《Alpha Grayson》Chapter 19


"Ok Ayanna, stay safe." I barely make out as the walkie begins to squeak.

"Stay safe -." I respond while gripping on to the now unresponsive, dead walkie.

I take one deep breath, drop the walkie on the ground and push open the flaps before stepping out into the chaos in the foyer.

I attempt to blend in, I haven't seen my reflection since I got kidnapped but I'm assuming I look horrid. If there wasn't all this chaos going on right now I would for sure be noticed but since everyone seemed focused on their own worries I walk through the foyer and towards the main entrance without any issues.

I stand by the door and look out cross the field filled with members of the pack, most look angry, some scared and others worried. At the front with warriors surrounding him like the coward he is, is my father.

I don't know what comes over me but I find my legs begin to move towards his direction. I push and collide with people in the crowd as I try to pass. I'm more than half way when a loud growl is heard in the forest opposite the field. The trees begin to shake as a great pack of livid wolves emerge from them. I see hundreds of wolves, all of different colours and sizes.

The last wolf to emerge is the biggest and angriest of them all. It's white and ash grey. Absolutely beautiful. One look and I know it's him.

"Grayson." I say, my whisper getting lost in the wind. As soon as his name leaves my lips he searches the crowd until his eyes finally land on mine.

For the first time since I found myself in this situation I break down. I begin to cry, tears pour out of my eyes like a waterfall. I begin to fall, unable to keep myself standing in an upright position for any longer, but before I hit the ground a naked Grayson has me in his arms. He holds me tight and I put my head into the crook of his neck.


He suddenly stands up and begins to run back towards the building that I came from; I look up to see that Grayson's pack has started charging towards the enemy.

The fight has begun.

I try to get a glimpse of my father over Grayson's shoulder but instead of seeing him, I see a dark brown wolf following closely behind us, my heart rate must have increased slightly because Grayson answers my subconscious question, "It's just Tori love, don't worry." He says.

I give the wolf - Tori a slight smile, as Grayson begins to climb up the many stairs leading to the building. I look out again attempting to get a visual of my father.

At the very edge of the field, where the forest begins I see a head of dark hair, a man being attacked by a black wolf. Out of the corner of my eyes I see another similar looking, but slightly larger wolf pounce on the man against a tree. He screams.

His scream is loud enough to be heard from where I am. He looks down at the same time as I do, there's a branch in his gut. I can see his chest begin to move up and down in an unstable way. He finally looks up, his eyes meet mine and I know its him, it's my father.

I don't cry, I don't even react, I just stare at him as he stares back at me, and then he takes his final breath.

I remove my eyes from him and put my head back in the crook of Grayson's neck. He pushes the door open and sits me down on one of the steps. He leans down in front of me and looks at me, a single tear rolls down his cheek. I put my hand out and wipe his tear away.


"I'm sorry Ayanna." He simply says, not being able to look me in the eye.

"I'm so, so sorry. I know that it doesn't make up for not being able to protect you or for your father being involved in all of this but if you could give me another chance I promise that I'll never let anything happen to you ever again. I'll never let anyone take you or touch you, not now not ever. Ayanna, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry." He says looking at me this time around.

"It wasn't your fault, we were under attack Grayson. Honestly, the whole event was a blur but never have I thought that you were to blame for this and I mean my father is – was mad. Completely mad. You have nothing to be sorry for I'm just so happy that you're here." I say with tears in my eyes and a runny nose. I'm such a mess I think to myself.

He kisses my forehead, "I'm sorry." He says a final time.

It hits me then and there that he'll never forgive himself for this, he'll always take responsibility for anything that happens to me, and he'll stay by me for as long as I want him. He'll be my protector, friend and lover until the end.

"I love you Grayson." I say playing with a strand of his hair while looking into his eyes.

He looks surprised and then extremely pleased. "I love you too Ayanna." He says while smiling up at me.

We lean our foreheads against each other when suddenly Tori transforms back into human form right before my eyes, and is now standing with her hands on her bare, nude hip.

"Sorry to ruin the little reunion but in case ya'll didn't notice there's a freaking war going on outside! By the way you look horrific Ayanna." She says with an appalled look. I chuckle, God I missed this girl.

There's a sudden shuffle of footsteps that can be heard, we turn towards the direction that the noise is coming from, the sound gets nearer and nearer. Grayson stands up with me behind him, he puts one hand out in a shielding stance while getting ready to attack whatever is about to come through that door.

The doors open to reveal...

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