《straight line//Dolan Twins》Pool & finding out


Grayson pov

I put on my shorts & a 'vans off the wall' shirt.

Today, is Haylee's birthday. I think she is hot...but she has a boufriend.

"Ethan,you ready!?"I yelled

"Yeah...meet me in the living room."he said

I sat down & Cameron came by.

"Were are you going?"i asked.

"The mall....were are you going?"she asked.

"To my friends brithday party....can you give me a ride?"i asked


As soon as she said that Ethan hopped down the stairs.

Dustin Pov

I was walking to my pool when I heard a door shut.

Grayson & Ethan came threw the gate.

"Hey...Haylee!"said Ethan.


They hugged me.

"Happy birthday."said Grayson.

"Thanks."i smiled.

The took off their.

"Oh god!"i whipstered to myself

"Oh here." Grayson said handing me a box.

"Thanks Gary."

He dive into the pool,Ethan was already in.

"Haylee!"yelled Leeuh

"Leeuh!"i yelled.

I ran to her.

"I wanna get in the pool."said Leeuh

"K."I said

I pulled off my shorts,shirt & glasses.

"Bombs away!"i yelled.

I did a flip off the diving board.

"Go,Haylee."said Gray.

I swam over to Grayson.

"Can I talk to you & Ethan?"i asked.

"Yeah,sure....Ethan!"he called them over.

I jumped out.

"Follow me."i said pulling them to the living room.

"What?"They asked.

I pulled out my phone & showed them a old pic of me.

"That is Dustin Haynes."said Ethan

"Yes & she is me."i said looking up."

"Really!"said Ethan.

Grayson had this pissed look.

"Why the hell did you lie to us....you...you whore!"

"Im..im sorry."i said as I ran upstairs.

"Wait...come back."said Ethan.

I ran into my bathroom...my dad always keeps razors in here.

"Here gose nothing.."i think to myself. Im 3 weeks clean.

I pushed it to my wrist....

"Stop!"yelled Ethan coming threw the door.

He saw all of them...my old cuts.

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