《The Nurse》Chapter 27: Resignations and Propositions
"I am so very tired, Eloise." Adeline complained, halting behind Eloise. "I think we should stop for a moment."
Eloise glanced back at her, observing as she leaned forward. The exhaustion she felt was clear, yet Eloise knew that stopping could be fatal. Her eyes roamed to the graying sky. Night was falling. Eloise wondered how many hours had passed on their journey.
"We have to keep going." her response was straightforward. She adjusted herself and continued walking. "The sooner we get to the hospital, the sooner I can return to my son."
Time moved slowly as the two women continued their walk. Concern grew with the passing minutes. The world they were in showed no signs of life, only remnants of war. Suddenly, the glow from the field hospital flickered against the darkening sky. Echoes of war could be heard from the distance, sending a chill down the spine of Eloise. Fighting was supposedly ceased, yet the song of battle rang clearly on the evening wind. Cautiously, the two women approached their destination.
Little alarm was raised as they entered the wounded sanctuary. Eerie cries of the injured men sang a somber song. Focus of the men were turned solely onto their suffering comrades. Eloise and Adeline trekked lightly through the area, keeping their eyes locked on the macabre scene painted around them.
In the dark, she could see the silhouette of battered soldiers. As they passed, she could feel the fear radiating from them. The dim lanterns illuminated their stone faces. Their eyes held the stare of terror—a stare that Eloise had grown to familiar with. The horrors that encased the hospital was hidden by the cloak of darkness. In a selfish way, Eloise was thankful that she was spared the gruesome visual. The hand of Adeline startled her momentarily. She glanced back at her friend who had taken her by the hand. Eloise could sense heightened emotions in Adeline, which was unusual and raised concern.
They continued through the station in silence, passing by the wounded. A sigh of relief followed after they saw Thomas in the distance. Eloise rushed toward him. Without speaking, she passed the satchel of supplies to him. Her eyes scanned the area. Many wounded were awaiting aid.
The pungent odor of blood mixed with death filled the cramped space. Eloise instinctively went to work. One by one, she tended soldiers. Minor wounds were easily fixed and passed over. Those with lethal injures she took her time.
She eased down, inspecting the wounds of a motionless man. A delayed response came from her touch. A forced smile appeared across his pale face. With a gentle hand, he pressed it against her face. She nodded at his gesture and continued her examination. Blood pooled along his stomach. He held the injury with a tight grasp, refusing to release. Eloise managed to lift his hand. She gasped at the sight that lay before her. He cradled his entrails in his hand, letting her get a clear look. She could see in his eyes that he knew that death was imminent.
"I am sorry, sir." She whispered to the man. She rested a soft hand on his face, hoping to ease him for a moment.
He leaned against her, keeping his eyes on her face. His breaths soon grew ragged as the moments passed. His body became stiff beneath her touch. A firm lump formed in the back of her throat. As she studied the man, mixed emotions began to spiral in her heart. She was tired of seeing death. Few soldiers remained nearby, yet Eloise ignored them. She fled the space. Quickly, she darted through the maze of people and found her way into an empty tent.
She halted in the doorway and covered her mouth. The breaking point of emotions was peaking within her. She fought back screaming. Hot tears began to trickle down her cheeks. Soon, they were uncontrollably flowing her eyes. Her feet scuffled along the ground. She hoped that the pacing movement would alleviate the unwanted emotions that were rising within her. Her mind's thoughts were consumed with the image of the dying man. No matter how hard she tried, his face remained bold. She tightly shut her eyes. Suddenly, hundreds of faces began to paint inside her mind. She pressed her hands against her temples, eyes opened wide. The torment of death grew with the passing moments.
A table sat oblong in the center of the tent. Slowly, she maneuvered to it and plopped down onto a chair. With her head in her hands, she conjured up pleasant memories. The challenge was forgetting the bad thoughts. The image of her son managed to regain her sanity. She eased her head onto the table and took steady breaths, easing her racing heart.
Eloise pressed her head against her outstretched arm, watching as the candle slowly burned away. The warmth of the fire radiated onto her face. Her thoughts changed to Albert. In the silence of the night, she could not rid him from her mind. The faintness of voices outside kept her grounded in reality.
"I have yet to thank you, Eloise." The deep voice of Thomas came from the entranceway. "We were in dire need of those supplies."
Eloise slowly lifted her head, seeing his shadow move steadily across the white cloth. She turned to meet his gaze. No words came from her lips, only a pleasant smile. He moved swiftly within the space, retrieving a chair from the corner. Before Eloise could speak, Thomas was seated across from her. His eyes fixated on her intensely. An uneasy feeling began to form deep within the pit of her stomach.
"I am so glad that you came." Thomas spoke sincerely, stretching his hand outward in the small space between them.
Eloise stared blankly at the gesture, then glanced at him. "It is not like I had much of a choice in the matter, sir." Her voice was distant as the thoughts of Albert and Ulrich came to her mind. "I was given my orders and I followed them."
Thomas straightened his posture, dropping his hands into his lap. His stare remained locked on Eloise in the intimidating silence. "I hope that the hospital has been doing well in my absence."
A silent nod was the only response she offered.
"I am glad to hear that." A pleased expression found its way onto Thomas's face. "I think that now is the most opportune time to inform you of the good news."
She looked at him confused, "What good news?"
"I have sent the papers for your promotion. You will now be the matron of the nurses."
Eloise's eyes grew wide. The news rendered her speechless. She glanced around the empty space, attempting to think of a response.
"Aren't you happy, Eloise?"
Eloise shook her head, "No sir. I am not." She watched his face sink. "I don't wish to be a nurse, let alone their matron. I think that Adeline would be best suited for the job. The women respect her and she respects them."
"You are the best nurse there."
"Sir," her shaking voice began, "I am constantly living in torment from seeing these men. When I think that it is getting better, it gets worse. I hold my son in my arms and pray that he never has to witness war. His innocence is the only thing that keeps me going downstairs." She carefully observed his solemn expression. "I don't wish to be a nurse, I never did. I only wish to be a mother."
The sternness on his face melted away into concern. "You are an exceptional mother, just as you are a nurse. You have a gift, Eloise, that no one can take away from you. You seem as though you have already made your mind up, so there is no sense in my trying to persuade you to stay."
She forced a smile onto her face. "Thank you, sir."
"I have to ask you, though," he paused, staring intently at her. "Where will you go? I will not let you leave with Ulrich unless I know that you are in a safe location."
Eloise shrugged, "I'm not certain, sir. I don't know of anywhere that would take me in. I never thought that I would get this far.
"Then I suppose now is the most opportune time to inform you of my knowledge." Thomas leaned closer, gaining her full attention.
She stared at him blankly. A mixture of dread and curiosity spun in her mind as she listened to the words Thomas began to speak.
"Everett Bradford has taken fancy to you." his tone remained blunt, "He intends to marry you, sooner than later."
"Marry me?" Eloise rose stunned, uncontrollably slamming her hands against the table. "How does he get that idea? I barely know the man."
"That is what he is saying. He is always telling the men that he is going to do the most noteworthy act to win your hand."
"What is that?"
Thomas raised a single brow. "Take down The Black Knight."
Eloise let out a shallow breath. With a sharp turn, she swiftly moved from the table. Lost deep within her thought, she began to pace the room. "So, Everett believes that if he takes The Black Knight down, I will immediately wish to marry him?"
She glanced over her shoulder at Thomas, who remained quiet. She could tell he was also encumbered within his own thoughts.
He looked up at her with saddened eyes. "He is set on you becoming his wife. You should hear the stories that he tells the men about his darling nurse whom he loves. There is no changing his mind. He claims that he is going after Albert von Brandt in the upcoming weeks."
She listened closely in the silence as Thomas carefully approached her. Her eyes filled with worry as she looked at him. A reassuring hand rested on her shoulder. "He does know that going after him is like a suicide mission, doesn't he?"
"Then you should not worry about him, Eloise." Thomas nodded, "The Black Knight will take care of the problem for you."
Eloise shrugged nervously, "but what if Everett succeeds?"
Thomas pursed his lips as he shook his head, "Odds are he won't." a lengthy pause came as he let Eloise think. "If he happens to succeed, perhaps you should consider it. Everett is a good man. He will care for you and provide for Ulrich. He already speaks of Ulrich as though he was his own."
Eloise shook her head, "He has never even held my son. I could never love him."
Thomas rose from his chair. "Sometimes necessity for survival outweighs love." he rested his hand, firmly on her shoulders. "I am not telling you what to do, Eloise, but you should think about it—" he gave her arms a reassuring squeeze, "for the sake of Ulrich."
No response came from Eloise as she thought about the conversation. Her mind instantly returned to Albert, the man she loved. Everett was nothing in her heart. Something inside of her hoped that Albert would remove the problem from her life. Guilt slowly flooded her at the thought of the death of Everett, an innocent man whose only crime was love.
"Stay at the hospital until you have found somewhere to go." Thomas informed her. "You no longer are required to aid the patients. Just boost their moral when needed. You can do that better than anyone else."
He patted her on the back and walked toward the exit. Just as he lifted the flap he spoke, "I will have a motorcar prepared for the return of yourself and Adeline. It will be ready by morning."
Soon, Eloise was alone in the stillness. Her thoughts running laps within her mind. She was lost and unsure of the situation. Her heart longed to return to the woods where she was free. It was a world that was gone forever.
She gently eased back onto the chair and rested her head upon the table. A chilly air blew through the spacious tent. She pulled the sweater around her frame, driving away the cold. Her mind wondered onto Adeline, who had vanished. The care for her friend slowly vanished, just like the flickering flame nearby. Darkness consumed the world around her. Somewhere in the dark, she drifted into an uneasy sleep.
Morning came with a somber silence. Eloise awoke to the hum of a motorcar and the shouts of men. Her stiffened muscles ached from the night of restless sleep. She stretched out her body, working out the pains that had formed. In an instant she composed her ruffled appearance and presented herself to the outside world.
The sunlight pierced her unadjusted eyes, forcing her to squint at the passing soldiers. A chilling wind cut through the material of her dress. She quickly tugged at the many layers of fabric in search of warmth. As she passed by calm soldiers, she could sense relief. Once again, the fighting had ceased.
Across the dirt road, she saw Adeline standing proudly beside the motorcar. Eloise carefully watched her as she offered pleasant conversation with the passing soldiers. A sincere smile crept onto her face, recalling how nervous Adeline had previously been. Now in the field hospital, she was shining brightly. Eloise slowly neared the car, catching a glimpse of Thomas conversing with the driver.
"Eloise, I was wondering when you would be ready to leave." said Thomas, nearing her with open arms. "I have already told Adeline how thankful I am for the dedication you ladies have." He stepped away from Eloise and stared at her. "I proposed to Adeline that she become matron." His voice grew soft, glancing over at Adeline. "She said that she did not want it, but she did suggest that you take it."
Eloise shook her head, "Sir, as I said before, I am a mother and that is all I wish to be."
"That is good." He offered her a smile. "I have heard that Captain Bradford is waiting on your return."
Eloise felt her cheeks grow flushed. "Why on earth would he wait for us?"
"He is waiting for you." Thomas shrugged, raising a single brow. "I suppose I should not keep you ladies any longer." he bowed respectfully toward Eloise with a smile. "Thank you once again Eloise. Have a safe journey home. I will see you sometime."
Eloise nodded and watched as he silently returned to the crowd of soldiers. She let out a sigh and climbed into the cab of the car. Inside was Adeline seated beside the driver. A silence filled the small space between them as they started the journey.
Through the window, the warmth of the sun reminded her of the tender embrace of Albert. She shut her eyes, allowing the prior day to replay in her mind. His face was vibrantly painted in her imagination. In her thoughts she returned to his arms.
"Are you alright?"
The faint voice and soft touch of Adeline brought her back to reality.
She glanced at her, forcing a smile onto her face. "Yes, I am fine." her eyes returned to the outside, while her mind stayed on Albert. "I am just thinking."
"About him?"
Eloise nodded, "Yes, about him."
Adeline took Eloise by the hand, squeezing it reassuringly. Eloise made no effort to speak, accepting the kind gesture of Adeline.
They continued the ride in silence. The thoughts in Eloise's mind turned wildly. She wondered about the wellbeing of her son. She wished to hold him in her arms. She made a pact to herself. If she returned to him, she would never leave him again.
In the distance, Eloise could see the faint outline of the field hospital. Her heart began to race as they neared the area. Before the car halted, Eloise bailed from the side and rushed toward the woman with her son. Excitement beamed from her face as she quickly took the child into her arms. She held her son with a tight embrace and placed a kiss on his head. For a moment, she was lost in another world with only her son.
"I am never leaving you again." She whispered into the ear of Ulrich, easing him onto her hip.
Her eyes studied the small boy in her arms. The amount of love she had for him was evident as they stood in utter silence. The hand of Adeline startled her back into reality. The apologetic look written on her face raised concern in Eloise. It was then the form of Everett Bradford appeared from behind her.
"I don't know where he came from." The response was followed simple shrug as she passed beside her, leaving her alone for the approaching officer.
"I came as soon as I heard of your disappearance." The words of Everett were filled with concern. He placed his hands on her shoulder and quickly began to inspect her carefully. "Are you hurt in any way?"
"No, sir." Eloise glanced at him, forcing a smile onto her tired face. She gently pushed his hands away from her body. "That is kind of you sir, but I was only gone for a day. A small amount of trouble caused a one-day delay in my return, that is all. I did not disappear."
"There were many rumors that said you were lost in enemy territory." He took her into an embrace, startling her momentarily. "I am thankful that they were only rumors and you are alright."
Eloise hurriedly pulled away from him, stepping back. Her eyes fell back onto the calm child that was in her arms. With a steady hand, she brushed the wisps of hair that covered his head. Big blue eyes—Albert's eyes—beamed back at her, warming her heart. She pressed a soft kiss on his cheek and cradled him closer to her chest.
"I would always find a way home to my son." Eloise boldly replied, eyes meeting Everett's.
A nervous smile appeared onto his face. She watched as he studied them carefully. An uncomfortable sensation boiling in her stomach, yet she brushed it away. He neared her once again causing her heart to beat violently in her chest. The words of Thomas began to replay in her mind. She knew the center of his attention was the last place she wanted to be.
"May I hold him?" Everett's voice became hushed. She watched his stature change immediately, almost as if he was a nervous child.
She glanced down at Ulrich, who wiggled in her arms. The eyes of Everett beamed with joy as she placed the child into his arms. Gentle coos instinctively came from Ulrich as Everett bounced him. Everett whispered soft, childlike words to the boy. Although the sight seemed peaceful, Eloise felt resentment. She wished that Everett was Albert.
"I have always wanted a son." The eyes of Everett quickly looked at Eloise, who remained silent. "Ulrich is a fine lad. I would be honored to have such a wonderful boy."
She watched as Everett began to sway with her son in his arms. His long fingers twiddled the child's soft locks. A lilting laughter emitted from the boy. In that moment, Eloise's desire for Albert grew increasingly.
"I could love the boy as my own," he paused, staring at her concerned. "if you would graciously allow it. A boy needs a father."
Eloise kept her gaze upon him. Her mouth opened but no words came forth. She had no words to say but no, yet the simple phrase seemed impossible to utter. Eloise assumed that he took her silent response as the answer and returned Ulrich into her arms.
"Take this as my promise, Eloise, that I intend to make you my wife." Everett spoke boldly, the tone of his voice almost demanding.
Eloise kept a keen eye locked on his movements, avoiding any response.
"When I make my greatest victory tomorrow you will have no choice but to adore me." He became cocky, straightening his uniform. "The world will adore me once I take down the dreaded Black Knight."
- In Serial27 Chapters
Macabre Mim
*Note: This story is on hiatus. I intend to pick it up again, but the mood of my life has shifted for the time being and I'm going to be working on a side project for a bit.* What would you give to live the life of your dreams? What kind of deal would you make? And when you were there, forced to stare your dreams in the eye and live them every day, how long would it be... before they broke you? Author's note: This is my first excursion outside the realm of villain fan fiction and I welcome feedback. The thing I've loved most about RRL so far is the potential for writing to be an interactive experience with excited readers. That said, also, the primary genre this is intended for is the blossoming realm of LitRPG. Namely, a slice of life tale in the manner of Grimgar or Re:Zero. So, likewise, I don't expect there will ever be a clear beginning-middle-and-end type of pattern to this story. It will likewise always be a bit more of a reactionary, exploratory novel into realms unknown - much like the 1800 travel-novel theme used by Jules Verne. Or, at least, that is my ambition.
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Amateur fighter Kestril only remembers two things about her mother's disappearance: a locket and the promise she made to keep her brother safe. That promise is all she thinks of when she jumps in front of a car to save her brother. She expects death, but instead wakes up to a looming clock tower, cobblestone streets, and dead soldiers wearing lockets just like her mother's. Kess's locket marks her as one of the Errant- people with control over dimensions and time, and the same people rumored to have captured her brother across the city. When a military group mistakes Kess for their enemy, she swears allegiance at gunpoint, hoping to search for her brother from within. Inside, Kess finds an even darker side of the city bent on killing the Errant-using any means necessary. When the murder of an important Errant soldier throws the city further into civil war, Kess uncovers a plot that could undo everything she's fought for so far. The only problem? Her brother is at the head of it. Trapped between her promise to her mother and her morals, Kess finds little use for her theatrical brawling of the past. She can only hope to find her brother before it's too late. || Update: 4/24/2022 Have decided to rewrite this novel, but will continue to post chapters of this draft, possibly with commentary. Questions, comments, concerns, and suggestions are welcome. Thanks for supporting me! |||| Story is finished, just getting into a publishing schedule on Royal Road for the first time. ||
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