《Life With Creepypastas》13 ⦻ A Surprise :)
- - - KageKao's P.O.V - - -
I heard a loud knock at my door and quickly opened it up to see Jeffreak there, wearing a suspicious smirk.
"What do you want you smiley bastard," I asked, tilting my head. "Help, Kage. You're the prank lord, aren't you? Why don't you make yourself useful and give me and the guys a hand in torturing the newbie," Jeff replied.
"What? Why?"
"Why not? Isn't going full-blown terrorizing on a newcomer the best way to enjoy it? We set them off the edge enough and they'll probably leave the mansion crying their ass off. Or just die."
Indeed, unleashing the full blown wrath of being a trickster on newcomers is one of the highlights of my time here at Slende-sama's mansion, but I couldn't possibly do that to (Y/N)-san. I liked them, and for once I actually wanted to befriend a newcomer instead of leave their corpse hanging from string on a ceiling.
"I don't feel like it. Leave (Y/N)-sama alone," I told Jeffreak, my mask forming a scowl. Jeff glared at me for a long time before shrugging and stuffing his hands into his hoodie. He then pulled the card he knew I couldn't resist.
"Fine fine, don't help if you don't want. Just know you passed up on us rewarding you three cases of wine..."
My eyes widen and I immediately spring at Jeff, hugging him from behind tightly, "JEFF-SAMA! I'LL HELP YOU PLEASE!!! GIVE IT TO ME!!!"
Jeff chuckled and nodded, lightly tapping my head, "Good, stupid little trickster. I knew you'd give in~"
- - - Your P.O.V - - -
Something's not right with the force and someone is about to fucking do something, I can feel it.
I recalled getting a whole bucket of blood dumped on me earlier and looked around myself, half expecting someone to target me again. Everyone around me seemed to be minding their own business, for now, but I didn't trust them. Especially not the three stupidteers, Jeff and his dumb friends who happen to think humiliating me is funny.
I had taken the time to finish off meeting everyone in the mansion, and at this point I knew who and who not to trust. Fortunately for me, a lot more people here accepted me than hated me.
Speaking of, one of the Creepypastas were now watching me concerned, seeing I was looking all over the place with an alarmed expression. "Are you ok, (Y/N)?" The golden-eyed emo looking killer, Puppeteer asked, stepping up to me. "You seem...tense."
"I'm fine. For now," I respond, slumping my shoulders, "but I feel like some of the other killers are out to get me, you know?"
"I'm assuming Jeff," Puppteer sighed, "he does the same thing to all of us when we were new to the mansion. But once you get through his initial behavior towards you in the beginning, he'll start to leave you alone. He just has trust issues..."
"Yeah and I do too, that's why I'm waiting for him to show up and show out whatever he's planning," I respond. Puppeteer remained quiet for a while before questioning me again, "Can I help you? You know, in case he attacks you or anything?"
I look at him a bit confusedly, wondering why this guy wanted to help me when I've just met him. I wasn't used to this kind of kindness; why can't people in school and in the outside world be this nice? I'm surprisingly being treated better by psychopathic murderers (most of them) than my own classmates at school.
"Yeah, you can help....thanks," I finally answer, nodding my head. Puppeteer seemed relieved that I accepted his offer and stood by me, looking around for anything that seemed off. I was just downright looking out for Jeff.
I see Ticci Toby starling over to the two of us and he glances at me with a strange expression. "(Y-Y/N)? Aren't you a Walker? How come 'General Spaghetti' is let-letting you slack off and no-ot do any training?" He asked, shifting his glance from me to Puppeteer.
"I dunno, you should ask him," I say, "all I can say is I think he wants me to live here for a few days and get used to things before I start working to become a proxy."
"Lucky," Toby said, grinning at me. "When I f-first got here, and when the o-others first got here, he made u-us start right away. I wonder how come I-it's different for you."
"I don't know," I muttered, beginning to feel awkward now that he'd mentioned it. If SlenderMan didn't waste time in starting to train the other proxies when they were new, how come he was being lenient with me? It's not like I was complaining; going from a life of having to go to school everyday straight into a life of having to train every day to be a stealthy murderer would not be easy. If a few days of not having to do anything was what I was getting, then I was accepting it openly. Still, I wonder how come the others didn't get to do the same.
"Hey (Y/N) hey (Y/N)," Toby had shook my arm and I focused back to him, "What is it Toby."
"Why're you hanging with Puppeteer. He d-didn't force you to, did he?"
Puppeteer turned to Toby and scowled, "What's that supposed to mean??"
"You kn-know, with you being lonely all the time and such, I half would've expected you to kidnap the n-new kid torturing them until they became y-your friend on tha spot," Toby mused. Puppeteer frowned, unamused, "I stopped doing that after we got Nina. She wanted to be tortured. Made it weird..."
I give him a questionable stare and shake my head, "Look, Puppeteer said he was gonna help me out in avoiding anything Jeff has planned against me so I let him. There was no torture..or anything."
Toby smiles and shrugged his shoulders, "Just m-making sure. Carry on with wh-whatever you guys were doing."
The Proxy then left, lazily swinging his hatchet around in hand.
I glare back over at Puppeteer, and he glares at me. "What?"
- - - KageKao - - -
I approach The Walker who was down staring at the TV, alongside some other friends. Puppeteer sees me coming to them and gets defensive for some reason.
"No pranks, KageKao. Leave the newbie alone," He warned, his eyes glowing at me. "I only stepped in here for two seconds, calm down!" I sneered, crossing my arms. "How do you know if this is a prank or not?"
"You always target new people!"
"I mean, I've been here for a little more than a day and he hasn't done anything yet. In fact, I think we get along," (Y/N) spoke up casually, not looking away from the TV. I grin and dash over to them, happy to see my new friend but at the same time I felt bad because I really did have something like a prank in store for them...
A horrible, unforgivable one...
"Thanks (Y/N)-sama, I'm glad you say that. By the way, I'm still confused about earlier. You know about you running away?"
(Y/N)'s eyes slowly turned to me and they seemed a little less laid back. The other killers who were watching TV also looked at me, then at (Y/N) with curiosity at what I said.
"You tried to run? Are you crazy?" Zero-chan gasped, with widened eyes. "You really want to leave us?" Sally murmured sadly. "Why would you mention that out loud?!" (Y/N) snapped at me, looking embarrassed.
I grinned and shrugged, folding my hands behind my head, "Why not? Now everyone'll keep an eye on you so don't go running off on us, kekekekekekeke!"
(Y/N) didn't laugh though, they looked pissed at me for sharing their business. "Come on (Y/N)-san, you know I didn't mean any harm. Hey guess what, I know how to make things better! A surprise! Kekeke!"
"Surprise?" (Y/N) raised an eyebrow. "Hai hai! I have something that I want to show you, if you come with me, you'll get to see it~!"
(Y/N) looked uncertain before slowly standing up from the couch. "Alright then...if you say so—"
"Stop," Puppteer also stood up, placing his hands before (Y/N) before they could come to me. "You don't trust KageKao, he's a menace. His surprise will likely and literally blow up in your face. Don't listen to him."
My mask formed a frown and I scowled at Puppeteer, "As if you know what the surprise is! (Y/N) is my friend, they even hung out with me and Former-kun the rest of the day they came! I don't want to hurt them..."
- - - (Y/N) - - -
The fact that I was already nervous of Jeff The Killer raining hell on me made it harder for me to trust KageKao. I know were friends and all before, but for all I know he could've been sent to target me by Jeff.
Good on Puppeteer for trying to help me out though, because I was just about to go off with Kage despite my suspicions.
"(Y/N)-kun/chan, we're friends, right?" KageKao asked quietly. "You can trust me, right?"
"Sure....maybe....sometimes...." I respond awkwardly. "What exactly is the 'surprise' you're trying to show me..."
"Well it wouldn't be a surprise if I told you what it was, now would it? Kekekeke!"
"You know, if you want to see what it is, I'll go with you," Puppeteer whispered to me. "That'll work," I whisper back, then I focus back on KageKao. "Alright Kage, you can show me if Puppeteer gets to come."
"Fine by me! Follow me!"
The trickster darted away from of the two of us for the steps, and me and Puppeteer slowly followed behind him. Once we reached the top, KageKao was opening the door to his room and he paused, waiting for us to get closer.
"ISOGU!! Hurry up!" KageKao shouted at us, and he quickly disappeared into his room.
Coming to the door frame, I look inside Kage's room and see that the whole place is dark. "I'll go in first," Puppeteer told me, stepping forwards, "something might fall over you if you go in..."
I nod and watch as the killer walked into the room ahead of me, disappearing into the darkness. Apparently nothing happened, so I quickly walked in myself.
As soon as I stepped in, i could see only the face of KageKao's mask within the darkness, a very unsettling smirk upon it. "Welcome to your surprise, (Y/N)-sama," He snickered lowly.
Just then, candle lights were lit up from all around the room and I see the faces of other people in here, all smiling darkly at me. I recognize Jeff being one of the people holding candles, of fucking course, and the others were the off-brand Link and the eyeless cannibal. I didn't really care about who they were because I was more interested on finding out what was going on and how they were going to humiliate me this time.
"What the hells going on KageKao," Puppeteer asked, looking around at the others holding candles. "It's the surprise!" KageKao snickered, "for (Y/N)-sama, kekekeke."
"Kid wants to become like us, right?" Jeff spoke, stepping up beside KageKao, "well, how do we know you're really up for the dangers of being a Creepypasta? For all we know, you could just end up being a weak link..."
"You know, I didn't ask to come here. Slenders kidnapped me, how many times do I have to say it?" I growled, "BEN should know for sure, he's the one that hacked my stuff at home and taunted me when Slenders showed up."
"Don't worry, I told Jeff that already. Guess what? He still doesn't give a shit," BEN responded, shrugging his shoulders.
"We're going to treat this like an initiation. You pass, you get to stay here and we'll leave you alone. You fail, you become prey," Jeff stated, slowly striding up to me. "Also, don't worry about Slender needing you. You're very replaceable, trust me."
Before I could say anything, Puppeteer shook his head and pushes me backwards, "Leave my friend alone...If you try anything, I'll tell Slender."
I notice EJ moving to the door and shutting it behind us so we couldn't leave. He muttered something under his breath as he looked at me. Clearly, he's still pissed at me for nearly breaking his arm.
I look to KageKao and tilt my head. "Some friends we are, huh? Why backstab me?"
"Why would Kage actually befriend a new person. Obviously it was just ruse to get you to trust him so he could drop you later on," Jeff sighed. "Listen. We're people that kill clueless outsiders like you that don't belong here. You didn't have a hard life ever, did you? You had everything easy, and you just got lucky Slender picked you out of the blue to come here. You've never murdered a person in your life! Why should we accept you when you're just like any other random person walking outside these woods?"
I glared at him dead in the eyes, "I dunno Jeff, what exactly do you want me to say? I didn't ask to come here, it just happened, and I accepted it. Now you're all going on like I asked for this life. Although I don't know what makes you the boss of what happens to me, have fun trying to prove that I'm 'nothing like you'."
They all remained quiet for a bit after that, but then Jeff scoffed and spoke again, "There are so many reasons as to why you're not. And what happens to you here will just prove it!"
KageKao then chuckles and pulls out a remote looking controller. He presses the button on the remote and a trap door in the center of his room opens up, leading into even more darkness. I stare into the empty space worriedly wondering what was in there.
At the same time, I was wondering how the did this guy have a trapdoor in his freaking bedroom.
"Sorry Puppeteer, but you can't go with the newbie. It's a one man job," BEN said, tugging at his arm. "What exactly are you forcing them to do??" Puppeteer questioned, pulling away from BEN. "Uh, why do you care?" jeff asked, "You were just trying to follow them around and be friendly because you thought they'd be your friend in the end, when we all know that wasn't going to happen," KageKao said. "You scare everyone away, kekeke."
Puppeteer looked at me, then looked down and mutters quietly, "well it didn't hurt to try...."
If I had known before he had wanted to help me out because he wanted a friend, I would've been glad to be that friend. But you know, here we are now where I have bigger things to worry about.
I try sneaking away but EJ pushed me back to the trap door. "You're not going anywhere else but down, Walker," He hissed. "Is it hell?" I asked tiredly. "You'll wish," Jeff chuckled. He then grabbed my arm and tossed me into the empty space.
As I fell the last thing I heard was Puppeteer screaming my name and the others just laughing.
- - - KageKao - - -
As I watched (Y/N)-sama get thrown beneath the mansion by Jeffreak, I realized that I hate myself.
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