《Rejected At First Sight》Chapter Eight
My eyes shot open as my alarm clock rang out. I stiffly moved my hand and pressed the snooze button. I sat up very slowly and carefully, expecting any moment for a sharp pain to strike me.
With wide eyes and slow movements, I stood up and walked to the bathroom. I closed the door and turned to look in the mirror. I took off my tank top and booty shorts so I was only in my underwear.
Nothing. Nothing new. I turned my body so I could see all sides in the mirror. Still nothing new. The bruises were starting to heal. Instead of being a deep purple or black color, most of them were now a lighter purple. Instead of screaming out in pain like they would every morning, they were only sore.
A smile graced my face as I took in my appearance. I quickly grabbed my pajamas and headed back into my room. My spirit lifted immediately.
I walked over to my closet and pulled out a pair dark wash, skinny jeans. I went over to my dresser and pulled out a white frilly, lace tank top.
Loving my outfit, I quickly pulled out a pair of white undies and white bra. Walking back to the bathroom, I grabbed a towel and washcloth.
I took a longer than normal shower, making sure that I was very careful by my bruises. I washed my hair with my fruity shampoo and conditioner. Oranges, pineapples, and strawberries filled the space.
Stepping out off the shower, I wrapped my hair in my towel and put on my bra and undies. I looked at my naked, bruised body in the mirror. My temporary good mood vanished as I looked at my bruises. However, I smiled once again at the fact that there was nothing new.
I took down my wet hair and pulled out my straightener. I plugged it in and walked back to my room, waiting for it to warm up. Once in my room, I pulled on my jeans and took out my foundation. I looked into the mirror. The shadows under my eyes have decreased in size and color, but still need to be covered.
I walked back to the bathroom. The straightener had heated up, so I grabbed a hair clip and clipped the left side of my hair up and out of the way. I started to straighten the right side.
Once straightened, the right side of my hair is dry and straight. The red in my hair shines out in the light. I take the clip out and start on my left side. Soon, the left side mimics the right and both sides are dry and straight.
I walk back into my room and slip on my shirt. I walk over to my full length mirror and make sure my shirt falls over my jeans the way I want it to. Satisfied that it is, I walk back over to my foundation. I take my brush and powder and start applying. The sleep circles disappear.
Happy with my makeup job, I grab the white flats in my closet, my backpack, and walk out of my room. I walk downstairs to the kitchen.
"Hey sweetie." Dad says by the toaster.
"Whatcha making?" I ask as I walk past him to the pantry.
"Just some toast." He responds.
I grab a my normal breakfast of a Nutrigrain bar and walk over to the kitchen counter. I hop up onto it, with my bar in my mouth, and start slipping my flats on my feet. With them on, I hop down and grab my backpack.
"Where's mom?" I ask, realizing that she's not down here.
"Your mom's got the stomach bug. She's not going into work today. I'll be driving you to school." Dad says as he butters his toast.
"Oh, okay. I guess I'll be in the car." I say as I walk out the door to the car. The door closes before I hear him respond. I open the car door and slid in. I buckled my seat belt and checked the time on my phone. A little bubble pops up saying I have a text. I open the text and see that it's from Kristin.
I smirk and read the text, 'Why the hell haven't I heard from you?!?!' I laugh, filling the silence. The car door opens and dad slid in.
"Whatcha laughing at?" Dad asks as he started the car.
"Text message from Kristin." I respond. I text her back, 'Haha sorry new school ya know?'
I look out the window as we drive to the school. A line of trees rushes past. The never ending forest. I sigh, I never liked the forest. Too many bugs and wild animals.
Dad pulls into the school's parking lot and stops. I open the door, scoop up my backpack, and get out. I walk to the doors and head in.
I start walking to class, almost expecting Josh to pop up randomly. I reached my class with no sign of Josh.
Mr. Holland looked up from whatever he was working on at his desk. He was probably wondering why I was so early. I ignored his look and walked to my seat. I sat down at my table and put my head down.
I moved my hand to my side as a twinge of pain ran through it. The board in front of me said that there was a quiz today. I started rubbing my side as another twinge of pain ran through my side. How come I didn't remember that there was a quiz today? Suddenly, fire ran straight through my stomach and I lost my breath.
The pain!
I immediately cupped my stomach in my arms as the fire continued. My breath started coming out in small pants. I squeezed my eyes shut as it increased.
Just as it had two nights ago, the fire quickly increased until it was practically unbearable. I tried to regulate my breathing so I wouldn't scream in the middle of school.
In through my nose, out through my mouth. In. Out. In. Out.
The fire soared to new lengths and my breathing cut off. I clenched my teeth together and I held in a scream. In. Out. In. Out.
Someone help me! I couldn't think clearly. My mind wouldn't concentrate on anything except the pain.
Then, as if water put out the fire, it disappeared. I kept my eyes shut and my teeth clenched. My arms never moved from my stomach.
The pain disappeared and I slowly moved my arms from my stomach, to my sides. I moved my head up and was stunned by the light for a second. I looked around and noticed that class started in less than a minute. Where did the time go?
There was something on my cheek so I moved my hand up to wipe it off. My hand came back wet. Tears. I quickly wiped my cheeks with my hands, making the tear trails disappear.
I tensed when a body of heat sat down next to me. I let a wall of hair fall down between me and him. A few seconds later, the bell rang and Mr. Holland started talking.
I stared at the wall next to Mr. Holland while he talked.
"...project...partners...person next to you." My eyes snapped to Mr. Holland. Please tell me I heard him wrong. He started passing out papers for the supposed project. I didn't stop staring at the spot Mr. Holland was standing in it.
I heard a manly sigh next to me. My hair was still a wall between us, and I didn't dare move it. I could feel Ashton's stare in the side of my head. I held my breath.
Suddenly, the softest touch I had ever felt, pulled on my hair. His hand took the hair that was between us and moved it to over my shoulder and behind my ear. Soft tingles erupted when his hand accidentally brushed the side of my head.
My heart beat increased, whether out of nervousness or lust, I don't know. I sat frozen, unable to move. My eyes never even glanced toward him.
I heard him sigh again, and he placed a paper in front of me. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Ashton start writing on his paper.
Making slow, stiff movements, I moved my head so I was looking down at my paper. I moved my hand to grab my pencil and slowly wrote my name.
"So, I think we should do our project on the Civil War." Ashton said turning toward me. I could see him out of the corner of my eye. I decided not to move.
"Hey, Evie," a shudder ran down my spine at the sound of him saying my name, "are you going to say anything?" His eyebrows turned down into a frown. I still didn't respond.
"Evie!" He growled out and I jumped at the deepness of his voice. My head snapped toward him and my eyes immediately found his. His eyes weren't his normal ocean blue, but instead a night blue.
"Were you crying?" Ashton asked, his voice back to normal and almost sounded concerned. I scoffed at him, my first response.
"Like you care. Sure I would be fine doing the project on the Civil War." I retorted and started looking at the details on the project. Ashton didn't respond.
The sheet said that we need to each have a two-page paper on our topic. Along with the papers, we needed to create a poster board on our topic. On the poster board, we need a timeline, an important person, an important event, pictures, and a summary. We would need to present our poster board to the class. This was all due in two weeks.
I sighed, I hated partnered projects. I did the best on my own. Not to mention, but it also sucks when your partner's an ass.
He finally responded, "I don't." Of course not.
"So I expect it to be done on time and I want to see it before you turn it in. Make sure you make notecards and give them to me before we present." Ashton continued.
Wait, what?! Is he telling me to do the entire project by myself?
"Um, it's a partner project." I stressed the 'partner' part of that sentence.
The hard look in Ashton's eyes returned as he looked at me. "Well, I don't want to be your partner, I think you know the obvious reasons," my mind went back to the first day, "and my time is too valuable. I have lots of stuff to do, and this isn't one of them."
I gaped at him. Completely and utterly unbelievable. It took a second to get my thoughts together, until a thought came into my mind and I knew I had him.
"Then I'll just explain to Mr. Holland that my 'partner' won't do any of the work. I'll let him deal with you." The quotations were obvious. I was smug with my answer, but the feeling quickly left me after Ashton's eyes turned black.
"I suggest you don't do that," he growled out, a deep guttural sound, "you don't want to get on my bad side." So this wasn't it? I gulped and looked down. The threat in his voice lingered after he finished talking.
We stayed in silence for the rest of class. Everyone around us was talking about their projects and how they're splitting it up. I, meanwhile, was trying to find a way to get everything done in the amount of time I had. Ashton, on the other hand, was texting on his phone. A little deduction work found that he was texting the brunette in the front of the class, who seemed to be very happy with whatever they were texting about.
Class ended and I left with a headache. How the hell was I supposed to do everything? I walked to math, my mood lifting a little in anticipation of seeing Josh. When I got to math, he wasn't in his seat. I found this surprising, he was usually in class before me. I walked to my seat and sat down. To soon, class started and Josh still wasn't here. I sighed, math was going to be boring.
My headache increased as math continued. I couldn't concentrate for very long. I found myself staring off into space for long periods of time. Luckily, I wasn't called on.
Class ended, finally, with the ring of the bell. I stood up and quickly walked to my next class. My headache kept increasing with every step. Once I got to communications, dizziness struck me. I had to stop myself from falling over by clutching on to the door frame.
"Are you okay Evie?" Mr. Johnston asked. He was looking at me like I was about to fall over.
"Yeah." I sighed out. I let go of the door frame and took a step into the classroom. Dizziness rushed over me, and I stumbled.
"No you're not," Mr. Johnston said, concerned, "go to the nurse's office, Evie."
"No I'm fine Mr. Johnston." I tried to argue as I regained my footing.
"It wasn't a suggestion. Go to the nurse. Then go home." Mr. Johnston softly commanded. I sighed, loving the idea of going home. I turned around and headed to the nurse's office.
The nurse, Mrs. Swanson, agreed with Mr. Johnston and said that I needed to go home. She contacted my dad after I told her that he was work. Mrs. Swanson hung up a few minutes later saying that my dad is coming to pick me up in about ten minutes. I said thank you and walked to the front doors of the school.
About fifteen minutes later, dad pulled up. I walked outside to the car and immediately slid inside the car. Dad immediately left as I laid my head against the cool window.
"Sweetie, are you okay?" Dad asked as he looked over at me, clearly concerned.
"I think I just need sleep." I responded with my eyes closed. He left it at that.
When we got to the house, dad pulled up the driveway and opened the garage door, but he didn't get out of the car.
"Sorry sweetie, I need to go back to work. Get some sleep." He kissed my forehead and I left the car and walked into the garage. As soon as I opened the door to the house, I closed the garage door and walked into the house. I went straight upstairs after I put my backpack on the couch.
Once upstairs, I stopped by my parent's room to check on my mom. She was sleeping, so I left her be. I quickly walked to my room, and hopped into bed. Exhaustion hit me suddenly, and my eyelids shut automatically. Sleep washed over me and I sighed out in content. I fell into the deep abyss of unconsciousness.
A/N: PLEASE READ. First off, I would like to apologize for the very long wait for this chapter. School has started for me and I am one of those people who's grades come first. Next, updates will be longer in time and probably shorter in writing than they have been in the past. I'm not saying that they will be like a page. Instead of being around five pages, updates will probably be two or three pages. On a happier note, thank you guys so much!!! I have gotten over 4,000 reads which is amazing. To add to that, people are commenting which always makes my day. I also want to thank you guys for voting and fanning. It is always amazing and surprising, in a great way, when I see that there was more reads, comments, votes, and fans. So thank you so much!!!!!
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Reborn - The Jade Phoenix Saga, Book 1 (A Cultivation LitRPG Series)
Book 1 of this series has been published in partnership with Portal Books and is up on Amazon and soon-to-be Audible. Corrupted.This is the word that has defined Yu since her infancy. Her God Sign is corrupted and so she is a cultivator without cultivation. Frail and sickly, Yu is the only descendant of her mighty warrior lineage to live without strength, without purpose. She is a stain on the honor of her family, an embarrassment to her prestigious clan.Hidden away, Yu comes to live with the constant scorn and ridicule of her peers. She is bullied, beaten and bloodied. But she is never broken.She dreams of one day proving herself worthy.Defying her father’s wishes, Yu trains with her twin Jian swords, using her flawless memory to perfect their complex forms. Working in secret she builds her martial skills to a level unheard of for her young age. But her skills mean little without cultivation.Until she is given a chance – a chance to be reborn.
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Digital Sorcery (A LITRPG Adventure Series)
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