《The New Alpha》Chapter 19
Maddox takes my hand and we walk hurriedly across the yard. He looks back at me with a smile as we walk up to his house. By the time I step in and the door shuts Maddox's encloses me against it, lifts me up, and wraps my legs around his hips. I gasp but it's swallowed with his lips.
After I get past the initial shock of the two second ordeal I melt into his body and wrap my arms around his neck, my fingers raking through the dark hair on the nape of his neck. His lips are hungry yet soft against mine. He pushes me up a little further up the door and pulls my chest closer to his.
My eyes shoot open and I pull away "Wait what about Lena and Peter?" I ask panting
He looks at me, breathless "their plumbing is fixed, they moved back yesterday" he says and I nod to go back and kiss his addicting lips
My fingers rake through his soft hair and I savour each movement of our molding lips. It feels like an eternity since I've touched him, been around him. Three days feels like such a long time....
One hand unwraps from my leg and move up to my cheek, moving behind my neck. Hip lips devour mine and his scent amplifies, making me feel lightheaded. Even though my thoughts are blurred and my brain turns to mush when I'm with him. My lust turns into a lust to know more about him, the time we've spent together hasn't been talking about him.
I pull away a little but his lips don't stop, they move to my cheek, then my jaw, and then to my neck. The feeling send chills down to my toes.
"Maddox?" I try to say as normally as possible but my voice cracks and I fight to keep my eyes open
"Hmm?" He hums in question and I have to force my moan in by biting my lip
"Can we talk?" I ask, I need to know more about him. About his family, about his life before here, I want to know why he did all those things in the beginning, and I want to know what we are now.
His blissful attach on my neck pauses and he looks up at me with black eyes. He kisses my nose and nods "of course" he says and drops me down to my feet, my legs very wobbly "I'm sorry, I just missed you" my heart leaps into my throat at his words
He holds my hand and we walk past the staircase and into his beautiful office. He pulls us around his desk and sits in the dark leather seat. I furrow my eyebrows and turn to the seats across the desk.
I feel his arms wrap around my waist and he pulls me back "where do you think you're going?" He asks and I smile, almost tripping but I fall into his lap
I wrap my arm around his neck and he pulls my legs across his. "What do you want to talk about?" He asks and I sigh leaning my head on his chest
"You" I say softly and look up slowly
He shakes his head and smirks "I'm not all that interesting, I want to know more about you" he says, his eyes glowing with interest and his smile growing, the arm around my waist pulling me closer
I giggle and roll my eyes "fine, only if you tell me about yourself after" I say, trying to sound stern
He laughs lightly and it's the most beautiful sound "deal" he nods and leans back, ready for my explanation
I start when I was young, how my parents never did really like me. I told him the story of how me, Scar, and Logan became friends. I tell him about how me and Victoria used to be best friends but five or so year ago she stared to hate me. I tell him a lot about Lucian and May, how they always made me feel welcomed and loved. When I talked about them I choked up, he frowned and wiped my tears. I told him stories of some of the pack members saying horrible things to me, not mentioning any names, even though he begged me. I knew he would punish them and I didn't care all that much now. He never asked once about why they called me the weak link, I leave out every mention of me being...what I am. It's not that I don't trust him...I'm just scared. I'm scared of what he'll do or what he'll say. I just got him back...I don't want to loose him.
After I finish telling him a few funny stories to lighten the mood he asks me about all of my favourite things. He asks about my favourite color, book, movie, food, place to go. Pretty much every single question imaginable.
By the time I finish my stomach is growling and I feel like I just spelled out my entire life story. He holds me tighter than before and kisses my head "I'm sorry" he says quietly
I look up at him, my hand in his chest "what are you sorry about?" I ask him, tilting my head
"About everything, about your uncle and aunt, about not being there three days ago, not coming to you after I knew there was something off going on with your parents, I'm sorry for the way they and your sister treats you" he sighs after finishing and looks away
"Hey" I say softly holding his cheek "it's not your fault" I tell him honestly "but now you have to tell me about you" I say, changing the subject
"I told you I'm not interesting" he says, his thumb running over my cheek
I pout my lip, determined to get something out of him "please, tell me about your parents, or your older brother" I bat my eyes, trying my hardest to get him to give me something
He stares at me a moment, debating, but finally lets out a sigh and rolls his eyes "I can't say no to you" I smile at his comment "well where do I even start" he massages his head with one hand
"My Father was made alpha at twenty and found my Mother while visiting another pack trying to become allies. A year after they met they were married, mated, and had my brother, Jax. I came four years later" he pauses "my Father always treated him the best, seeing as he though I'd never be an alpha-...proved wrong" he points out "my mom didn't though...she loved me and I knew it. She treated us both equally. Jax and me grew up together, but like all brothers fought. By the time he was ten, and me six, my Father started to train him to become Alpha. We grew apart after that point, I still trained but separately. After the years started to pass I started being a better fighter, faster wolf, and stronger being. My Father forced me to stop training and forced Jax to fight harder." He says "Jax always wanted the best for me, he was never angry towards me or jealous. He knew our Father just wanted him to be the best." I stare intently at him, drinking up all his information. He pauses for a moment and took a deep long breath "when I was seventeen our pack was invaded by a rival pack, all the Warriors attacked the intruders but some got away...." He pauses a moment and sighs in pain "one of the wolves got to my Mother, on orders from my Father she was going to the safe house with the rest of the women and children but she didn't make it. She shifted and they fought. My Brother and Father tried to get to them....but he snapped her neck before they could. They tore him apart while I fought another wolf" he winces and looks away, his eyes clamp shut. "I should have run over there...I didn't even see her. If I knew I would have- I would have-" he cuts himself off
A tear slips past my eyes and I quickly wipe it away and place my hand on his cheek "It's not your fault...you couldn't have done anything" I hug his neck and run my fingers through his hair, trying to calm him
He holds my waist in his strong hand and pulls me to him, his head nuzzles in the nook of my shoulder and neck. We sit like this for a while but then he pulls away and continues "after my mom passed it became my father's mission to kill that entire pack...and we did" he looks away in shame "we killed everyone..." My eyes widen hearing this...everyone? His father really did that just in vengeance? I think about the women and children and suddenly his father frightens me. He keeps going. "After that was done he made sure I wouldn't become nothing, he had always wanted me to be a strong lead in a pack. Jax had already told him that he would have me as his second in command but my dad wasn't satisfied. That's when he started searching through every pack to make sure I'd either be alpha or in line. Most packs had alphas and heirs but when he found this pack he was thrilled. They signed the document and everything was set. Jax was happy for me, my Father was proud of himself" he rolls his eyes "he made me future alpha and made an alliance all in the same day. If I'm being honest I was worried about coming here...now I wouldn't change anything" He says and I nod along with him "of course when your aunt got pregnant we had to change plans, he searched more but never found anything as good" he says and pauses...I think I know the rest.
We stay silent for a moment "I'm sorry...about your aunt and uncle, I wouldn't have wished that upon anyone. If they could still be alive and I met you I'd still be happy" he says and I smile, trying not to cry
"Thank you...for telling me all of that" I say with a smile, feeling ten times closer to him now that I know things about him
We spend about an hour more talking about the small details of him. He tells me a few stories of him, Lena, and Peter. He tells me his favourite color and food, and a couple of stories about him and his Brother.
I smile and am exhausted by the time we finish talking. "I only have one more question..." I trail off and look up at him through my lashes
He raises an eyebrow "Ask away" he says holding me tight against his hard muscular chest
"When you sent out that message to the pack...about me not being able to run with any unmated wolves...why did you do that?" I ask quietly, kinda wishing by now I hadn't
He purses his lips and knits his eyebrows together "When I sent the message out to the pack you misinterpreted it. It wasn't that I didn't want you to make weak pups with the unmated wolves. I didn't want any of the unmated wolves to chase and mate you because..." he pauses and his dark eyes shift from mine a moment, my heart skipping a beat anticipating his next words "you're mine, and I don't even trust myself to see you that way." He says everything so calmly and I can't help but my heart flutter "You're special and I don't want anyone else finding that out" he tells me, placing a soft hand on my cheek "and the day I saw you in the woods, I insisted you to go home because I couldn't let anyone else see you like that"
I don't really know how to respond "you mean that?" I whisper, he smirks a little and kisses my forehead
"I do Everly" he grabs my hand and his thumb cascades lightly over my skin, his eyebrows furrow as he looks down at my wrist "what's this?" He asks and I follow his stare to my crescent shaped birthmark
"Oh, it's a birthmark, I've had it ever since I was born" I tell him running my finger over it. His eyebrows stay knitted and I tilt my head "what?" I ask
He looks back up at me and away from the birthmark "nothing, nothing" he shakes his head "I just thought I remembered hearing a story when I was younger. I think it said something about a mark like this..." He trails off, looking into the distance like he's thinking back in a memory "I can't even remember it, never mind" he says with a smile "sorry"
My eyes stay wide...I wonder what it was. First Scars grandmothers prophecy and now a story about my birthmark.... I just smile and don't answer.
"Now lets get you something to eat, your stomach has been growling for an hour" he laughs and I blush climbing off his lap and follow him into the kitchen.
We both make sandwiches and after we finish eating Peter and Lena come over and we all watch a Football game. The boys get all riled up but me and Lena just roll our eyes and talk. She tells me about how she knew something had to be up when I'd rather stay at my parents house than come over here. I agree and tell her how angry I am with my parents and Victoria for doing that. We talk a little bit more about that and by the time the game finishes and they stand to leave I can hardly keep my eyes open.
They wave as they walk out and me and Maddox are left alone in silence. He comes up behind me and I lean against him, smiling sleepily. I don't want to go home...could I even call that place my home? I feel more at home here than I've felt anywhere my whole life.
I sigh and step away from him a little "I guess I should get going too..." I trail off looking at my feet
After a moment of silence I look up through my lashes at him. His eyebrows are furrowed and head tilted "why?" He asks, closing the distance between us
"Well I just thought-...my room is fixed" I tell him with a shrug but the thought of stepping into that house with the family that told a lie they knew would hurt me makes me shutter
"I can't let you stay there" he says, shaking his head "not after what they did, I can deal with them tomorrow but for tonight you're staying with me" he says and after a second of just gawking at him I nod, my mouth hung open a little
"Alright" I choke up quietly
He turns around without saying another word and starts to head up the stairs. Even with my thudding heart I follow after him. He passes his room and opens the bedroom door next to his. I used to sleep in that room when I was younger. He frowns as he turns to me "I guess you can sleep in here" he says
I smile and nod. I walk in and see that's it's been completely changed since I've been in here, the wall color is the same but other than that it's beautifully decorated, Lena's doing I'm assuming. "Do you need anything?" He asks
"Well a toothbrush and something to sleep in but I can just go grab that from-" he cuts me off
"No, I have those things" he tells me and I shrug and nod as he walks out of the doorway
I sit on the bed and look around. The bed is a queen size with pale pink flowers on it, the bed frame is rustic. The walls have a a few painted pictures and when I look closer I see that most of the beautiful paintings was done by Lena. Looking at them makes me smile. I'll have to ask her to paint me something soon.
I hear Maddox come in and I stand and turn to him. He's holding a piece of black material and a toothbrush still in its box. I smile and walk over to him, placing my hands on the soft fabric. "Thank you" I say trying to take it but his hands still hold onto it
I look up at him to see him starring down at me, his eyes looking at me like he's waiting to say something. But he doesn't. He sighs and kisses my forehead "goodnight Everly" he says softly against my skin, warmth spreading from his breath
I blink a few times and look up at him as he backs away "goodnight" I say equally as quiet
He steps out of the room and I fall on the bed, staring up at the ceiling and sighing, I change into the T-shirt and it smells like him, a smell so enticing it makes my toes curl. It hangs down over my thighs and I feel surrounded by him. I brush my teeth and curl up into the covers, wondering what he's doing one room away.
I sigh and start to worry about everything. I really like Maddox, like more than I've ever liked anyone. When I'm around him my heart flutters and my body flushes. When he looks at me my whole being feels complete...all of this worries me. My birthday is coming up, I'll be eighteen, I'll find my mate. What if Maddox isn't my mate? What if I wake up on my eighteenth birthday, see him and feel nothing? What if I do find my mate? Will I forget him? will I feel this same way towards my mate as I do Maddox? Will it be Maddox? My hearts pounding as I think about these things. I'm falling for Maddox. The thought of finding a mate that isn't him breaks my heart. Could I be his mate and he hasn't told me? What if he finds his mate? He is twenty one. That's considered old for a alpha to still not have a mate. What if he goes to a different pack for a meeting and finds someone like his father...I would be completely crushed.
I wish I had thought about all these thing before but other things were occupying my time and brain. I sigh and turn over. I can't deal with another blow. I want things to start working out...I want Maddox to be mine. After tonight though...I can't help but feel like he is mine.
- In Serial55 Chapters
Beastkin of GRIM
*Note: The current content of this story up to Volume 2 will remain on RR, but further updates will only be available on Scribblehub. Will also be moving to Tapas in the future.* Hovestile is a world of magic, dangerous monsters and conflict. Earth is a world of science, dominant humanity and endless strife. In an uncertain future, tensions escalate between the nations of Earth as resources fall into perilous scarcity. Cities collapse into anarchy as governments tremble at the world's crisis. Boundaries blur from neglect and outright scorn. In sheer desperation, mankind turned to the stars...and failed. They resorted to more grounded technology and accessed a world known as Hovestile. Hundreds of candidates were carefully chosen to enter this world with plans to prepare for colonization, but contact with the humans of Earth was immediately lost. Over time, the people of Hovestile welcomed any assistance to defeat the monsters threatening their lands. Those from Earth were labeled as Outworld Adventurers, humans with the ability to increase their natural abilities through stats. Those born to Hovestile were referred to as Native Adventurers, original denizens with a natural competence for magic.-----------Alphonse Kneller is one outworld adventurer who dreams of making Hovestile his true home. But on his third dungeon foray, he is betrayed by his adventuring party and left for dead. As he begins to abandon hope, two young catgirl demihumans appear before him named Kirie and Asa. Their mother, Rinka, offers Alphonse a precarious gift known as the Construct Contract. Accompanied by the two demihuman sisters as adventuring partners, Alphonse seeks to make further contracts and establish the guild known as GRIM. Cover art is by sushirollw. Check her stuff out! Absolutely awesome: https://twitter.com/sushirollw *This story is planned out as a massive project spanning multiple volumes. Comments are greatly appreciated. Feel free to send PMs.*
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"It's really sensitive ". I nod and open her legs again and do it again. Her hands grab my thigh and she squeezes . "Fuck fuck fuck " she whispers lowly "ezra" she drags out my name. Milo winks at me and whispers sweet nothings in her ear she smiles and moans loudly . "Cum for us " I whisper her sweet smell getting stronger. I watch as her eyebrows furrow together and her mouth forms an o and her eyes roll and she snaps her legs shut."Beautiful " I hear milo say "indeed". Hope opens her eyes "that was so nice".This is your warning ⚠️ ⚠️⚠️⚠️ heavy in detail smutt a lot of sex scenes.⚠️⚠️⚠️
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