《Alpha Grayson》Chapter 13


I wake up to the feeling of suffocation and I also have the urge to pee, badly. I try to get up but there's a heavy weight across my chest trapping me from escaping the bed.

I look down and realise that Grayson's arm is draped over my chest. I try to lift it up without waking him but this only results in his hold on me to tighten even more.

I poke his cheek in an attempt to wake him. I do this several times hoping for some sort of response. This doesn't work so I decide to scream into his ear. That did the trick.

He jumps up in all his naked glory apart from his boxer briefs, pushes me off the bed so I land with an oomph and he stands in a killer mode ready to pounce on any intruders.

"Ouch!" I mumble from the floor and roll over so I'm on my back.

Once he realises that there's no one else in the room he quickly rushes over to my side.

"Shit baby, I'm sorry." He begins to say whilst picking me up. "I thought there was an intruder, I just wanted to protect you."

"I know..." I say smiling guiltily for waking him up "...but I really need to pee so put me down." I plea giving him the cutest look I could master.

"Is that so?" He asks with a grin.

"Yh actually it is so you need to..." I didn't get to finish my sentence before his luscious, plump lips were smashed unto mine. I wrap my bare legs around his waist and put all my energy and strength into kissing him back.

I feel his hands going down my back until they reach my butt. He squeezes hard and pushes our regions closer together.


He breaks the kiss only to continue kissing me down my neck. I move my arms to his bare chest and feel his glorious, rock hard abs.

I begin to feel his manhood harden against my upper thigh.

He starts to kiss me up my neck and our lips meet again. I moan uncontrollably into the kiss at the amount of pleasure he's giving me and I feel his manhood hardening even more.

I've never felt anything so huge in my life.

I bring my hand down his chest again and stop at the hem of his boxers just as I'm about to slide them down someone knocks on the door causing us to break apart.

I try to get out of Grayson's hold on me but he wasn't having it.

He walks towards the door and opens it at an angle so that my very bare attire isn't visible to the person at the door.

"What do you want Daniel?" Grayson asks with frustration.

"Sorry to bother you Alpha but there's an emergency, we need you downstairs right now." Daniel says with a look of pure horror plastered on his face.

"Grayson what's going on?" I ask in a panicked voice.

"I don't know baby but you have nothing to worry about, I promise." he claims.

He gives me a kiss on the forehead and puts me down. I rush over to Grayson's walk in closet and grab some grey leggings from one of my draws full of clothing along with one of Grayson's black t-shirts.

I rushed out of the closet without checking my attire and find Grayson fully dressed. I grab Grayson's outstretched hand and we head downstairs to meet Daniel.

Nothing could prepare me for the sight I was met with.

Three bodies.


There's three dead bodies on the floor. A woman and two men to be precise.

"What happened?" Grayson demands looking at everyone surrounding the bodies on the floor.

"The woman out of the three came into the pack house a few minutes ago. How she got past the people on patrol is beyond me." Daniel started.

"I asked her who she was and what she wanted. She then pointed a gun at me. From the looks of it it was full of wolfsbane. I mind linked people that were closest to the incident to come quickly. I managed to distract her enough before the others arrived. She killed two of us but Timothy over there managed to break her neck from behind and that's when I ran up to get you Alpha." Daniel said facing Grayson.

A dark skinned,medium built man with cornrows came forward with his head slightly bowed in our direction. I assumed that he was Timothy.

"This was in her trousers pocket, Alpha." He said stepping forward with a crumpled note in his hand.

Grayson took the note and opened it quite oblivious of my presence next to him. The note read:

Fulfil the promise you made. Give me your mate or your pack will get wiped out, they'll be killed one after another. One life a day. And Grayson, I'll kill you last - An old friend

"What promise?" I hear myself asking.

Grayson looks at me with sad, guilty eyes.

"Everyone leave." He commands the pack whilst still looking at me.

Once everyone left he starts talking. "I wasn't completely honest with you. You know that Leon wants you but you don't know why." He says stepping towards me.

"I made a deal with him years ago during a war, I promised him my mate in exchange that he spares the life of my pack members and if I refuse to give you to him he promised to murder my entire pack." Grayson says.

I take a step back in disbelief. I can't believe he didn't tell me, I'm going to have the blood of innocent lives on my hands. I'm going to be responsible for the death of so many people.

I feel a tear run down my cheek as I stare at Grayson.

I felt torn. My heart felt heavy at the thought that he gave me up so easily yet my mind was glad that he would do anything to protect his pack. Even if that meant giving me up.

"Baby I didn't know you then, I never thought I would have such an amazing mate. I didn't think the mood goddess would bless me with someone as beautiful as you. I'm not going to let him come near you. We'll fight. He won't touch you, I'll keep you safe. Ayanna I'm so sorry." He pleads coming forward and hugging me tightly towards him.

"I can't be responsible for all the lives that will be lost Grayson. I can't do it. Please..." I say into his chest in-between sobs."

"We don't have a choice. I'm not letting him have you. Not ever. A war is the only option." Grayson mumbles into my hair whilst still hugging me.

The moment is cut short when out of nowhere a gunshot is heard and then I feel nothing.

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