《Diego x Reader - Dare》13- The Vet Bar


^^ I drew a lil ghost on my maths homework and I couldn't resist sharing him.

I fuckin love his lil hat 😊

Y/N's P.O.V.

Klaus helped me down the stairs, looking at the fallen chandelier in surprise.

"What happened here?" He asked and I sighed.

"You don't want to know." I shook my head.

"You both look like shit." Diego said.

"Why, Thank you." Klaus smiled stupidly.

"Y/N, you should be resting."

"Fuck you too, Diego. Where are you going?" I said and he looked at me with a raised eyebrow.

"Nope. I'm not taking you two anywhere." Diego said.

"Oh, come on, man." Klaus whined.

"You know I can't drive!"

"And don't think you're leaving me here either." Diego sighed and Klaus grinned.

"Great! I'll grab our things. I'll be 2 minutes." Klaus ran off upstairs.

"My bag is on my bed!" I called after him and Diego glared at me slightly.


"You're supposed to be resting! You almost died!" I scoffed.

"No. I'm not staying here whilst everyone goes off and fights... whatever you want to call this." I said and Diego looked at me with what seemed to be puppy eyes.

"Stop it before you hurt yourself. I'm coming with you and that's final. Even if I am pretty much useless, I don't want to leave Klaus alone right now."

"Whatever." Diego sighed, giving me a weird look, before helping me out to his car.

I got in the back, getting comfortable against the seats and Klaus jumped in the front next to Diego.

The drive was scarily quiet and after a while Diego couldn't take it anymore.

"Klaus, you okay?" He didn't reply, he only took a drink of vodka from the bottle he pulled out of god-knows-where.

"Klaus, come on." I sighed and he still didn't reply.

"Wow. This is a first. My brother Klaus is silent." Diego sassed and I rolled my eyes.


"Last time you were this quiet, we were 12. You ran down the stairs wearing Grace's heels, tripped over and broke your jaw."

"What? I can't believe I missed that." I laughed and Diego smirked.

"How long was it wired shut again?" He asked and Klaus sighed.

"8 weeks." He took another drink, looking out of the window.

"8 glorious weeks of bliss." Diego said and I kicked his chair.


"Hey, just... just drop me off here." Klaus said, sitting up slightly.

Diego pulled up and I looked outside, before sighing. Klaus got out.

"You sure you're okay, man?" Diego asked, but Klaus ignored him and I sat up.

"Of course he's not. He's Klaus." I sighed, getting out of the car.

"Y/N- shit." Diego followed me into the veterans bar.

"Klaus, don't do this to yourself." I said, watching him take a shot, before wondering to the other side of the bar. He looked at a picture frame and I stood next to him.

"Hey, look, it's Dave." He whispered and I put my hand on his shoulder as he pointed out a man. Next to him stood Klaus and a part of me was proud to see Klaus doing something he was committed to, with someone he was committed to. A sob escaped his lips and he leaned against the wall.

"Klaus, come on, little brother." He pulled out a badge and kissed it, before wiping away his tears. Diego stood behind us and I looked at him then at the photograph.

"Just go away, please. Both of you." Klaus said weakly and I noticed some of the other veterans standing up.

"Not until you talk to me." Diego said.

"Is that a threat?" Klaus asked him.

"Are you threatening me?"

"Hey guys," A guy said and I turned to look at him.

"This bar? It's for Vets only."


"He is a vet." I gestured towards Klaus and Diego gave me a weird look. I looked at the man challengingly.

"Real cute, sweetheart. You are, really, but it's time for you to leave." Diego clenched his fists and I put my hand on his arm.

"I am a vet." Klaus said and Diego sighed.

"Really? Where'd you serve?" The guy laughed.

"None of your business." Klaus said.

"You got balls comin' in here and pretending to be one of us." The guy spat and by now, everyone was watching us.

"I have every right to be in here, just like you! Asshole!" Klaus yelled and the man stepped forward.

"Woah, woah, woah! Steady there Marine!" Diego said.

"My brother's just had a few too many. Let's just slow down, okay? Let's call it a day and we'll be on our way."

"Sure thing, as long as you all apologise." The guy said and I rolled my eyes.

"Not a chance in Hell." I scoffed and one of the guys who were playing pool slapped my ass.

"Feisty, but you should just apologise." He smirked and I glared at him.

"Oh, shit. You've done it now." Klaus laughed and the guy looked confused, before I broke his nose with one punch. Klaus head butted the guy who tried to kick us out and a full fight broke out.

"Y/N." Diego wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me out of the way as a guy tried to punch me. I used Diego as a crutch to kick the bastard, knocking him out cold.

"Nice kick." He smirked, letting me go and I rolled my eyes.

"Move." He dodged a hit and a the guy with the broken nose grabbed Klaus. I managed to grab one of the knives from Diego's belt, going over to the struggling pair.

"Let him go." I said lowly and the guy pushed Klaus to the ground.

"You broke my nose, bitch. Give me a reason why I shouldn't break your neck." He growled and I pushed him back against the wall, holding the knife to his throat. The fighting around us stopped.

"Y/N." Diego said in a warning tone and I turned, watching everyone watching me. I turned back to the Marine, looking him in the eye.

"We're going to leave on the condition that my little brother can come back here whenever the Hell he wants. He's a vet just as much as any one of you bastards." I said firmly, noticing the fear in the Marine's eyes.

"He's just got back and you're all kicking him out because he doesn't look like a vet? He's spent 10 months fighting for your damn country whilst you've all been sat here on your asses! You should all be ashamed of yourselves. If I hear that he gets anymore shit from you again, I'll personally kill you."

"Fine." One of the vets said from behind me.

"We were out of line. You three are allowed in here, just not right now." I moved away from the guy, before passing Diego his knife and walking out.

"Y/N wait." Klaus said, both boys coming out after me.

"You didn't have to do that. I didn't want to be part of their stupid club anyway."

"You okay?" Diego asked me and I gave him a small smirk.

"Never better." He laughed slightly.

"Good. You scared the crap out of everyone in there, I've never seen you like that." We reaches the car and all got in.

"It was hot."

"I hate you so much right now." I mumbled.

"He has a point..." Klaus said, pulling out some drugs.

"So what actually happened in there?" Diego asked.

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