neither of them are wearing armor and, for some reason, Nia appears to be stronger than she looks. Almost like she's been doped on strength potions.
Purpled swings at Nia with his axe again, and she blocks his hit with a sword, pushing him back. Punz launches at her as well, though his attacks are unbalanced, as if still affected by the hit she landed on him earlier.
Blocking Punz with her other sword, she also takes the opportunity to trip him over with her foot, because he's not paying attention to the undefended part of his body, knocking him down on the ground.
"Stay down, Punz, or I'll have to kill you," she threatens.
The mercenary raises his arms in defeat, nodding. His self-preservation reflex finally kicking in.
Sara runs up to Nia, having picked up the sword Tommy dropped, and blocks a hit from Sam who wanted to attack Nia from the back. Niki appears closely after, serving a right hook to Schlatt.
"What the fuck is wrong with the women in this country?" Schlatt asks, spitting out blood. "Leave them alone! Let's get back to the podium. I have something to say," the President announces, glancing between Nia, Niki and Sara.
Nia cocks her head to the side, wondering why he gave up so easily. Then again, despite there being so many of them, they were losing.
The three women exchange perplexed looks before following after the men, standing by the chairs as Quackity, Schlatt and Fundy make their way up on the podium.
"What the fuck are they doing?" questions Sara, furrowing her eyebrows as they talk to each other about not expecting Tubbo of being a traitor.
Niki, not being watched by either Sara or Nia walks forward, away from the two women. She stares at Schlatt, determined and upset.
"How could you?" she exclaims, catching the attention of everyone. "You killed him!"
Nia realizes at that moment that nobody really stuck around to see Tubbo alive, as they had to scramble, after Technoblade started attacking everybody. And then they hunted down Tommy. Who is now safe, too.
"He's not dead," Nia says under her breath, only Sara catching onto it.
She turns her head to Nia, raising an eyebrow at her. "What do you mean?"
"I healed him, he's fine," Nia explains herself with a shrug. "Another one of my powers," she says nonchalantly, while Sara stares at her with wide eyes, her lips parted.
"So, you can heal people as well? What?"
"Yeah, this minor goddess thing is starting to get really interesting, I think." Nia nods, pretending that her using the power wasn't utter luck and a cry of desperation for the boy that nearly died.
That is another thing she has in common with Technoblade. She also doesn't like to admit weakness, or the simple fact that sometimes she actually cares. It's something Dream does, too.
It's a twisted view of power. Sometimes, you just need to not care in order to have the upper hand. Besides, not caring makes certain things and decisions much easier.
"Oh, yeah, I wanna be on Wilbur's team because he's so cute! Fucking, dammit," Schlatt spits back at Niki, rolling his eyes and shaking his head.
"You killed him!" Niki cries.
"Yeah, I did! I did fucking kill him, Niki. The hell do you want?"
"You are so cr- how could you do that?" Niki questions, tears slipping down her cheeks. "After everything he has done for you!"
Schlatt tries to say something about Tubbo not being on his side, but Nia doesn't fully get what he's saying as her focus is on Niki.
"I didn't even want to be here!" she cries, throwing her arms in the air, articulating all of her anger and sadness into that sentence.
"Niki- Niki, please, sit down," Quackity begs the younger woman.
"I- you know what? Fuck her. Fuck her. You can leave." Schlatt looks at Niki, clearly done with her. "You want out of this country? You can fucking have it."
Wilbur walks past Sara and Nia, both women giving him weird looks as they wonder what the fuck he's doing here and what he's trying to do. They watch him walk up to the front of the podium to stand next to Niki.
They follow closely behind.
"But where am I supposed to go?" asks Niki, her voice merely a whisper.
"Wait. Wilbur Soot's here," says Schlatt, suddenly noticing the tall man standing next to Niki.
Nia and Sara stand behind him, making sure that nobody dares attack the ex-president of L'Manburg. Nia clutches her swords, while Sara holds onto Tommy's.
"Wilbur?" questions Quackity, gaping at Wilbur with wide eyes.
"Hello, Schlatt," Wilbur greets with a light smile across his lips. He gazes up at the podium, staring the President of Manburg in the eye.
"Oh, my God," Schlatt mutters.
"You actually murdered Tubbo," says Wilbur, amusement lacing his voice. Nia can't pinpoint what it could possibly mean.
She takes up a fighting stance as she watches Purpled and Punz approach Wilbur, pointing their weapons at him. Sara stares down Punz, while Nia takes on Purpled. Technoblade also sneaks in, adding himself into the protective formation around Wilbur.
"Well, I mean, you actually let him do that, I mean, Wilbur I- I took you as- eh, you were a shitty leader, but . . . I didn't think that you'd aid and abet Tubbo. In this two-faced game. It was uncool, man." Schlatt shakes his head.
"I'm not gonna lie, I'm pretty upset. Tubbo was a good friend of mine, or so I thought. I mean, he put together this whole thing and- and, uh, to know what he's been doing behind my back for a long time . . . I mean, I-I understand the tunnels now." Nodding, Schlatt stares back at Wilbur.
"He's been talking about this library all the time that I had no idea what it was about and, uh, then this happens, so . . ."
"Just . . ." Wilbur sighs, shaking his head in defeat. "If you're gonna kill anyone else, kill me. Don't kill anyone else here, that's what I-I'm-"
Schlatt waves his hand in the air, rolling his eyes.
"Yeah, yeah, lover boy, man, I've had enough of that out of your mouth. I'm not gonna kill anybody else. I mean, what do I- do I look like a bad guy?" Schlatt questions as if most of the people present wouldn't answer yes. "Do I look like a bad guy to you?"
"I mean . . . kinda," Technoblade speaks up.
"Shut up, Technoblade." Schlatt glares at the piglin. "You- you had one job. You had one job."
"To be fair, I actually did that one job," Technoblade defends himself.
"Yeah, you did the job, but I-"
"Can you guys stop talking about Tubbo like he's dead?" Nia interjects, rolling her eyes at them all. "Tubbo is alive, for fuck's sake!" she exclaims, shaking her head. "I mean, do you see his fucking corpse on that podium? No. He's not there. And where the fuck would he have gone if he were dead? Enlighten me, please, because none of you are currently using your fucking brain cells. Just one! That's all you'd need. One!"
Wilbur, Technoblade and Niki turn around to stare at Nia, who looks annoyed. It's the kind of look that says I need to hit something right now, or I'll combust.
"And who the fuck are you again?" questions Schlatt.
Nia laughs dryly. "I guess I'm nobody important to you," she replies. "At least for today."
"Huh . . . so, Tubbo is alive. Cool. Where is he now?"
"Why would I tell you?" Nia gives Schlatt a look.
"Eh, I don't know. Just wanted to try it." He shrugs. "But well, I guess I'd suggest continuing the festivities, but it seems like y'all are too soft and your stomachs got a little bit woozy after seeing Tubbo nearly die, I mean- I suppose you could- suppose you could just . . . get lost."
"Holy shit, Wilbur. I mean, you really just crawled up here, on the day of my festival, celebrating my country that you are not a part of and you started crying-"
"You sounded like you're gonna murder another person," Wilbur objects. "You sounded like you were gonna go for Niki," he reasons.
"I was only gonna murder Tubbo," says Schlatt, rolling his eyes. "He's the only person that- well, I mean, Niki- you know what? Yeah. I might murder Niki." A wicked smile spreads across Schlatt's lips as he grabs a hold of his bow.
"Tubbo, give me my- oh fuck. I killed him," Schlatt sighs, realization hitting him. "I don't have any arrows. Can anyone- can I have some arrows?" He turns to the remaining members of his cabinet.
Fundy nods, giving Schlatt several arrows without another question.
"Niki," Wilbur and Sara chorus. "Just run, Niki. Run," they speak as one.
"I, uh . . ."
It takes Niki a while to comprehend the entire situation and the fact that Schlatt wants to murder her. But she does as she's told, running away from the seats and far from the podium, so that Schlatt cannot aim for her nor hit her with those arrows.
Nia doubts that he has enough strength to shoot the bow from a bigger distance, so the further Niki gets, the safer she'll be.
"Alright, here we go!" Schlatt shouts as he pulls on the bowstring of his arrow, shooting as far as he can to hit Niki.
But she manages to get out of his range completely, running away. She slowly disappears from sight while Technoblade blocks Schlatt's hits with a shield that he must've stolen somewhere.
Sara attacks Punz who went for Wilbur, and Nia is left to fight Purpled again.
She smiles at the blonde boy. Nia doesn't know much about him, besides the fact that he's yet another blonde guy in the Dream SMP, or the fact that he doesn't look much older than Tommy or Tubbo. But, like Punz, he's a mercenary.
And clearly good at his job.
He lands a solid blow to Nia's torso, which makes her audibly gasp and stumble back. She struggles to hold her balance, realizing that if it weren't for her armor, the axe would've gone deep in her and she would've been dead.
"Come on! We need to get to Pogtopia!" Sara calls, overpowering Punz by using her goddess powers. Nia doesn't have much time to inspect it properly, but she'd swear she saw Sara melting Punz's netherite armor just by touching it.
"I'm working on it!" Nia calls back, blocking another one of Purpled's hits with her swords.
She pushes him back, dodging his swing at her and hitting the boy's hip, which he exposes to her, with the handle of her sword rather than trying to push her blade through him. She would if it was necessary, but she must take in account the fact that Purpled is most likely also a teenager. He doesn't look any older than Tommy and Tubbo.
Purpled stumbles back, receiving the full force of Nia's hit
"I don't want to hurt you," says Nia, shaking her head.
"Well, I'm paid to hurt you, so," the boy replies.
"That leaves us at an impasse, huh," Nia chuckles, their weapons clashing together, as they both try to attack, ending up blocking one another's hit. "Unfortunately, I have to leave, so . . ."
Nia backs up, gripping onto her sword, and the blonde boy stumbles forward, focusing all of his strength on trying to push Nia back. He loses his balance and Nia swings at him with the handle of her sword, hitting his back and making him fall on the grass, face-down. He grunts and groans in pain.
"Sorry," she gives Purpled a tight-lipped smile, disappearing as she heads for Pogtopia.
"Why the fuck did you apologize?"
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