《The Infection (COMPLETED)》Chapter 11


He could feel rain drops on his face and body. But that didn't make sense.

The roaring in his ears was battling with the sudden onslaught of screaming in the room.

Someone was pulling him up, and dragging him somewhere, but he was so tired.

The further he was dragged, the more aware he seemed to become.

He was in the hallway, and Niall had him around the arms, dragging him backwards.

It seemed like the emergency sprinklers had been turned on. Everything was drenched.

He could see Zayn and Liam barricading his bedroom door closed with bits of furniture.

Then they were in Simon's infirmary. It seemed to be the only room without sprinklers on the roof.

He was hoisted up onto a bed and then Simons was in front of him looking worried as usual lately.

"You're okay now Lou" he soothed, pressing a padding of white gauze on his ear and another over the hole in his leg.

"What's going on?" Louis asked with a raspy voice.

"I activated the sprinklers. There was residue of the entity on the walls and I was working as fast as I could to find out what is lethal to it. After a few hours the water should draw it from Harry's body and kill it" He said, working on mopping up the blood from around Louis' leg.

Louis' breath hitched in pain.

Simon grimaced. "Louis, you are losing a lot of blood. I need to stitch you up. Keep that gauze over your ear" he instructed, pulling out more medical supplies.

"You are one smart guy!" Niall said, making Louis jump. He hadn't noticed Niall was in the room with them.

Liam and Zayn then swept in, looking concerned and dripping wet.

"He was fighting to get out for a while, but he eventually stopped" Zayn said, rubbing his face.

Liam started handing out towels to everyone.

"I can't believe he bit off Louis' ear!" Niall crowed, trying not to laugh and failing miserably.

Louis grimaced and was about to tell him off when Liam interrupted.

"Do you think you can just give it a rest for five minutes Niall? Do you even remember what went down five minutes ago?!"

Simon was injecting something into Louis' leg at this point, and everything got fuzzier.

Niall sobered up somewhat, shrugging one shoulder guiltily.

He patted Louis on the back in apology. "You know how I get buddy. I don't mean any harm. You know everything he said in there wasn't true right?" he said, gazing into Louis' eyes.


Louis hesitated trying to make sense of what Ni was saying. He eventually nodded, his head flopping back onto the bed.

"I have given him some pain medication while I fix his leg. I think it might be best if you all guard Louis' bedroom door. There are some umbrellas over there" He nodded distractedly to the corner of the room.

Zayn nodded in agreement. "Let's give Simon some room then guys." He ordered. Zayn was the last to leave the room, turning back briefly to look at Louis, "I think when we get Harry out, it will be about time you told us what happened those weeks ago, Lou" He said gently.

Louis nodded again, looking at his hands in his lap.

Simon got to work on Louis' leg, talking quietly.

"I think I will be able to fix your ear easily Lou" He said, and explained some futuristic looking gadget.

"It can replicate the area it is pointed at to some extent. Your ear should look almost the same when it is finished"

Once he was done with his leg, he got to work on Louis' ear. At least an hour later he was wrapping the bandage around his head, then put some butterfly stitches on his neck and side and wrapped him up in bandages.

"Good as new" He said, half joking.

"What am I going to say to them" Louis rasped out for the first time in the hour. The pain medication was wearing off and Louis was beginning to think straight.

"Just tell them the truth this time Lou" He said soothingly. "You will feel so much better when you have."

He checked his computer monitors and announced that Harry should be back to normal by now. He shut off the water and they left the room together, Louis limping heavily.

As they approached, the rest of the team, who had been sitting in the hallway stood up and at a nod from Simon, began moving the barricades away.

They pushed the door open gently and peeked in.

Harry was lying on the floor, unconscious. They lifted him back to the infirmary and left Simon to take a look. He assured them it was nothing serious. He also announced that there were no more traces of the entity.

Within the hour, Harry woke up, claiming to remember everything.

At Harry's insistence they all sat around the kitchen table to discuss what had happened.


Louis was nervous. He knew he would have to tell them deep down, but he thought maybe he would be able to avoid it somehow.

"Are you sure you're alright Harry?" Louis asked, peering at Harry's once again green eyes. He had a large bruise from where Louis had punched him on his jaw.

"Am I okay?!" Harry exclaimed, sitting up straight in his chair in surprise. "I think the question is: are YOU okay?"

"I'm alright" he sighed.

"So, Louis. Are you going to explain why we keep having flashbacks of us being" Liam paused for a moment, searching for the right word, "... horrible to you?"

Louis nodded and took a deep breath. Simon met his eyes from across the table and nodded encouragingly.

"When you all contracted the virus, it changed your behaviour. You were all having mood swings. Uh, whenever anyone came into contact with me, it would just get worse."

"That's why you're so jumpy when anyone touches you!" Niall exclaimed.

Louis nodded sadly.

"It got to the point where you became paranoid that I was trying to betray you. So you all tried to get rid of me for good" Louis trailed off and there was silence.

"Did I really hit you in the face repeatedly?" Zayn asked quietly.


"Was it us that destroyed your bike?" Niall asked.

Louis nodded again.

"So we broke your arm and ribs and basically told you we hated you?" Harry asked, looking like he wished he never knew.

Louis met his eyes. "Yes" He confirmed.

Louis could see it in all the band mate's eyes. They felt terrible. They would never forgive themselves.

"Look guys, I know you weren't yourselves. It's okay, really. I've fixed the bike and I'm all healed up... well you know" he said sheepishly as they all glanced at his battered frame.

"I don't want you to feel guilty. And Simon found the cure before any lasting damage could have been done"

Harry interrupts at this point. "Lou, I think there has been some emotional lasting damage. How will you ever trust us again?" he looked sick. "Especially after what just happened with that entity thing!"

Simon looked around the room. They were all quite miserable looking. "I think" he said slowly, "that time will eventually heal the mental wounds Louis now has. This is just one of those situations that need time" he surmised.

Louis nodded, agreeing.

"Honestly everyone, it's not a huge deal. The last thing I want is to be treated differently. Or you pitying me or tip toeing around my feelings. It's exactly why I didn't want to tell you to begin with. So please don't prove me right. I think that now you all know what went down, it's going to be okay. Just give me time. I promise" he said, trying desperately to cheer them up.

"I should have told you right from the start. It's just taken me a while to get there." He finished, looking slightly relieved. He rubbed his sore throat distractedly after his mini speech.

The room was silent a little more as his team mates attempted to process his words.

Not really seeing any way they could try and fix what happened, they were forced to accept it.

"Alright Lou. We will try and move on from this. But you need to know that you are part of our band. And without you, we wouldn't be complete. You have to believe us. We love you" Harry said, looking embarrassed.

Louis blushed and looked at his feet.

Zayn tipped his chin up so he would meet his eyes.

"We are really sorry for how we behaved Lou. I know!" He went on, when Louis opened his mouth to interrupt. "I know we couldn't control it. But it needs to be said. We would never ever do those things to you in our normal state of mind. So we are sorry that you had to go through it by yourself"

He then gave him a big hug. The rest of the band joined them in a big group cuddle.

"Alright, alright. That's enough guys" Louis laughed. They all separated, and Niall announced that they were all going to grab some nandos.

"we missed you last time" Vert said, nudging Zoom in the side.

Everyone laughed and chattered as they made their way outside.

Louis figured that Simon was right. He did feel a lot better now the rest of the band knew. He would have to take his advice more often.

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