《Billionaire's Baby ✓》Chapter Ten


Sahil knew it was stupid of him to call her impulsively and ask her to leave because neither had he terminated the contract nor he intended to do it. And she was right, he would've sued her if she had agreed. Call it whatever, he was a devil.

But after Aditya left, he had been frustrated to no end and in his anger he called her because he didn't want anyone coming in between their friendship.

Infact he couldn't even remember the last time he had lost his temper like this. But this woman had just entered in his life, four days ago and was already creating havoc. He needs to be more careful.

Sighing he dropped his head back because he still had a long day ahead.

There was a knock on the door and he sat up allowing the person to enter. Rohit entered inside and looked somewhat nervous.

"What is it?" He asked and Rohit fumbled.

"Sir, that─Reva Khurrana is here and demanding to see you." He informed with a scared look and as expected a tiny trace of irritation was there on his face.

"Fuck it. Send her in." He ordered and Rohit nodded before leaving. Could this day get anymore worse?

Reva Khurrana was a well known model and had been a pain in his ass since they met at a business party. He had hated her clinging to him and even after his stern warnings, threats and cold responses, she continued to stick to him like a leech.

The door was thrown open and Reva came sauntering inside with an extra sway to get hips. She was beautiful, he would give her that but he wasn't sure if she really was under that heaps of makeup.

"Sahil, how are you sweetheart?" She asked in a sweet voice, taking a seat without his permission. He gave her a cold glare but she ignored it.

"Why the fuck are you here." He asked and she just gave him a seductive smile.

"You know I love this side of yours. You come straight to the point and it makes you look even more sexy." She winked while he rolled his eyes and relaxed in his chair.

"Then you should learn that too. Now come to the fucking point." The insult was direct and she sure hated it because she curled her fists under the desk but then composed herself.


She stood up and walked upto his chair seductively and he watched her every move. When he didn't stop her, she made a move to sit on his lap but on the last moment he turned his chair making her stumble but she prevented herself from falling.

"What the fuck!" She sneered glaring at him and he coolly shrugged.

"I didn't give you the permission to sit on my chair, still you did but I would've asked Rohit to pull the chair as well if he would've been standing right behind you." The emptiness in his eyes was enough for her to know that he would have done that without another thought.

She was still fuming but a little shaken as well. Clenching her jaw she looked away trying to get her act together.

"You're messing with the wrong person Malhotra." Reva warned him but it had no effect on him. Instead he turned to her and stood up, towering her frame and she was intimidated as she unconsciously took a step back.

"And you are playing with fire." He challenged through his eyes to say anything in her defence and she couldn't even if she tried to.

No one messes with Sahil Malhotra.


Srishti stabbed the fruit as she sat on her bed waiting for Sahil to return. She was so sure that she wasn't going to sleep before clearing it out with him.

It was around eleven thirty when she heard him coming in and without waiting for another second she got off her bed and made her way outside.

She knocked on his door impatiently but he still didn't reply. Knowing he just be taking a shower she pushed the door open and entered inside. She straight away went on the bed and sat grumpily waiting for him.

Twenty minutes passed and she lost the count of how many yawns she had until then. Her eyes were droopy and she felt very sleepy but she shook her head vigorously to keep herself awake.

What was taking him so long? Was he dancing in there?

Another ten minutes and she found herself slowly lying on his bed. She fought hard to keep her eyes open but at last she let the darkness take over.

Sahil came out after more ten minutes and was taken aback to find Srishti on his bed. He kept his towel aside and walked upto her figure. What was she doing here when she had her own room?


He tried waking her up but she just whined slowly and slept more comfortably. Closing his eyes he tried to control his anger and then slept on the other side of the bed.

Why would he sleep on the couch when she was the one who came to his room. And if she had any problem then it won't be his problem.


Srishti opened her eyes and smiled slightly stretching her hands but froze when her hand collided with something. She slowly turned around and gasped seeing his face so close to hers.

Oh well! He has a mole above his lips.

What? Was she checking him out? Was she crazy?

Her eyes then travelled down and her eyes widened seeing him naked, well not entirely but still. Who sleeps without a shirt on?

She sat up with a jerk and recollected why she had come to his room yesterday night. She groaned remembering she had fell asleep waiting for him and cursed herself in her mind.

How could she fall asleep on his bed? But wait, even if she had couldn't he pick her up and drop her in her room?

Scoffing at herself to even think of expecting him to do such a thing, she turned and glared at his sleeping figure. Sure he looked innocent while sleeping but he was far from it when awake.

"Can you stop staring at me now?" She yelped hearing his voice and jumped a little on her place. He opened his eyes and looked at her before sitting up as well.

She kept a hand on her thudding heart and then glared at him. Sahil ran a hand through his already messy hair and it certainly caught her attention.

"Why were you sleeping on my bed?" His question brought her out of her staring session and she gave him a blank look.

"Because of you." She accused suddenly and he said nothing.

"I was waiting for you but you were sleeping in the bathroom. Who takes an eternity in taking a shower?" She asked in an irritated tone and he was starting to get annoyed.

"First of all, I didn't ask you to wait for me and secondly, this is my mansion and my room. I can take an eternity to even change my clothes." He replied coldly and she groaned loudly at his behaviour.

"I need to ask you why did you ask me to leave?" She demanded looking straight in his eyes and he stared right back.

"That was just a test for you. If you would've agreed and left, I would have filed a case against you." He covered up as he stood up from the bed and her mouth hung open at his answer.

This man was crazy.

"You are the most insane person I've ever met." She gritted each word and he stopped in his tracks. Turning to her, he walked closer and she didn't budge.

"Say that again and see what I'll do." He whispered in her ear and she shivered at his icy tone. He moved back and she couldn't miss the dangerous glint in his eyes.

"Now if you're done with your cribbing, let me remind you, that, your way of having a baby didn't work, so get ready to do it the way it is done." He announced and left for the bathroom while she sighed hiding her face in her palms.


"What the hell are you doing here?" She fumed seeing his face the first thing in the morning. He grinned in return and moved past her inside.

She stood there with her mouth hung open and then huffing followed him inside. Much to her annoyance, he was already having the time of his life with the kids and the kids seemed to enjoy as well.

Great! First Srishti and now the kids. Aditya Singhania had just entered her life to take away everything she had.

"Mr. Singhania, you can't keep coming here whenever you wish to." Zevah said in an irritated tone and he turned to her.

"Of course I can. I told you this is Srishti's place and she has allowed me to." He smirked and she glared at him hard.

"You look like a kitten when you're angry." He flicked her nose and that startled her. Her mouth formed an 'o' as she stared at his amused face.

"You─" Before she could lash out, Aditya winked at her and left to spend some time with the kids.

"Ugh." She groaned gritting her teeth and closed her eyes sighing loudly. He was surely sent just to irritate the life out of her.

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