《The New Alpha》Chapter 10
I sigh and let Scar drag me, her being unusually cheerful "oh no!" I say realising something "I forgot his present at my house!" I frown and turn back
"We can get it later, come on" she doesn't even stop "it's not like you to forget things" she tells me and I nod
"Fay came to my house this morning, she-" I cut myself off, trying to keep calm
She finally does pause and turn to me "what did she say?" She asks, darkly lined blue eyes concerned
"There autopsy came up normal but she's sending off there blood to a place more advanced just to be sure" I tell her and she frowns looking away
"It'll be ok, it was just a freak accident" she says and I shrug
"I guess" she hugs me lightly and then smiles, I do the same
She turns and pulls me along, I follow. We end up on Logan's parents door step, Scar smiles wide and knocks on the door. His Mother, Karen, answers the door "hi Scarlet, Eve, how are you two?" She asks
"Great" Scar answers for us and I nod, smiling politely
"Good good, well come on in, my husband had to make a quick trip with some of the council members, the alpha called them together" she informs us as we follow her through the home I've been in a million times "can you two believe it, Logan's eighteen" she sighs, her dirty blonde hair, like her sons, facing us while her face directed to where she steps next
"Yup, we're all growing up, I remember when we were all just playing on the playground at school" Scar laugh and I join, those memories flooding through my head
Karen laughs as we step into the living room, she sits in a chair while we sit across from her on a dark leather couch "I remember Logan coming home, when you were all about five, with his knee all scratched up. You had both accidentally pushed him down the slide. Your teacher forced you both to come and walk him home. Scar you had that little smirk on your face and Eve you were crying you felt so bad" she laughs, her face lightly up "oh you all grew up as quickly as weeds" her smiles falls and she sighs
She shakes her head and continues "Well I'll go get him, he's been locked in his room all day, I think he may be coming down with the flu, you know it's going around" I nod, hearing it from Fay this morning, maybe that's why he's been acting so odd "I'll be right back"
We both watch her walk down the hall and Scar shakes her knee rapidly against the hardwood "what's up with you?" I ask
She pushes a strand of wavy brown hair behind her pale ear and looks to me "what? Nothing" she shakes her head, I shrug and nod
We hear a pair of heavy footsteps coming down the hall and I smile. When I see him, I stand "happy birthday!" I tell at him
But I seem to be the only one cheerful in the room. I examine him and he frowns, like a pain is erupting through his body and he can't stop it. When I look at Scar she looks shocked, her pink lips are parted and hung open. Her eyes are huge and she stands rapidly and runs over to him, she jumps into his arms.
He catches her and buries his head in her hair around her neck, his face still etched with pain "am I missing something?" I ask but they pay no heed to me
"Oh my god, I can't believe it!" Scar says loudly "I mean I felt like something was up but this!" She smiles larger than I've ever seen, he drops her back down to her feet and holds her to him, while I stand, still confused.
"Scar? Logan? What's...?" I trail off
"We're Mates!" She says loudly
I'm knocked off my feet by this answer, I fall against the couch and stare in between them. It takes me a moment to understand but I finally take a deep breath and smile, I can't say I'm not surprised. Scar, before, was making me feel like me and Logan were mates...I bet she feels silly now. I knew deep down we weren't, we will always be friends. But honestly I never saw this coming.
I smile and stand "well congratulations!"
Scar smiles and nods clutching to Logan. But when I look at him, he looks pale and extremely uncomfortable. Scar holds him and reaches up to kiss him, she grabs his cheeks and leads his lips to hers. I look away for a moment but when I do glance back up he's moving her hands off of his face. She stares at him, watching his every move while he backs away from her.
He looks away from us and leans his head on the doorway. Gripping his hair and groaning in pain "Scar...I- I can't help it" he turns back to us "I knew this would happen...fuck I told you this was a bad idea Eve!"
Both me and Scarlets faces match in confusion "what-...what do you mean?" She asks, voice shaking
I stand and walk closer to her "Logan are you feeling alright?" his brown eyes scan over me
"Eve" he reaches out for my hand but I pull away
"Logan what are you doing?" I ask, eyebrows creased
"Eve..." He repeats my name and grabs my cheeks, leaning in
I gasp and quickly pull away, his lips only grazing mine "what the hell Logan?!" I shout, pushing him away
He backs away and stares between us "I'm sorry Scar, I want you...but Eve" his glance turns to me and I shake my head
"No Logan don't, don't do this" I beg, practically feeling Scars heart rip out "you don't know what you're saying" shock pumps through my veins
He runs his hands through his hair roughly and paces "I can't help it! Eve you're doing something to me! I'm sorry Scar I don't know what to do" tears cloud his soft brown eyes, a war going on in his head.
I turn to Scar and her eyes are fire staring at me. I don't have time to move before she jumps on me "how could you do this to me! You know how much I wanted a mate! You are my Best Friend! How could you!?" She shouts while hitting me in the face repeatedly
"Logan!" I scream for help and a moment later Scar is ripped off of me, her struggling violently in Logan's arms
I hold my aching cheeks and move my bruised and possibly broken jaw. I'm just glad she didn't shift, otherwise I couldn't have done anything. I pull myself over to the couch and hoist myself up, my face swelling up at her attack. A copper taste lingering on my tastebuds, I don't even touch my skin to see where the blood is coming from.
"Scarlet" realisation of what just happened unfolds in my mind and I stare at her like she's a stranger
"You slut!" She screams, still in Logan's arms
"That's enough Scar!" Logan says loudly, his voice booming across the walls, the small amount of alpha in him showing through.
We all hear footsteps running in and in a moment later Karen takes in the situation. She looks over all of us, me on the floor and Scarlet thrashing in her sons arms "what is going on?" She asks
I hold my tingling cheek as a stillness settles over the house. Logan slowly lets Scarlet down and she turns her furious gaze away from me "fuck you" she says through clenched teeth, staring at Logan "for picking that weakling over me" she spits, Karen gasps at Scars language
Her words hurt more than all the punches she delivered to my face. I look away knowing she'll turn to me, and after her previous words I know I can't look at her. I hear her angered footsteps run off and soon the door slams. Logan makes no move to help me up so I pull myself up by the couch.
Tears blur my vision, making things unclear, along with what just happened "Logan" I say quietly, not understanding why he would do this
"I'm sorry Eve....I don't know what to do" he runs his hand through his hair roughly, obviously regretting what he just did
"She's your mate...whatever you're feeling for me, it's not as much as you'll feel for her" I tell him, he's never shown a romantic interest in me before a week or so ago...now this. My best friend hates me and now Logan thinks he wants me.
"Logan what have you done?" His Mother asks, green eyes shocked and scared for him
He shakes his head, a tear falling from his cheek "if I'm going to fix this, Eve you have to stay away from me from now on" he says, his eyes begging and full of pain and sadness. I gasp but after a moment I nod, my tears now starting to over flow on to my skin. I know this has to happen.
"Ok" I say hushly and he takes one last glance at me, making one last move to me but quickly taking back his hand and walks to his Mother "please fix this" I beg as he turns the corner, brown eyes being pulled from me
After the front door closes Karen comes over to me, she scoops me up in an unexpected hug and leads me to the bathroom. Even though my wounds will heal by tomorrow she still cleans my busted lip and small cut on my eyebrow. When I look in the mirror I instantly look away, the person before me being someone I do not know. One eyes is already black and the other a blueish purple. My cheeks are red and swollen as well.
"Thank you for this Karen" I say softly as she sweeps the cloth across my still slightly bleeding lip
"You're welcome darling, I don't really know what all happened....I'm so sorry Scar did this to you and I don't know what was going through my sons brain saying all that's stuff about you right in front of his new found mate" she shakes her head, green eyes confused and disappointed "I just hope all of you can get passed this. Friendships should never be lost over a boy" she continues to frown
"We'll see" I say sadly and step away from her "thanks again, I'm sorry Logan's birthday went like this"
"It's ok...he's a man now and has to make his own decisions and fix his own problems." She says and I nod "I hope I see you soon"
"Me to...if you will would you give me updates on what's happening?...I know I should steer clear of them for now" I ask of her and she nods with a sad smile
We wave, and I walk through the house I've slept in, laughed in, and made memories in for years but never have I left like this. My head hangs low as I walk out into the afternoons yellow glow, the streams of light now cheering my mood only a little. I wonder where they went? Did she run to her house or run out into the woods? I sigh and move my silver hair into my face, hoping I'll see no one till I heal.
"Everly" I'm started by my name, I made it all the way to my driveway...then he came
"I'm sorry Alpha, I can't talk right now" I shield my face with my hair and turn away from him, my pace picking up
"Everly, stop" he demands, two steps and he's already to me
He turns me to face him, but I keep my head down, my hair covering my battered face. I force my neck to stay down, inspecting the grass below us, our feet only inches apart "Alpha please, I- I have somewhere to go" I lie and try to push past him but he grips my shoulders with his strong hands, warmth spreading through my limbs
He curses under his breath and bends down to look at me "Stop calling me that damnit" his voice is agitated and his grip tightens a little
In surprise I look up at him "calling you what?" I ask but gasp when his golden eyes scans my face in a second and I know it's too late for me to look or run away
I hear him growl loudly and his eyes turn pure black "who did this to you" his voice is deeper than anything I've ever heard in my life. I back away frightened at the sound.
After staring over his heightened and darkened features, I snap back into myself "No one, it doesn't matter, I'll heal in a day" I wiggle from his grasp and turn
"Everly!" When I don't turn back to him I hear his heavy footsteps but to my confusion they are headed away from me
Puzzled, I look over my shoulder to see him headed straight to Logan's home. I gasp and run after him, knowing I can't let whatever he's thinking happen. "Alpha!" I call out but he continues in a hurriedly way, I have to run just to catch up with his steps "Maddox please!" I beg
He stops abruptly and I run into his back, almost falling on the group but he swoops back and catches my arm. He pulls me up tightly to his chest, his eyes penetrating mine as he stares down at me. I hold my breath being so close to him. His golden eyes soften as he stares purely at my lips.
"Say that again" he says, voice turning deeper and huskier
I'm transfixed by his eyes, my previous words roll from my lips on instinct "Maddox....please" my tone is no longer a plea for him to stop but now a need and a plea for him...my tone frightens me, the pure want in my voice something I've never heard
A small a shiver rolls over him and my stomach drops at the action. He reaches up to me, his finger grazing over my cut lip and I gasp softly "I'm begging you Everly...tell me if he did this" he says, calmer than before, his body seeming to relax after I repeated his requested words
"He didn't do this I swear..."
"Your Sister then?" His tone more of a question than a statement
"No...it's complica-"
"Alpha! There's a possible breach on the south border!" We both hear one of the warriors shout out and Maddox growls as he turns to him but nods
"We're finishing this conversation later" he says and looks me over one last time before stepping away and following after the warrior. I hear both of them change into wolf form just inside the tree line, hiding them from me. I exhale a breath I had been holding in, his scent still surrounding me.
Once again another incident with the new alpha has caused my mind to fill with even more questions than before. I sigh and hurry into my house, up the stairs and close my bedroom door behind me, not running into my family on the way up. I fall on the bed and groan. What will Scar do? Will she be the new one to spread rumours about me? Will she tell people it was my fault? Has Logan found her and fixed it? I pray that is what has happened. Maddox's plea for me reappears over in my head. The feeling of his finger on my lips sends a tingle down my body, and his eyes staring down at my lips sears its way under my closed eyelids...again I don't know what to make out of it. With the things my Sister, pack mates, and parents tells me compared to the things I sense and feel when I'm with him. I don't know what to think....or feel.
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