《Consequences [BxB] (Edited)》Chapter 8


Hunter POV

I gripped his chin so hard, making him wince.

Why was he so weak? If he wasn't so weak it wouldn't have hurt him so much.

I opened my mouth to say something when that dick-lover barged into the room. I turned my head to him, about to beat his ass for interrupting what I was about to say for the first time in my entire existence, when he blurted it out. I thought that if I kept him here long enough, he wouldn't get to see his supposed "lover" off. That if I distracted him long enough he wouldn't get to say goodbye. I so much wanted to skin this damn asshole alive for ruining my plan.

I turned and saw Drew's wide eyes as they began filling with tears. Tears I had never before seen him shed despite the beatings I gave him. Before I could say anything, he ripped my hand away from his face and jumped off the bed, dashing out as if he didn't have any of those wounds on him just seconds ago. I looked at the empty spot where he was, still processing what was happening..

I never knew he could run that fast.

I got up and shot Jake a glare before I bolted out after him. I ran so fast, faster than I had ever run before, and yet I still couldn't see him anywhere.

Just how fast is this fucker?

I came to a stop when I saw his figure running into Elliot's arms, as Elliot picked him up like he weighed nothing at all. Which he probably didn't, given how thin and bony he was. He lifted him up and held him tightly against his chest as Drew wrapped his legs around Elliot's waist and buried his head in Elliot's neck. He held onto him so tight, as if his life depended on it.

I walked closer and saw his dad, Beta David and Jeremy the pack doctor, standing by the car also bidding him farewell. I could hear his cries and sobs as he held tight onto Elliot's neck, refusing to let go. Even as Elliot tried to subtly unbind him off him, he wasn't having it and just held on tighter.

"I'll wait for you.. I'll wait till the day you come back.. I'm going to get stronger just for you." he sobbed and sniffed . Elliot brought his head out of the crook of his neck and looked him in the eyes, as he wiped away his tears and just smiled.

"I like you just the way you are, don't change a single thing" he said as he pinched his nose and smile at him.

"Were you going to leave without saying goodbye?" Drew asked a midst his tears.

"You know how difficult it was going to be to say goodbye"

I turned my head with wide eyes, in the direction of his father and Elliot's Father hoping that at least these two had some sense in them, but they just looked at their sons holding each other like it was the most normal thing.


Surely I wasn't the only one against Elliot holding him like that!

"When you get back, we'll deal with the whole mating thing" Drew said as he chuckled and sniffed.

"Your Dad will probably kill me though" he said looking at Drew's dad who had a poker face.

Everyone knew that he was protective over his son, ever since his wife died. He didn't allow anyone near him unless it was Elliot or Jake. I even wondered how he never figured out about the beatings and it was only until Henry told me that he was telling his father that he got the bruises from training or from the fights that he supposedly was picking with the other warriors.

"Be strong.. Don't break" he said as he rubbed Drew's back and glared at me, before he pulled away from Drew. He pressed a kiss to his forehead before he got into his car.

I watched as Jeremy and Drew's dad waved and walked away chatting about. Drew waved his hand and cried as Elliot slowly pulled away and drove off. He was long gone, but Drew was still waving and crying.

How much did a fifteen year old actually cry?

"I'll wait for you" he whispered, but I still heard it.

"You're infuriating, you know that"

I saw his back tense, but he didn't look back. Instead, he continued to look at Elliot's car, as it got smaller and smaller, the more he drove off until it couldn't be seen anymore.

"You wouldn't understand " he said as he finally turned around and faced me with his eyes red from crying.

"You've never been in love, so you wouldn't understand what I'm feeling right now" he said as he wiped his nose and walked off. I grabbed his arm as he passed by me, making him stop. He didn't look at me, he just looked ahead. Like I wasn't even there.

"How can you be so sure of that?" I asked in a panic. I was so sure I had hid it pretty well from almost everyone.

He couldn't have figured it out? Could he?

He turned his gaze towards me and looked at me with such anger, I swear he could've ripped me apart with his bare hands. Anger like I had never seen before on his face. Pure, raw and real rage.

"Someone like you isn't capable of feeling love. You derive pleasure from the pain you inflict on others. You like to dominate people and see them in anguish, do you even know what love is?" He asked as he yanked his arm out of my hand and walked off. With every step he took, my rage built up.

How dare he tell me I didn't know what love was when he didn't know! I hid it so well!

I followed him as he walked to his house, like he was a ghost. Not even caring if he bumped into someone or not. He slowed down as he got nearer to the training pool. He bent down and looked at his reflection on the water.


"You have to be strong, wait for him, wait for your mate" he said to his reflection.

That was the last straw. I couldn't contain my anger anymore. It was like something erupted within me, something I couldn't control. Something that had always driven me to do the things I did. I punched him as hard as I could making him topple over and hold his side, as he coughed. I should have stopped. I know it, but I couldn't control it. I re played those images of him in Elliot's arms and my rage skyrocketed.

I straddled him and started punching him over and over. And all the while, he just laid there, as if he didn't even care.

"Fight back, you weak bastard! Fight me!" I screamed and punched him. I pulled him up by his collar and shook him.

"You think I don't love anyone! That I can't love anyone? You don't know the first thing about me!" I screamed in his face, but he just looked at me, as his face bled profusely.

I dragged him by his collar and shoved his head under the water. I felt him struggle in my hold and I pulled him up.

"You don't understand a single thing! You never wanted to! You only saw him!" I screamed and shoved his head under again. He kicked and scratched my wrists, but I didn't budge. I held his head under the water.

I felt his grip slowly loosen as his hands fell down. My anger was fuming, blinding me to what I was really doing. I knew I should have stopped. I knew what I was doing wasn't right, and yet I couldn't stop. I heard Henry and Charles laughing as they came around the corner and saw me. They both widened their eyes when they saw me holding Drew's head under the water.

"You're fucking killing him! Get away from him!" Henry screamed and pushed me out of the way. As soon I let go, Drew fell into the water his body slowly rose and floated on the surface of the water, not moving.

I watched as Henry dove into the water and pulled his body out. He laid him on the ground and placed his ear by his nose.

"He's not breathing " he said with wide eyes.

I felt my heart racing at what I was seeing. I turned my head to see Charles looking at the scene with horror in his eyes as if he was seeing a ghost. I watched as Henry pinched Drew's nose and placed his mouth on his, blowing into it.

I sat there wide eyed to what I had done. I couldn't believe I had let my anger take control of me again like that and had done something so horrible. I snapped out of my trance and ran to his body. I pushed Henry out of the way and bent down. I looked at his still body and his icy blue lips. I pinched his nose and lowered my head, placing my warm lips on his ice cold ones. I opened his mouth and breathed into it. I gently began applying pressure to his chest, giving him compressions. He wasn't moving. I did it over and over again, until I felt him jolt slightly, he gurgled and coughed up water as he struggled to breathe. I moved away slight and Henry rushed to him. He help him lift his head so he could breathe better.

"Are you okay? Drew can you hear me?" He asked as he gripped his neck. He nodded and coughed more as he griped onto Henry's shirt.

"I'm fine. It was an accident" He said in a soft voice.

"Bullshit! We saw what happened!" Henry yelled making Drew flinch.

"Come on.. we'll take you to Jeremy." Charles said, who was quietly standing watching the whole scene with his eyes widened in both shock and dread.

"No!" He said, making us all look him with questioning gazes.

"Drew, you were flat lined for a few minutes. At least check if everything is okay" Henry said as he helped him up.

"I'm fine. I just want to sleep" Was all he said as he wrapped his arms around thin body and shivered. Instantly my hands moved to the sweater I was wearing, but Henry beat me to it.

He took off the training jacket he was wearing and wrapped it around Drew's frame and held his shoulders.

"Are you sure you're okay. Call me if you don't feel well." He said as he looked down at the shorter male.

"I will" Drew smiled at him weakly and slowly walked away. I narrowed my eyes at Henry as he watched Drew walk away, to his house.

What was up with these two. When did they become so close.

"You went too far this time" he said with his gaze fixed on Drew's form.

"Do you realize, you could have killed him.." he said looking at me. I looked down, taking it all in as I placed my fingers on my lips, thinking about his icy cold blue ones on mine.

I had killed him. Even if it was for a few seconds, but I had killed him.

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