《Billionaire's Baby ✓》Chapter Sixteen


Four months passed and Srishti was more than happy in these months because she had Greta and Zevah by her side always. Unfortunately for her, Sahil was staying home, the reason of which is still unknown to her but he hadn't made his presence too known even though he was living with her.

The one thing that made her guilty was avoiding Aditya. He used to visit the mansion quite often but every time she would see him, she would either avert her eyes or leave the room.

It wasn't as if he tried talking to her as well. He kept his distance from her and she did the same, although unwillingly.

She tried to concentrate only on herself and the baby and it was successful to quite extent. A small yet visible bump was seen now that she was 17 weeks pregnant and when Zevah had seen it she couldn't stop gushing over it.

It felt like the tiny being inside her had already wrapped everyone around her/his pinky figure except the father of course because she doubted it he had even noticed the bump.

"Srishti, let's go we'll get late for the yoga classes." Greta called out and Srishti sighed shutting her book and looking up. She remembered how Sahil had ordered to get a yoga instructor at the mansion itself but she had refused because she wanted to go out and know other mothers as well. It would be refreshing and after arguing alot he had agreed. Right now, she had been too drowned in the book to notice the time.

She was reading a book named 'How to stop worrying and start living' and it was intriguing. Although she found all books interesting because why not, she was a book lover and every time she started one she wouldn't be able to stop.

"Coming Greta." She replied and carefully got up keeping a hand on her belly.

In these past months she had refused Greta to help her in everything because she couldn't be dependent on anyone. She didn't want anyone supporting her atleast physically in every step she took because she knew she had to leave and then it would be difficult for her in the future.

So as much as she could, she did all her work by herself and where she couldn't, Greta would come into the picture.

Just as she reached near the door she found Sahil standing there. She looked at him and he did the same. Slowly his eyes travelled downwards and he stared at the slight bump. Srishti noticed this and realised that she had been wrong. He did notice it before but didn't show it.


Another thing she had understood was, Sahil deliberately avoided showcasing his emotions or rather he was fine with keeping his emotions in check. He was always cold, expressionless and a detached man but now that he stood infront of her staring at her belly she swore she had seen a trace of warmth in his eyes which was gone as soon as it came.

He although wasn't there with her physically or emotionally but he somewhere had made his presence known because even without her asking he had arranged everything for her first sonogram test so that she wouldn't have any discomfort. He surely didn't accompany her to the hospital, Zevah, Greta and even Aditya had been there but he didn't bother coming. But since she had no expectations from him it didn't hurt her that much.

She would never forget that first experience where she listened to her baby's heartbeat and it was the most soothing sound she had heard, ever. Zevah had been with her and both had cried holding each other's hand.

"Srishti?" She came out her trance when he called her and she looked at him with a jerk. She was taken aback to see worry shining in his eyes but again it was gone within a blink of her eyes.

"I'm leaving for some work so I'll drop you and Greta at the yoga classes." He mentioned monotonously and left leaving her behind. She chuckled and caressed her belly lightly.

"You see your father is not really a monster as he pretends to be or is known to be." She talked with her child as she always does and followed him behind.


Sahil glanced at Srishti from the rear view mirror because she was sitting behind with Greta and he was driving the car. He felt like a driver but didn't comment anything about it.

She was smiling looking out of the window and he realised she had been smiling too often whenever he would look at her. He averted his eyes because he realised that consciously or unconsciously he had been staring at her too much.

But even then his eyes would find her and then they would travel down to her belly bump. He had noticed it and something akin to happiness had filled him seeing the same but he didn't share it with anyone because he never did and nobody even asked.

He had wanted to go to her and keep his hand on her belly, wanted to caress it, to talk to his child and ask her if she wanted anything but he didn't because he never did.


Srishti had been too understanding for a pregnant woman because he had rarely seen her demand something or crib about something. He had heard it before that pregnant women tend to show alot of mood swings but as far as he had noticed she didn't have that bad mood swings or simply she never showed it infront of him.

Things with Aditya were peachy, he wasn't the same Aditya he used to know because now he joked less and faked a smile more often.

"Mr. Malhotra, we just crossed the yoga classes." Greta informed and it was then he realised that he had been too lost in his thoughts to notice. He glanced at Srishti and found her looking at him with concern but unlike him she didn't hide it or mask her feelings.

He made a U-turn immediately and drove back to the place. As he stopped infront of the classes, Greta was the first one to get out of the car and he noticed her going to Srishti's side but one look from Srishti and Greta moved aside sighing.

He knew Srishti was a strong and independent woman but every time he saw her doing things on her own, a sense of pride along with guilt filled him and he hated it because handling emotions was not his cup of tea.

Slowly but carefully Srishti stepped out of the car, all the while a hand protectively resting over her belly. She closed the door and then bent slightly to look at him.

"Thank you, Mr. Malhotra." She smiled at him and then turned around and left with Greta by her side.

Sahil just sat there looking at her retreating figure. He didn't understand why every time she smiled his heart would beat faster than usual. He didn't understand why every time she struggled to get up on her own his hands itched to hold her and support her. He didn't understand why he wanted her to show her mood swings to him.

All that he understood was, he was changing without his knowledge.


Aditya sighed as he closed the file he had been checking and leaned back on his chair. He was tired of not being himself lately but he didn't know how to bring his old self back.

The past few months had been challenging. After Sahil's truth was out, he couldn't behave with him exactly like he used to, of course he tried to act normal but somewhere he knew that Sahil could see how fake he was being when he smiled.

His relationship with Sahil was sure peachy but he knew it was nowhere near ending. They will get back together like they were one day.

About visiting 'Hope' he had completed stopped going there but he would see Zevah at Malhotra mansion often when he went there. He missed the kids like crazy but still couldn't gather the courage to go there.

A knock on his door startled him and he composed himself before allowing the person inside. His secretary entered and informed him,

"Sir, there is a lady who says she wants to meet you. She refused to reveal her name and doesn't have an appointment either. We tried to stop her but she's creating a ruckus in the office." Hiba, his secretary informed and he frowned.

"Its okay. Let her in." He ordered and she nodded before moving out.

Two minutes later his door burst open and his eyes widened seeing Zevah at his office. He stood up seeing her glaring at him and hesitantly said,

"Hi, Zevah. Please sit." He gestured at the chair but she ignored it and continued to glare at him.

"I'm not here to sit. Just wanted to ask you a question. Why have you stopped visiting the kids?" She crossed her hands and questioned him while he raised his eyebrows.

"And why aren't you happy by this decision of mine?" He counter questioned which made her fumble.

"Wh─Who said I'm not happy. Of course I'm happy but the kids aren't. Unfortunately they are missing you and asking me why did you stop visiting." She grumbled and looked away and he smiled looking at her.

He surely missed arguing with her and now that she was here voluntarily, how could he miss this chance of teasing her.

"So you could have brought atleast one of them with you here and they couldn't told me themselves that they missed me. But now it looks like it's only you who missed me and landed here making an excuse of the kids." He teased her and she glared at him.

"You─you don't deserve any attention you are getting by my kids. I don't know what they see in you. You are the most annoying, irritating person I've ever met." She stomped her foot in annoyance and left.

Aditya chuckled and smiled to himself as he felt like his old self after ages just by her mere presence. What was she doing to him?

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