《Grand Duke Cajarte》Chapter 16


Grand Duchess Madelaine Cajarte

"You've been going out a lot, Madam," a maid worriedly asked me while brushing my long hair.

"It's fine. I plan to see a musical play today." I chose a light scent perfume spray on my clothes. The usual get-up, wearing black cloak for me not to attract gazes.

After so much work piling up. I finally put an end to my own battle. Naturally it will only take me a few days to finish my duties. Hence, the Grand Duke wasn't still here. Of course, all of his responsibilities will be handled over to me.

Because of his absentee, my head was aching to the point that I've thought I'm currently experiencing migraine. Don't I deserve some rest? Not only I manage the other lands but I've been also tracking the changes in Persian, continuously improving their environment.

"Very well. I hope you enjoy your time." she bowed her head with the others. The remaining knights in the manor followed me. They were assigned by the Grand Duke to guard the mansion instead taking part in the war.

I must compliment them. The Grand Duke left highly ranked knights with excellent skills. When I asked for them to hid their presence since, it was uncomfortable for me to be surrounded by a group of men. They instantly understood me and decided to tail my shadow.

"Yes, I will."

If other people will look at me on the outside. They will be thinking that a mere young lady is straying along with her one maid, unescorted by the soldiers. Yet, despite their knowledge. There are numerous of knights were watching us while tagging along with me.

I rode the carriage they prepared. We travel by then to the famous theater in the city. It was a place filled with lively orchestra. Expecting to be able to watch the most awaited love story.

The structure building was marvelous. Designed that will appear like a small castle. It was more astonishing when I walk inside. I chose to sat above, where I can see all the guest from below. Gold terrace and red curtain made the butterflies in my stomach wild.

Quite the aura of vintage. Whenever I look around, there are portraits of famous musicians hanging on the wall. The chandelier is classy, so much light coming from the candles. I'm regretting that I didn't brought something to eat with me.

"Oh my, Grand Duchess Madelaine. I never knew that you will be here? It seems that, the destiny is with us."

And when everything starts to become good for me. He then, appear beside me like he predicted that I will be here. I was forced to stand up from being comfortable on my chair and bow my head with courtesy.

"Greetings Crown Prince, may the Arello flourish with your reign. Indeed, our fates must be intertwined."

He looked at me with amusement in his eyes and I retaliate back without humor. "Why so formal? Even though, we've done something deeper than that."


I tried my best not to shot him with glares. Hoping that he would be mindful with his usage of words. Not to be mention, his soldiers were just one step behind from his back and was cautiously guarding him. Listening to our conversation that may cause misunderstanding and will lead to another rumor.

Yet, that's new. He didn't escape them for I almost laugh at him. Perhaps, they've become stricter in keeping an eye to this persistent young man.

"May I sit beside you? If you don't mind?"

"Your Royal Highness, the seat is all yours," I plastered a smiled and behind those were a sarcastic. I was about to look for another location where a person wouldn't bother me with my enjoyable time. If only his knights didn't block my path at his signal. I turned to him full of questions, he was smirking.

"Now then, you're welcome to sit beside me."

How did the tables turn? When I got here first? Asking me to feel honored that I get to stay with him. I wanted to raise my brow but that would be rude of me. Surprisingly, he didn't wear a cloak to hide his identity. He is handsomely showing to everyone his status. This is why, as much as possible I need to keep my manners.

Because of him, displaying his crest that was enough to prove him a royal. I will have to keep my eyes straight with my hands intact. I can feel some aristocrats inside the theater are gazing at us. And I'm scared that I would be critic for it will tarnish our family name.

The stage begins to dim and the musical instruments was a signal for the show to start. With his tight security, I don't have a choice but to follow him. I sighed, like the world was against me.

"You hate me that much?" he whispered.

"Shh," I talk back at him. Of course, I made sure that no third-party notice of the glimpse abruptness. As the spotlight follows a man that suddenly appeared on the platform and introduce his self as Romeo from the Montague Family.

Goodness! I'm feeling hyped just from the first scene. Then, the story flows naturally until my tears starts to pool around my eyes. I covered my mouth, forbidding myself to sniff.

Their talent for acting was an art. I can feel the emotions of Juliet, the female lead was weeping for the man of she loves was at the verge of dying.

The Crown Prince beside me with his elbow place on the hand rest of the chair and the back of his palm assists his hefty head as he groan. I guess he was bored from the way he yawns. "What's so nice about this?"

I glance at him. However, I immediately look away and focus on the stage. Pretending that I didn't hear him. Let's just claim that his existence was not here.

"After the show, where is your next destination?"

"Perhaps to a library?"


"Then, do you want to visit the Royal Library?"

I blink twice. The Royal Library was only access to those people who are pure blood descendants. Thus, he has the great power for me to be able to go inside. With that, many history books will overflow. Surely, it's a feast for myself.

From the dim, I can obviously see that he was grinning wide reaching to his ears. "If you only do of what I'll request."

"Never mind that." It was a good chance though, yet risky. No one knew what might run into his head and I'm not buying his opportunity.

Then the day goes on, with him following me around and his guards until in a common bookshop. He didn't leave me alone and just like a foolish dog wagging his tail, smiling as he tease me around.

"Are you sure, you don't want to take my offer?"

I pick up a nice ancient book and quickly flip the pages to scan the inside. "That's a very kind of you however, I'll have to decline it."

"You amuse me."

A sigh came out from my mouth and I secretly rolled my eyes. I tried to walk for another section of bookshelves, to slightly escape from his pester. Yet, he didn't let his nailed gazes off to my every move.

"Oh, this was the book that became famous. It was about the rebellion of the people, opposing the government."

That got my attention. I came closer to him and peek at the title he was reading. "May I take a look?"

"Sure. It's a worth to read."

"Quite interesting," I stated as I read the first page. Then, on to the second one. I didn't mind that my toes are aching because of the heels that I'm wearing nor my neck turning numb for the longest time of being downcast.

"Aren't you not going to buy it?"

"Hmm?" When I look up and met his stares. I failed to notice that he was still waiting here with me, standing together while I'm too absorb on the book. "Forgive me, I got hooked."

He chuckled. "I understand."

My urges pulled me back to the story and I continue to read. I let the paragraphs tempt me until to the last words of page twenty-four, I heard the man cleared his throat and saw his shoes that was still in front of me. Oh my, I got engrossed again.

"Are you just going to stay here?"

I look at him and gave him a playful smile. "Pardon me Your Royal Highness, your presence is a disturbance."

And I tried, really hard for me to respect him because of the difference of our status. Yet, we must understand that some people might snap and may speak harsh words. Nevertheless, I was supposed to have a leisurely of time.

He looked at me with disbelief in his eyes. "I found that book first though. Why are you ignoring me?"

The knights that was on duty to guard him restrained their secretly laugh behind their master's back. When the Crown Prince turned around, the soldiers went their stiff face back. He might throwed them a glare as the knights slightly took a step backward.

When my eyes roamed around the area, outside of the window where the clouds have grown orange and the flock of birds flying in the red sky made me realize something. "It's almost supper. I must leave now."


"Yes. Is there a problem?" I tilt my head. Waiting for his reasonable reply.

His lips pressed into thin line before shaking his head. "Well then, we shall escort you to your manor."

"No, it's alright," I quickly decline him with polite. I just can't let the son of the Emperor to accompany me back home. What will the other aristocrats might say? They will surely judge us for a single concern scenario. Furthermore, a negative rumor will hastily spread that the next ruler is tangled to a woman that is already married.

"No, my lady. We insist," he pursue. To the point it feels like were having a tug-of-war.

"We should- "

"Are you defying me?"

I shut my mouth when he used an authoritative tone to me. The moment I heard his cold voice, I felt belittle and tremble. It was a presence against the future ruler. Though, it wasn't as frightening like my husband but it was enough for me to make me agree.

All I want was to relax myself and enjoy. How did I end up in the same carriage with the Crown Prince? Goodness, I want to slap my forehead.

Since it has the royal crest attach to the vehicle, the symbol of his family name. We were easily got passed at the exit gate of the town. Not needing to join the long line of other transportation that will also leave.

The coachman instantly made the horses to halt in front of our mansion. The Crown Prince swiftly offer his hand, wearing a black glove to assist me in stepping down. He carefully held me as I watch my sleek heels touch the stairs.

A maid coming out and saw us in the pathway. It seems she was busy and only came out to do what she was told. Thus, that's explain why her surprise. "Madam, you're home early?"

"Yes. But, what's with the ruckus?" I ask. From here, their panics can reach to my ears. Jackson's quivering old voice is shouting with nonstop orders to the servants.

"I heard that the Grand Duke is coming home. So, were cleaning," she grimaced when the maids came out with bag of laundry at her back and started to gossips without noticing us.

I understand that the mountain of cloths that block their sight was a hindrance for them to mind us. They chatter loudly while walking that I felt embarrass to the Crown Prince beside me when he heard all of it. He glanced at me worriedly.

"Is it true that His Excellency bought a concubine?

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