《The War Luna》How?


Alex had left the assembled group back in the arena. They had started talking and asking questions after Aidan had made his swift exit. There was anger and fear and uncertainty in their voices and she couldn't bear to be around anyone now. Particularly that group of people. The thought of moving away and not seeing her father, her brothers and Nolan everyday was making it difficult for Alex to catch her breath.

She had decided to walk back to her house, hoping somewhere along the way to feel anything other than empty. Her wolf meanwhile had become so overexcited at finally meeting her fated mate that Alex had had to close her out of her own mind. She couldn't enjoy those thoughts and her wolf's joy.

There were so many things vying for her attention. How could this be her fate? How was she supposed to leave her life behind, a life and a pack that she loved, and be a Luna to another pack? Could she even be an effective Luna in a pack that wouldn't allow her to train and fight beside the other warriors? Would her partner, her Alpha, ever respect her and allow her to share her experience and expertise with her new pack? What would her life be like?

And then her mind shifted to a slightly different direction. Alex thought of Aidan's broad shoulders. His sharp jawline and beautiful blue eyes. Then she thought of how tight his pants had been and found herself wondering about what was underneath.

Alex could feel the wetness between her legs and a pleasant tingling running up her body and shook her head vigorously to get her mind away from the Adonis that was Aidan and back onto straightening out her thoughts.

She paused briefly at a water fountain situated at the side of the roadway, beside a bench that was pointed towards the steep mountain that was her pack's namesake. On sunny days like this, the view was stunning. She took some of the water into her cupped hands and washed the blood from her face. She smirked a little as the water ran clear. At least she had humiliated Kit in front of his team and his own Alpha. That's something good from the day, she thought happily. Alex thought about all the madness of the day and came to an important conclusion.

'It's time for a pitcher of margaritas', she said aloud as she jogged towards her front door.


Later that evening, Alex was unsurprised as, in ones and twos, she was joined in her backyard by a flurry of visitors. Nolan and his mate, Pete, were first up. Without a knock on the door, they made their way in, grabbing glasses, plates and cutlery from the kitchen and sitting beside her on her patio where she had been enjoying the beautiful sunset over the tree line and an increasing buzz from her copious cocktails. They sat either side of her, quietly putting together a plate of her favourite foods - wings, nachos, chickpea curry and rice. Both men had a great way with food. Pete brought home so much produce from his days tending the farm lands and they could put together a beautiful meal at a moment's notice.


As they started eating, they were joined by Alex's father, Hank, and her two brothers. Ronan's mate Alice had gone to help Cain's mate put their four daughters to bed to give the brothers time with their sister. Everyone was quiet as they pulled out a chair, set down beers and helped themselves to the array of food. The only noise was knives and forks hitting plates and food and drinks being consumed and enjoyed. The sun had set and the chairs groaned as their occupants sat back, refilling drinks before anyone spoke. Alex was content now, her belly full and surrounded by some of her favourite people.

'An interesting day by all accounts' Hank began and they all smirked.

'How about Alex's take down of that ignorant piece of shit Kit?' Nolan added, winking in her direction.

'Everyone across the pack has been reliving it all day' Pete said. 'I heard so much about it that I feel like I saw every punch. People will be talking about that one for years. Two Gammas going head to head - a stunning update for your already heaving CV I think Alex'.

They all laughed heartily. Alex was glad of the light conversation but wondered who would be the one to bring up her mate and the changes that were to come. She sipped her beer and waited. The conversation went back and forth, with much commentary on the fight. Kit's many idiotic moves and attempts to land punches or kicks on Alex and her easy dodging of all but one. She wrinkled her newly mended nose at the memory of Kit's hand hitting her square in the face. A fair punch, she mused to herself and one that she hadn't been able to dodge. How was she going to be in a pack with a man like that? She groaned as she thought that he was just one man in an entire pack of men that thought that women couldn't and shouldn't fight or be trained in combat.

She could feel her father's eyes on her as she exhaled deeply. Hank cleared his throat.

'Did I ever tell you the story of your great grandmother Alexandria, the woman Alex is named for?'

Everyone now looked towards Hank, shaking their heads and waiting for him to continue.

'Alexandria met your great grandfather, Hugo, in battle. Her pack and this pack were in a row over territory that escalated into some bloodshed over the years. Alexandria was a warrior in the Black Water Guardians pack and once Hugo came across her, he suddenly became more open to negotiations with their Alpha.' Hank smiled and then continued.


'Up to that point, and remember this was one hundred years ago, it was only men in the pack armies.

'Ah so Lunar Ridge are only 100 years behind in their belief system', Ronan quipped. There was muted laughter to this remark and covert glances towards Alex. Ronan squeezed Alex's knee and smiled weakly at her. Hank continued.

'That same year, the Black Water Guardians pack and territory became amalgamated with our pack which lead to the name Black Mountain to honour both packs. The union of the two packs lead to some friction but also some eventual changes. Hugo couldn't deny that the new pack members brought a more diverse way of thinking into his pack. Their farming methods were more efficient than ours, using less land and rotating the crops more frequently which allowed for a higher yield of produce; the education of their young was equal for males and females and each child was expected to complete at least ten years of education with all children being trained in self defence, from as young as four years of age. Then there was the fact that so many females were part of the pack army. This was something that had occurred organically over the years due to so many of the males being killed or suffering from long term injuries through battle. There had been a shortage of warriors and the women of the pack had stepped up and started training.'

Alex sat up a little straighter as her father continued his story. She had never heard this part of the pack history before and what an appropriate moment to hear it now. She had never wondered at what stage things had changed for the better for the females of her pack; never once had thought about why her pack was run so differently to almost every other pack she had come across. She had grown up in such privilege, never being treated differently to her brothers that she had never questioned who had started making these changes.

'Hugo and Alexandria made changes to the pack over time. The older generation didn't always agree or want to accept the new ways of doing things but no one could deny that they were all the better for having the Black Water Guardians join them. Families merged over time and as the new generations were born, it was easier for everyone to just accept that changes and updating ways of life were just part of who they were.

'And here we are today. Alex, you are gifted beyond compare.'

Hank took Alex's hand across the table and looked at her lovingly and with a glowing pride.

'When you took over as my Gamma, I was so worried about how young you were and how much of a fight you would have putting your own stamp on things here. But here you are, 9 years later, renowned and recognised worldwide as a foremost expert on combat and battle strategy. You are an idol to your nieces and a pillar to your community. If anyone can handle a difficult situation, it is you.'

Around the table there were nods and words of agreement with this statement. Alex felt Pete squeeze her shoulder lightly and Nolan pulled her into a one arm hug.

There was a silence again. This time however, Alex didn't feel as empty and isolated as she had all day long. Who was to say that she couldn't be the one to make changes at Lunar Ridge? She was Alex Fury. She had come up against her fair share of difficulties in her time and she was never one to back away from a fight.

'And just think', Ronan added, 'you'll be back for my wedding in 2 weeks time. So if you really don't think you can stick it there, we'll bring you back here for all the emergencies we can plan to have.' He winked playfully at her.

'And who knows, maybe you can reject him if you don't like the match? You're an Alpha too don't forget', Nolan added.

Interesting, Alex thought. Her wolf did not like that suggestion but it allowed Alex some semblance of hope that she wasn't stuck forever in a terrible situation.

She smiled at the group before her. Things could be ok.

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