《The War Luna》Female


To say Kit was angry would be a vast understatement. Alex smiled throughout his admonishments of her and her exercise. He was clearly embarrassed at how badly his team had performed. She stood strong before him as he came closer and closer to her face, his hands gesticulating widely and spittle forming at either side of his mouth as he spat his words angrily, trying to intimidate her. Keeping her face placid and her smile unwavering, she would allow him to run out of steam before she spoke.

"And I will be reporting you you little bitch to both your Alpha and my own. How dare you think that you can attack my warriors and get away with it just because you're a woman".

That was it, she would allow no more. Nolan had started forward and she put her hand up to stop him from interfering.

She looked Kit up and down with a sneer.

"I understand you are emotional after the frankly humiliating defeat of your team in a very simple scouting exercise."

Kit went to interrupt her furiously. She spoke her words more loudly.

"But I won't be disrespected in that way by a man who can't even train his own warriors to patrol for a rogue. I am the Gamma of this pack. I will remind you that you and your Alpha came to me for assistance in training your pack, not the other way around. My reputation is built on experience and results. So either get control of yourself Gamma, and we can get on with the job at hand or go back to your Alpha and explain to him why the training he has paid for is not going ahead".

Kit took a step back, knowing his Alpha would not approve of such a move seeing as the alliance between their packs was now at its strongest. Plus the Alpha was to arrive the following day to assess the training himself.


"Bitch", Kit muttered under his breath. It was the only retaliation he had left.

"You haven't seen anything yet sweetie", she whispered into his face before pushing past him towards Nolan who was failing to internalise a wide smile.

"Shut up you", Alex said to him, jostling him jovially. "You'll have to explain this oversight to me later".

"No explanation", Nolan said. "He assumed you were a man. I never corrected him because the man is a chauvinist".

Nolan shrugged his shoulders. "Now he knows".

And he smiled again. The corners of her own mouth lifted too.

Ronan was walking down the steps of the pack house now, smiling widely at his guests, as yet unaware of the scene that had just unfolded. Alex stood to meet him.

"You're all very welcome to Black Mountain", he announced enthusiastically to the group assembled at the foot of the stairs.

"No doubt you will all want to settle in and clean up before the feast at 7pm. You're welcome to join our patrols tonight for a run if you need to stretch your wolves a bit afterwards".

His smile faltered slightly at the disgruntled look of the group before him.

"Did I miss something?" He added quizzically, looking to Alex and then Nolan who were doing a poor job of stifling their laughter.

"Alex just completed the initial training exercise with the Lunar Ridge team", Nolan answered, working hard to remove the smile from his face. "They have some improvements to make". He smiled wryly at Ronan.

"And in a shocking twist", Nolan continued, "Alex is a female".

Ronan looked confused now as he extended his hand to Gamma Kit.

"Welcome Gamma", he said as Kit shook his hand. Kit was throwing a murderous look in the direction of Nolan and Alex which only made it harder for them to stop their laughter from erupting.


"Well yes", Ronan said, confused but gathering the picture as he continued, "My Gamma is a female. She's the greatest warrior of our time, Gamma Kit. You know her reputation. After all, you came here to learn directly from her and improve the skills of your own pack".

Ronan finished with a bite in his voice. His Alpha tone was coming out and he was clearly annoyed by the man standing before him. Kit was wise enough to bow his head.

"Of course Alpha. I meant no disrespect", he said. He threw a furious glance at Nolan and Alex, both of whom smiled innocently back at him.

Ronan stood aside and motioned for the group to head indoors to the awaiting housekeeping staff. They moved down one of the hallways of the pack house towards their accommodation for the week ahead, some of the men taking a look at Alex over their shoulders and whispering to each other as they walked.

Ronan turned to his sister and Nolan who looked at him for a moment before doubling over in hysterical laughter. Tears rolled down their cheeks as they tried to catch their breaths. Ronan looked annoyed but mildly entertained also.

"So I gather you kicked their butts then", he queried.

Alex took a deep breath. "Yes", she answered. "I brought them down without much trouble".

She frowned slightly. "I actually was expecting a higher standard to be honest seeing as they've received our training a handful of times now over the years". She looked to Nolan for an answer.

"Gamma Kit doesn't accept that they should do anything differently in terms of pack training", he explained. "Every time I've been there, he fights me at every turn. They have had lots of battle success and it gives him undeserved confidence about his team's abilities".

"Then why does he keep booking training with us", Alex asked, knowing the cost of the training they provided and the time spent with the trainees.

"It's not him. It's always Alpha Aidan who books it in", Nolan answered.

"Maybe things will change when the Alpha arrives tomorrow then", Alex added hopefully.

"Maybe", Ronan smiled, "until he learns you're a female".

They all laughed as they headed off to debrief before the welcoming feast.

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