《The New Alpha》Chapter 6
"Please change Eve" my Mother complains as I just sit down at the bar and she stirs the pot of sauce hurriedly
"What's wrong with my outfit?" I ask looking down at my clothes
I'm wearing a loose stripped T-shirt and tight skinny jeans "look at yourself, you could look a little nicer since your alpha's coming. You need to make a good second impression"
"I think we're past second impressions" I say quietly
"What does that mean?" My Mother snips, pouring the noodles into a strainer by the sink
Her hair is already straightened, the blonde color shinning under the light. Natural red lips, like mine, are glossed and her cheeks blushed. Her hazel eyes, even though they are looking angrily at me, are sparking with long lashes surrounding them. She's wearing a dark blue dress, shorter than the one she wore when the alpha came. It's pretty with long sleeves and interesting cut outs around the neck.
"Nothing, sorry, I'll change" I jump off the stool and walk around the corner to the stairs
Before I even make it up the first couple of steps I see Victoria walking down. Her dirty blonde hair is curled and lips stained the deepest red. She's wearing a tight black pencil skirt and a low v neck floral shirt, a sparkly necklace hanging low on her cleavage.
She rolls her eyes as we pass each other but I continue up the stairs to my room. I don't know what to wear but honestly I'd actually like to be fully clothed when I see him again, the past two times were horrific.
I look in my closet and search through the clothes. What does my mom want me to wear? I pull out a yellow sundress, it's flowy and cute and if I wear a cardigan over it I'll feel comfortably covered. It has small sun flowers on it and will come down to just above my knee. I pull off my outfit and throw on the dress and cardigan. I pull my hair down from the ponytail it was in and braid my bangs, pinning them back.
I walk back down stairs to see my Mom setting the table, putting down our best china plates. Victoria is already seated on the side of the table playing on her phone, my Father no where to be found. Mom sets down the bread and lights the candles.
My moms eyes turn to me and she looks me over "better" she nods and I smile flattening out my dress "you could wear shoes though" I look down at my bare feet and sigh
A knock on the door startles me and my heart pounds. I handy thought of this but I pray he says nothing about this afternoon in the forrest or my family will kill me. I speedily walk to the table and sit down next to Victoria, trying to seem normal "no, Alphas sitting there" she says matter of factly
I sigh and stand moving to the end of the table, leaving the empty chair for alpha to my left. My Father rushes down the stairs, his dark hair combed nicely and clothing perfectly fitted. I hear my Father answer the door and my Mom stands next to him putting on her fake award winning smile.
"Alpha it's so good to have you over to our home" my Mother says but I keep my eyes forward, away from the doorway
"Please come in, my Wife made spaghetti, I hope that's alright" I hear my Father say and then there footsteps come near. I quietly giggle, spaghetti for the alpha? I shouldn't be surprised my mom has no idea how to cook.
"That's fine" his voice echoes through the house and my chest
My Mother and Father walk to the table, sitting across the empty chair and Victoria while I sit on the end. He's the last to come to the table. I keep my hands in my lap and try to keep my eyes focused on my plate.
"Hi alpha" Victoria sits up straighter and pulls her arms together creating a deeper cut in her breasts
Out of the corner of my eye I see him sit down and nod at her. My Mother stands and brings over the bowl of noodles and sauce "please dig in" my Mother smiles at Maddox and gestures to the bowl
"Thank you for um...inviting me over" he says clearing his throat
"Of course" my Mom smiles scooping food for her and dad
"We just wanted to welcome you into the pack, your second in command and his mate were welcome to come" my Father smiles
"They would have but they wanted to check out the land" he tells us
Silence spreads between us and I keep my eyes down, I feel to embarrassed from today's events to look at him "Eve Amaris-" he used my middle name and I grimace "say hello to your alpha" my Father demands in a polite tone
"Sorry" I say and lift my eyes and turn to Maddox "good afternoon Alpha"
His face is straight but his eyes brighten "Everly" he nods his head
A shiver goes down my back at the sound of his voice saying my name, my full name, and I hate when people call me by that...but not him. I hide a blush as I look away and pick at my food.
"It really is good to have you in our home, I know Victoria wanted to see you again" my Mother smiles and gestures to Victoria who goes to clutch his arm, he try's to pull away "Victoria's our little angel, she's an all A student-" aka she gets everyone else to do her work "she was a cheerleader last year but wanted to focus more on school-" boys "did you know she even shifted early, yup she changed when she was only fifteen" my Mother boasts proudly "she's won almost every competition she's been in, spelling bee,-" seduced the judge to give her the words early "cheer, and she's the fastest running wolf in her age group-" I could beat her
"Very impressive" Maddox nods but says nothing else, seeming bored. He clears his throat "and you Everly?" He basks in a deep tone and I look over to him, his eye brow raised and lips straight
I put down my fork "Well-" I begin to tell him some of my accomplishments, feeling good enough about them to actually speak to him without being afraid
"Eves nothing really, she can be a little lazy sometimes, she just likes to read" my Mother laughs nervously rolling her eyes with a smile
I frown and look away from her, and I'm far to embarrassed to look at him "I'm going to use the restroom" I stand quickly and walk away
I walk past the restroom and head for the back door. The cool breeze blows past as I slip to the back porch. I sit down on the rusty old porch swing and lay my head back starring up at the clouds. If I didn't have to go back in there I wouldn't. I close my eyes, my heart aching from my Mother words. I do do things, more things than there princess they just don't take time to notice or care. And to say that in front of the alpha!...I don't really know why I care so much. But oddly enough I care about what he thinks of me. I don't want him to hate me and honestly I don't know whether he does or not, he's a very confusing and intimidating man. I guess I only care because he's our alpha, but there's something else. When he speaks my heart skips a beat, when he's near me I feel warm inside, when I get the guts to look into his eyes I can't help but get lost.
"it's too late for you to go on a run" I jump, started at the voice and stand
I look up to see Maddox standing there, his arms crossed over his broad and muscular chest, gold eyes looking down on me. I look back at the ground to answer "I wasn't going to run" I tell him quietly
"How often do you run?" He asks tone flat
I sigh "not often...not often at all" I tell him honestly
"Good" he says simply and I look at him with a tilted head
This is what I mean by confusing. Does he mean it's a good think I don't run because he doesn't like me running? Why would he care?
I don't answer to that; I try to move past him to the door. When I reach the handle I feel his hand on my shoulder and he pushes me against the wall of the house, to face him. I look up, surprise written in my features. "What are-" my words are swallowed when he places his hands beside my head, closing me in against him and the wall
He steps towards me and his head bends down to my level. I attempt to breath normal but I breath in short bursts, waiting for him to say something or for my heart to pound out of my chest. His liquid gold eyes move over my face, the moon light casting a shadow across his. His face sharpened as the light cuts in to every bone structured beautiful feature. His breath fans across my face and his scent surround me completely. His eyes grow darker and his eyebrow pull together.
Fear settles in my chest from the unknowing of what's happening "are you afraid of me?" he asks but more demands
I wince at the question "no alpha" I tell him, fear and excitement battle in my chest and mind
"I told you not to lie to me" he says softer but still harsh
"I'm sorry alp-"
"Maddox" he says and I meet his eye "don't call me Alpha, at least while we're alone...for now" he says and I nod slowly, confusion being the main thing I feel when he speaks
"Now I'll ask you again" his voice is a whisper now and his head moves lower to me "do you fear me?"
I place my hands by the wall to keep me from touching his hair and look up into his eyes "you intimidate me" I tell him, which is true
He smirks a little "what's so intimidating?" He asks
My grey eyes widen and I search his face, I raise an eyebrow and tilt my head "everything about you" I spit out before I have time to think
He frowns at my words and a second later backs away from me, at first I think it's because of me so I begin to apologise but then I hear the door open. Victoria pops her head out, first she sees Maddox and smiles seductivly when she sees me though she instantly frowns and raise an eyebrow "Eve why would you follow the alpha out here, leave him alone-he needs his privacy" she says but I almost laugh because one- he came out here, and two- she was coming to find him and take away his privacy
Her face completely changes as she looks back over to Maddox "forgive her" she laughs "anyways desserts on the table" she smiles "unless you want another type of dessert" she bites her lips and my mouth flys open
"No thanks" he says
"we'll be in in a minute" we both say at the same time, anger filling me at her words after the shock
She frowns but winks at him anyways strutting back inside with swaying hips.
"We should go in" I tell him and he nods, I'd rather stay out here
He looks at me for a moment with debating eyes, he goes to say something but stops. I turn and grab the handle of the door but feel him bend down next to my ear, his hot breath fans across my neck and hair. "I don't think you're nothing" he says, voice deep and melodic
My eyes widen and I suck in a deep breath, Glad for the cold weather chilling my flaming blush. I don't know how to respond so I give a wary smile walking back inside while he follows, his loud footsteps close behind.
The rest of the dinner or dessert goes smooth enough, my mom and dad try to be doting and happy, laughing at every short sentence the alpha said. I stayed quiet and listened to when he would answer my parents questions about him. Victoria, I frown even thinking about her, she wouldn't stop hugging his arm or laying her head on his shoulder. She even scooted so far over when she turned to him her chest rubbed up against his arm. I caught a few very irritated and angry glances from alpha towards her but she didn't seem to notice, she was too busy trying to seduce him.
My mom takes his and the rest of the family's plate, except mine. I bring my dish to the sink and start to wash it.
"I actually ran into Everly this afternoon" I hear Maddox say and I quickly drop the plate and turn to him, my heart plummeting to my stomach
I look over at my mom and dad and they both stare wide eyed at him "did you? Where?" My Father asks
"In the forrest, she had just gone on a run...something I'd like to talk to you about" he says and I gasp quietly knowing my parents are going to kill me
"Really?" My Mother says in a growl like tone, but her face shows full fear
I back away from the sink "it was just a quick run" I tell her "I'm going to my room" I walk away before they can answer but I hear Maddox stand
I run to the stairs and curse myself for not being more careful, of course I had to bump into the one person who we'd be having dinner with and the one guy who doesn't know I can't run with anyone. I lay down on my bed and fight the urge to cry knowing when he leaves my parents are going to come up here and rip me a new one.
About an hour after I leave the table I hear the front door close and I cringe. I didn't hear much of there conversation but a few harsh words on Maddox's end.
I hear there foot steps racing up the stairs and I close the book I was reading and wait. They burst into my room "what were you thinking?!" I Mother whisper yells
"Eve you know you have to tell us when you go for a run!" My Father fumes
"I'm sorry, I couldn't take it, he didn't see me I promise...it really was after I ran" I swear to them but there faces still hold anger
"How could you be so stupid? He could throw you out of the pack!" My Mother flares her hands in the air, her blonde hair shakes with her movements
I'm stunned at her words, he couldn't do that could he? He wouldn't want to, would he? "What?...you think he'd do that" I ask quickly, hands moving to my chest where my heart pounds
"Eve you're weak, strong men and alphas like that don't want weak wolves in there pack" my Father says and I feel my heart shatter
Tears prick at my eyes a so try to hold it together "I don't feel weak" my voice is hushed, so quite I hardly hear
"But you are" my Father dead pans and that's it the tear gates open
Warm tears slide down my flushed cheeks and I look down at my hands. Fear, hate, and disappointment run through my veins, fear of being thrown out of the pack by Maddox; a man who makes my insides feel warm but also my knees shake in fear, Hate for the way the moon God made me, hate for the illusion and irony of feeling so strong yet being so weak, and disappointment for myself due to my thinking I was ever good enough, for thinking for even a second the Alpha cared about me. He probably only came out to make sure I wouldn't run so no one would see me like my parents. He probably only said he didn't think I was nothing because-...because I don't know, make me feel better or something. He probably asked if I feared him to see if I was as weak as they say. He linked with the pack this morning, that's what Scar told me.
"I'm sorry...it won't happen again" I whisper, tears falling on my collected hands in my crossed lap
They don't say anything else. They walk out and close the door behind them. The second I hear them leave I turn over and scream into my pillow, feeling the deepest loathing for myself. I'm so stupid. At this point I shouldn't even care when someone calls me weak, it's true. I think back to hours ago when Maddox was inches from my face, the feeling of a fire in my chest when he's near me, the flicker of his eyes to my lips...stop. I'm being completely ridiculous.
I turn over and strip from my dress and bra, throwing on my pyjamas and laying in bed, this time checking if my window was closed...not that it mattered why would he look at me. I'm sure he's heard plenty gossip about me when he mind linked.
I close my eyes and fall asleep with tears in my grey orbs, praying I'll dream of a place far from here.
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