《Konoha Founders X Reader》Scenario: He turns into a Neko



The clan head wanted you to go and deliver some paperwork Hashi gave him. But when you entered the Hokages room you saw Hashirama with cat ears and a swooshing tail.

"Uhm, Hashi? What happened?" You asked.

"Hm? Oh! (N/n)! I wanted to help Tobirama with a Jutsu and he did something and something then it happened but I'm okay!" He said with a bright smile.

If he wasn't your Husband you would just shrug it off but he is so now you have to worry about a lot.

"Hashi let's go home I don't want any important people to think you are messing around with them at meetings" You say like the professional you are.

He happily gets up and starts walking towards the door. In all honesty he doesn't want to work at all. He just wants to have you pet him and tell him sweet nothings.

That would make is heart Pump!


"Love, wake up" you say sweetly.

Madara stirs from his perverted dream of you in-(I'm going to stop right there)-anyways he wakes up from his 'awesome' dream and looks at you.

"What (___)?" He asks. He wants to go to sleep. After all you 2 didnt go to bed till late so its understandable.

"You have grown Cat ears and a Tail" You say, calmly.

Madara being the hot head he sprints out of bed and goes into the bathroom to make sure you aren't lying.

You chuckle at this and change into a comfortable yukuta (that is Madaras).

He comes out blushing and Pouting which only makes him look cuter.

"Not to worry Love, you can call off today I'm sure Izuna would like to do something other than training" You say.

He only grunts and hugs you.


"(Y/n)-Senpai! Tobirama-kun has been badly wounded!" Naomi yells from across the room.


Your eyes widened and you immediately go to the hospital room they put Tobirama in.

Once you found him the nurses told you that he was hit by some jutsu. You could only nod and you sit down next to his bed.

When Tobi woke up he felt his head heavy and his Butt felt weird.

You took notice of this and literally went into Neko attack mode.

Basically you attacked Tobi and started petting and scratching his head.


"(Name)! The Uchiha head is calling you!" One of the children says.

You look up from teaching your younger cousins horribly hand signals to the door.

When you made eye contact with Madara he signaled you to come with him and you obliged.

"Wait what happened to Izuna? Why does he look so cute like that? Did Tobirama do this?" You bombard the Clan head with questions.

"Izuna was used as a Guinea pig for Tobirama and Tobirama messed up on the Jutsu" Madara explains.

While said man was talking Izuna was destroying everything.

"Oi! If you break that no kisses for a month!" You yell.

Izuna looks over at you and pouts.

"Izuna! Cuddles now" you say.

Madara had already left for another meeting with the People from the Mist and Suna.

560 Words

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