《ONLY YOURS (#2)》Chapter 10


Shravan's pov

"You bastard.. How dare you.-" She stopped her roaring abruptly, as if some sought of realisation hit her.

But why did she slapped me.?

That too such a hard one.?

Here I thought to help her from that bastard, but this girl is bashing on me without any purpose. I shouldn't have stopped by her.

' This is why I always says, listen to Fai. Stop showing of your big heart. This is what you get in return. '

There poked my subconscious. Who always keep siding my little brother. In another word, his die hard fan.

But everyone isn't like this girl.

Ahh.. My cheek..it hurts.

" You.. You.. Where is your beard? Where is your tattoo? When did you change your dress? And.. And what happened to your hair? " she shooted me with so many questions, where on the other side, I was thinking how does she know me?

When did I keep beard? I hate keeping beard.

' Lol.. That thing pricks. And tattoo? Seriously? That's out of your league Shri. '

Yeah.. But what's she talking about? My hairstyle, what happened to it? I love keeping my hair gelled partly. And about changing dress,when did she saw me in another dress for that?

I'm seeing her for the first time. But this girl is behaving like, I'm one of her long lost boyfriend.

She was continuously checking me from head to toe. She almost snapped my neck to left and right in her inspection.

"Shivaay.. What happened to you? Why do you look like a sweet little boy? " She almost screamed looking at me with wide eyes.

What the hell is wrong with this girl?

Sweet little boy? Seriously?

But.. Wait.. What did she say?

" Shivaay? " I whispered looking at her as amusement flashed over my face.

Now I got it. She misunderstood me as Fai. And the real deserver of this slap is him, really?

' Shri.. Don't forget, that was a damn hard slap. '

Yeah.. That's true. It still stings over there.

But why does she wants to slap him. What did he do for getting slapped. That too from a girl. Girls always used to stick around him like bees.

' I must say, she do got some good nerves to pull that stunt over him. '

Yeah.. Just a mere thought of Fai getting slapped by her and his next action is giving me chills.

' Oh terii.. No no.. Don't think about it, why do you want to see this girl dead.. That too such a princess. '

Princess? Yeah.. Crazy princess with an extra bone and nerve.

" Oyeee.. Now did you become deaf too. Answer me dammit. "

I came out of my trance by her shout.

Damn lady, stop shouting.

" Hmm.. Miss, I think you misunderstood me as someone else. " I said to her as politely as I can.

Because right now I just want her to be calm. Or else I will be awarded with another slap.

" What!? You.. You are Shivaay right? That rude, angry, grumpy vampire? " she again asked me, or rather was assuring herself that I'm Shivaay.

Vampire.!? When on earth did my brother turned into a vampire?

" See, listen to me, I'm not Shivaay, you must have a misunderstood me as someone else. " I again tried, but she seems to be in her Shivaay's inspection world.

God..! This girl is super crazy.

Author's pov

Amaya was really confused now. She was keenly observing the doppelganger of Shivaay, that's what Shravan is according to her.


' Ammu.. Do you really think it's our grumpy vampire? '

' Why not he looks exactly like him. '

' No.. Just look at his physique, and this guy doesn't have that damn sharp jawline. '

' Yeah.. Shivaay's physique is much builted than this guy. '

' And the top evidence.. Look at his nature idiot. This guy has a sweet aura around him. Not that intense gaze. And think you dumb head, if this was Shivaay, then by now he would have slashed your neck by his invisible fangs for slapping him. '

' Right. But how on earth people can look same? '

Amaya was battling with her own mind that she forget a person is staring at her and having fun at her each expressions. Yeah, that's true, Shravan was looking at her and her each expressions which he found interesting.

' This girl is something. How can someone be so cute and wild at the same time. '

" Mean.. Means you are not that grumpy vampire.. I mean Shivaay Hooda? " She asked the same question.

' Shri.. If she comes to know that you are Fai's brother, she may roast you alive and will refuse to take your help. Let's play a small confusion game. '

Shravan thought with a smile as he nodded his head as no.

" Then who are you? And why I feels that you look like him except few features, I agree. " Amaya asked him pointing out her doubt.

" So first off all, I'm Shravan, or you can call me Shri. A wildlife photographer. And I was in Africa and is on the way back to my home. Secondly, why I have the facial features like that rude vampire, according to you. I don't know. Maybe, I'm a look alike of him. " Shravan said shrugging out.

" Look alike, seriously? " Amaya said in disbelief.

" Yeah.. Haven't you heard that, there will be seven people who looks same. " Shravan said casually not giving her any hint to know who he actually is.

" So you mean to say, there are remaining four of them with the same face waiting for me to meet ? " Amaya said pointing his face.

" Four? There will be five right, you are really weak in maths I guess. " Shravan said with a slight teasing.

" Oyee.. I'm good at maths. I already saw two faces today. You are the third one. " Amaya said him which made him frown.

" Two faces? "

" Yeah.. The great Sidharth Hooda. Shivaay's Ppa. Both of them looks like a photocopy. Even that intense walk." Amaya said in a dramatic way to which Shri couldn't stop his chuckle.

' She even met papa. How? '

" Fine.. You didn't tell me your name? Miss? " Shravan asked her stretching out his hand for a shake.

Amaya looked at the stretched hand and again at Shravan, who was standing there with a sweet smile. His eyes dangled out of genuine.

" Amaya.. Amaya Mittal. " She too shaked her hands.

" Umm.. If you are comfortable, I can drop you by my way. It's getting dark and I don't think so that you will get a cab from this isolated road. " Shravan politely offered her a drive.

Amaya looked at him for a good minutes, and again ran her eyes at the isolated road.

' Come on Ammu. He is not that vampire. You can trust him. And you have to. Or else you will have to spend your whole night here. In this isolated road. '


Amaya's subconscious is much more intelligent than her I think. Because she pokes at the right time. Haha!

" Umm.. Okay. " Amaya nodded and Shravan happily opened the door for her.

Taking the driving seat, Shravan initiated the engine.

On the other side, Shivaay drove back to the cafe where he just dropped our Zane baba, before the encounter with our Jhansi Rani. Parking the car, he walked into the cafe. Before entering in, he took out his phone and dialed a number. Within seconds the call was answered.

" Is the work done? "

" Yes sir, I dropped her."

Not even caring to give a reply, he just disconnected it and walked forward with a neutral face.

' Why do you even care Fai? You, you are unpredictable. Few minutes before you just left her in that isolated place, and you yourself send a car to drop her back? You are crazy. '

His subconscious literally roared at him.

Why not.!? This guy is really weird.

' I don't care or give a fuck about her. My intention is not to hurt her, if I wanted, I would have strangled her at my office itself for taking out the topic of my mama - No Shivaay, she will always remains as Mrs. Hooda for you. That's it. And about Amaya, I just wanted to scare her a bit, so that she stops coming in my ways again and again. '

' But why only her - '

' Shut up.! '

Shutting up his subconscious mind from the weird questions he stood by the entry of the cafe.

Standing at the doorway he gazed around only to find Zane sitting with a girl.

' This guy never leaves a single chance.'

Shivaay sighed out seeing his best friend's extraordinary skills. Hehe!

He walked up-to them and pulled Zane's collar from behind and made him stand straight.

" Hey.. Hey.. What the.. " He started shouting, but stopped abruptly as he realized it's the great Shivaay Hooda himself.

" Fai.. My brother. Finally you remembered that you just left your other half here. " He said dramatically hugging Shivaay which of course made him groan out of annoyance.

" I have seen you somewhere. " A female voice caught Shivaay's attention.

" Of course you have. He just came here half an hour before. " Zane said in a boring tone earning a glare from her.

" I don't remember meeting you before. " Shivaay said in a monotone voice.

" Shravan.? " she asked doubtedly.

' Shravan? I don't think so. This guy look so aggressive and on top of that, he looks like a business man. ' The girl thought.

That name caught both Shivaay's and Zane's ears.

" Hoyee.. How do you know our sweet Prince Charming? " Zane asked her narrowing his eyes.

" Are you kidding me? He's one of the top 5 wildlife photographers. I don't know him personally, but I have read all his wildlife articles and have seen his interviews and blogs too. " she said in a quiet obvious tone making Zane mum.

" I'm not Shravan. I'm Shivaay Hooda. His brother." Shivaay said to her, because he doesn't want to make her confuse more.

" Huh.! A twin brother? OMG.! Are you really " The Shivaay Hooda ", CEO of 'F music label'? " She asked in an unbelievable state. Not to forget about the aircoating while taking his name.

Shivaay rubbed his forehead irritatingly,

Why not.! One is along with him since years, and here comes another enthusiastic creature. And don't know, how many of these types of people are gonna enter in his life.

Keep all of them away from this walking volcano. Ameen..!

" Are you really him or you are just fooling me? " she asked him again.

"Are you deaf or now do you need a fucking birth certificate. " he growled at her making her flinch a bit.

' He's definitely not Shravan. ' she thought, but still something about him bothered her too much.

" But.. Wait a second. Where is our Ayama.. I mean Amaya. The sack which was hanging on your shoulder." Zane asked with a frown which momentarily turned into a shock.

" I dropped her in a place where she can think peacefully and walk out of my way. " Shivaay said with a smirk lingering on his lips, which made Zane to look at him in terror.

" WHATT!!? " he almost screamed taking everyone's attention in the cafe.

" Shut up mahn.. " Shivaay too shouted at him.

" Both of you just shut up. We are in a public place. " From nowhere, a female shout took Shivaay's attention.

Shivaay tilted his head towards the girl who is standing there and looking at both of them momentarily.

' For the first time I'm seeing a sensible girl with Zane. ' Shivaay's inner conscious mumbled out of shock making Shivaay to roll his eyes.

" Who are you to shut me up, that too in my cafe ? " Shivaay asked her raising his eyebrows.

' Don't tell me he owns this cafe. ' the girl thought in her mind.

' No Shit, Sherlock! He looks like a freaking millionaire, obviously he can buy this whole block if he wants. ' her conscious tried to knock some sense within her.

But she soon composed herself and looked back at him, ready to retord back.

" This cafe might be yours, but the ears of those who are sitting here isn't yours. So please lower your voice, or come out and talk. " She said in a calm tone gesturing them to come out of the cafe with her.

But here our grumpy vampire is going on glaring at her, as he was annoyed by this girl, specially that she is literally ordering him. Because, in his life, there's only three people who can order him or make him listen.

" Come Fai. Let's talk from the parking. Come. " Zane literally dragged him out of the cafe.

Reaching the parking lot, Zane bombarded him with several questions.

" Fai.. Where did you take Ayama.. Arghh.. I mean Amaya. You didn't break her hands or legs right? Or did you strangled her there itself? Oh my Allah.. Tell me something you hulk. "

" Yeah.. Tell me, where's Ammu? Where did you take her? Is she fine.? "

The girl too shooted him with questions.

" Now who is this new headache, Ammu? " Zane asked scratching his head like a kid.

" The same headache which was hanging on his shoulder. That's her nickname." She said, as sarcasm dripped down from her words.

" Huh..? You mean Ayama.? Hayee.. I mean Amaya. "

Zane asked in an irritated way, because he's having problem with pronouncing her name. Haha.!

" Yeah. " She nodded making Zane's face to go in an 'o' shape.

" First of all tell me, who are you to question me? " Shivaay asked to the girl as he crossed his arms around his chest.

" I'm Sriti. Sriti Nair. Amaya's friend. Now tell me, where is she, is she fine? "Sriti asked him worriedly.

" She's fine. Will be in her home soon. And, you said you are her friend right. "Shivaay asked and Sriti nodded at him.

" Give her some free advices that, to stay away from me. Tell her not to appear infront me ever again... And, one more thing. If I start hating someone, they won't be able to survive for a long time. And I'm sure that, even though your friend is a strong headed girl, still, she is not that strong to bear my madness. "

Leaving a puzzled Sriti, Shivaay walked out from there. Zane just nodded at Sriti and walked along with Shivaay.

" Why does his face seems so familiar. Where have I seen him before.? Think Sriti.. Arghh.. Shravan's face is okay, I have seen his pictures and interviews, but this guy. "

Sriti was constantly trying to retrieve that where she had seen their faces before. But alas.. It's always like that right. When we wanted to remember something important, it gets fading again and again.

One thing was crystal clear for her, that's, if Amaya decided to cross her path across him, there might be two choices for her. Maybe the best, or, maybe the worst.

Amaya's pov

" So yeah.. It's how I ended up in that place. Can you believe it. How heartless that grumpy vampire is. "

" Oh.. That's disgusting. " Shravan said, after hearing the whole story of mine and Shivaay's encounter.

" See, you also felt it. Then think about my state of mind. " I said looking out of the window as that vampire's face came into my mind.

" See Amaya, from your side of story I can easily recognize that, he is a really short tempered guy. Talking to such people is like walking through a narrow bridge. And here, in your each encounter with him seems like a disaster. " He said in a calm tone.

" Finally, you are also siding him. Why am I being blamed all the time.? " I asked him in annoyance.

" Amaya, don't take me wrong. I'm neither siding him nor accusing you. Just stating facts. That's it. " he said with that sweet smile.

" You are too sweet by the way. " I said to him with a chuckle.

" Thanks for the compliment. So, you are the first girl to be genuine with me while talking. Everytime when my chachi brings those showcase doll like girls, who is just behind my identity, it really irked me. "

He said making faces and I laughed wholeheartedly when he mentioned those makeup kits as showcased dolls.

" So.. Will you be my friend? " he asked me with the same smile. I could only see loyalty and honesty in his words as well as his eyes.

" Friends. " I shook my hands with him returning the same smile.

" Then, let's visit my home. You can meet my family and what if I say that, they might help you out of the clutches of that grumpy vampire. " he said to me without leaving that playfullness in his voice.

" No no.. I can't come over your place. What will they think of me. No.. I'm not gonna come. " I said totally disinterested with his idea.

" No way.. You are coming. Now this car will only stop at my house. " he said with a laugh totally enjoying my state.

" How mean.. "

I sat there with my puffed up face, but still, this guy is sweet.

' Yeah.. Just like a Prince Charming. '

My innerconcious sighed out with those dreamy eyes. I rolled my eyes at her. One thing I got to know that he is a very calm person.

' Of course, but you are allergic to those types right? You can't live your life without some problems like that grumpy blood. Isn't it? '

Again she mocked me. Why does she have to pop up all the time.

After 15 minutes, finally he halted infront of a mansion.

' Hooda Mansion? Ammu, I think we have been here before. But - holy crap. It's that vampire's house. The same house where we created an interesting movie. What are we doing here? '

The thought of that day and the view infront of me almost drained out the whole blood in my body.

What the fucking hell..!!

I looked at Shravan out of shock, whereas he was looking at me with the same genuine smile. But this time there was a teasing on his face.

" What are we doing here? " I asked him looking the mansion and him simultaneously.

" I told you, I want you to meet with my family. So here we are. " he said shrugging off his shoulder.

' Oh my Holy pool.. How comes this is his home. This is though our vampire's home right? Then - wait.. Ammu, who the hell is he? '

" Who.. Who are you? " I asked him with a deep frown.

" Shravan... Shravan Siddharth Hooda. Son of Siddharth Hooda. And the guy about whom you where giving a list of beautiful words is non other than my twin little brother. Shivaay Siddharth Hooda. " he said as if he is enjoying my saucer like face out of shock.

' Crap! Ammu, let me look for a place for our grave. '

" Twin.? " I whispered out and he nodded with a smile.

" You were fooling me? " I asked him, clearly accusing him.

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