《The Nurse》Chapter 19: The General's Daughter


Albert carefully watch as the plane above him began to splutter vigorously until it hit the ground with a thud. A cloud of dust formed around the machine. Albert rushed toward it, fearing the worst of the pilot

"What are you doing, Augustus!" Albert called as he moved closer.

Through the cloud of smoke and dirt, the slender form of the young man appeared. He slowly removed his flying cap and tossed it on the ground. "I don't know, brother. My engine failed after a British fighter shot it."

Albert began to overlook the body of his brother. "Are you alright? Mother would have me if her young son was injured."

Although he was some years younger than Albert, his stature showed a maturely aged man. His slender frame towered over Albert, covered in a well-pressed uniform.

"I am fine, brother." He reassured him with a laugh. "Mother will not have to know anything that happens in this war." The two grew silent, both knowing of the horrors each had witnessed. Words could not describe what war had to offer. "Do you think the war will ever end?"

"I don't know." Albert shrugged, "As we grow weaker, they keep growing stronger. They have a new flying captain who is wreaking havoc on all the squadrons. They say he is undefeatable."

"Do you believe that he is?"

"He is a man," Albert shook head, "all men can be defeated in some way."

The two continued their walk with silence, arriving at the airfield camp that was still. Albert could see the form of the new commanding general approaching them steadily. His face was cold and empty, as it usually was. Albert dismissed his brother and instantly changed his stature, saluting the high-ranked man.

"At ease, Captain." He instructed after his salute. "I am needing to speak with you in private."

Albert nodded without hesitation. He followed him into the nearby officer's tent. The General poured a glass of wine and sat down. Albert awkwardly stood in the frame of the tent, awaiting the commander's orders.

"There is more in the bottle." The general remarked, hinting at the glass he held. "Have some if you like."

Albert graciously declined, but remained fixated on the man. He was silent, supping the red liquid slowly. Albert's tenseness grew as he watched him confused.

"Sir," Albert hesitantly spoke, "I was wondering what is it that you need me for?"

"I need your help to boost the morale of the war effort." The stiff general remarked. Albert raised a confused brow but remained silent, listening intently to the man. "You are considered a war hero. People look up to you and follow your every victory. You in your position helps to boost the morale of the people, but not enough to help win a war."

"What does this have to do with anything?"

"I'm glad you asked, captain." The general commented leaning forward. "I think hope for a future will bring great happiness to the giving up people."

"Happiness doesn't exist during wars, if you weren't aware." Albert remarked.

"Ah, but I think I have found a way to create it."

Albert tilted his head warily, "and how might that be?"

"I have a daughter; you know her as Maude." The general paused, allowing Albert time to think. He silently nodded. "She has been great in the war effort. She lifts the spirits of the wounded men and the downtrodden women back home. Papers have even gone to the extent of calling her an angel."


A sudden quietness fell over the general, leaving Albert confused. "Sir, I don't know what any of that information has to do with me."

"I suppose I should get to the point." He stated forwardly, leaning back. "She is in need of a husband, as you are in need of a wife. I thought that the wedlock of two favored war heroes could only raise the spirits of those affected by this war. I have already discussed this with her and she was highly interested. She has favored you from afar for quite some time now."

"Sir..." Albert's voice trailed off, shocked by what he was hearing.

"It will be perfect, Captain!" His voice cheered. "I could probably even raise your rank to give them an added comfort."

Albert grew silent. Words could not come to his mind, for it had finally became empty. The general peered at him intimidatingly, awaiting a response.

"I don't favor this idea, sir." Albert bluntly informed. "I could not imagine fulfilling this idea for any reason."

He leaned forward, creaking the chair. "If you don't do this, Captain," his voice hauntingly paused, "you will face a punishment."

"You can't punish me for this!" Albert began to raise his voice.

"Do not raise your voice with me boy!" The general quickly rose, taking his full stature. "I can do whatever I please to you. You are our propaganda and you will do as I say." Albert stared at him tensely. "You will marry my daughter, Albert, and you will not complain. Do you understand?"

Albert lightly nodded, hating the circumstance.

"Good, my daughter is awaiting you in your quarters. You may go to your future bride." The General took Albert by the shoulders, smiling widely at him. "You will be a great addition to the family."

Albert saluted the man and fled from the tent. He pressed his hands against his face, confused at the situation placed before him. In a staggering daze, he rushed down the beaten paths of the small world around him.

"Albert, are you well?" Moritz's voice forced him to halt. He looked up to see the face of his brother and Moritz filled with concern.


Augustus took a step near him, "You don't look good, brother."

"I am fine."

"What did that general do to you?" Moritz asked, following the motion of Augustus.

Albert shook his head, "He gave me his daughter."

The words came as a shock to the men who watched the disturbed Albert trek down the path once again. They shared a look of concern but continued their conversation. Each knew they were powerless in any affairs with a general.

Albert halted in front of his tent. He stared at it with desperation, hoping the words that the general said was not true. An unfamiliar woman inside of his quarters was the last thing he desired. A gift of glory was a punishment, yet no one knew except him. He took a deep breath and thought of Eloise before entering the dwelling.

"Albert..." she softly whispered in the stillness. He could see the trembling of her tiny body when she stood from his chair. She offered him a wide smile.

The wide-eyed young lady stared at him nervously. He neared her hesitantly and reached out a hand. She reluctantly took it.

"I take it that you have accepted my father's offer." She said, voice noticeably shaking.


"He left me no options to decline." Albert shrugged, silence falling between them. "Maude," he whispered, causing her to shudder. "there is something you should know before this gets any deeper."

She looked at him intensely, awaiting his voice.

"There is another woman in my life, whom I love deeply." Albert finally informed, watching her reaction carefully.

She turned her head to face him, "Who?"

"I don't think I should have to say."

"Eloise Keller?" the name rolled from her lips fast, knowing instantly who his heart had been captured by. "All the men love her and claim they are waiting for her return. I don't know what was so special about her. I only met her twice at the field hospital and she was rather..." a pause came as she thought, "dull."

Albert made no response, thinking only of the woman who had left him. He wondered where she was at and how she was.

"Eloise is not here," she said as she neared Albert. "but I am." Her hand gently caressed his face, forcing him to acknowledge her presence. "Your future wife, who wants to love you unconditionally."

Albert looked at her momentarily, but quickly averted his eyes. "You should leave, Maude. I have things to be doing."

The time that passed remained the same for Albert. The courtship he thought that could be dissolved in days had loomed for weeks and it made no signs of ending soon. She refused to leave him and it broke his heart. He took to the air to pass the hours in the day and to clear his mind of the things that awaited him on the ground. The dipping and spinning in the air made him a free man. In the air he was free to do as he pleased—no generals were there to rule him.

His heart began to pound as he onlooked the ground below, knowing what awaited him. He gently landed his plane but remained inside. The looming dread filled his heart as he looked around before exiting the cockpit. He hurriedly fled from the location of his plane in hopes to remain unseen by those around. His mind focused on one task—hiding from Maude. He carefully watched behind him to see if she followed, to his surprise he remained alone. It was when he turned into his tent, she met him with a tight embrace.

"I am so glad that you made it back, Albert." She released his tensed body and looked at him with a wide smile. "I have been waiting here for your return."

He forced himself to have a positive reaction, yet it remained a struggle. "You really should return to your home in the city, it is not safe for you to stay here."

She rested her hand gently on his chest and shook her head. "but you are not in the city, Albert. I want to be where you are."

He firmly placed his hand on her wrist, "I will only be here for a few hours, then I will return to my job." He spoke softly, as he retracted her hand away from his body.

"A few hours are better than not seeing you at all."

Albert turned and stepped away from her, ignoring the remark she made. With his back turned, he retrieved his pocket watch and looked at the time. Without knowing, the small linen handkerchief slipped from his pocket and fell to the ground. Maude watched him disheartened—knowing what significance the fabric held. She quietly slipped up beside him and picked up the cloth. The letter "E" embroidered reiterated her original thought—Eloise was still on his mind.

She lightly touched his shoulder, gaining his attention. "I believe you dropped this." Her hand outstretched the handkerchief.

His eyes grew wide at the motion. Without speaking anything, he immediately took it into his possession. His fingers caressed the initial as he folded it back into his pocket.

"You really do love her, don't you?" Maude asked plainly, stepping back away from him.

Pity filled Albert's face as he watched Maude, whose chipper expression slowly faded. He slowly shook his head, "I am sorry, Maude. I cannot bring myself to care for you as I do her." He glanced down at the ground. "You deserve much better than I. You deserve someone who can care for you unconditionally." He stared back at her. "I am not that man. I can go far, but I cannot force myself to marry you. You are a good woman and there is a good man waiting for you out there."

Maude smiled reassuringly, reaching out for him to take her hand. "I don't mind, Albert. Love comes in time." She looked down at her outstretched hand. Being ignored by him, she dropped it back to her side and hung her head with embarrassment. "I know you loved her, but she is not here anymore."

"What if she came back?" Albert questioned. "She would be brokenhearted, as would I," he paused with a shrug. "and that would not be fair on you."

Maude shook her head. "Albert, there comes a time where you have to accept the facts of life. The area where she was at was annihilated by the enemy. The general who she was under was determined dead. What do you think that must mean for her?" She dramatically paused, "She too must be dead."

Albert sharply turned from Maude and began to pace. "Don't speak like that. She will come back to me."

"Why can't you move on?"

Albert glanced up at her. "Because I promised her that I would wait. I will wait until the day I die."

Albert watched as she began to cry, hiding her face from his view. No words came to his mind. No actions surfaced through his body. He couldn't feel anything, except his own hidden pains—the pains that ached him from within, that had no physical injuries. He longed for Eloise to return to him, but she was gone and he had to face the sad music. He refused to give up hope on her, and he would not give up hope until the day he died.

"I think that it would be in out best interest if you and I call off this engagement." He remarked. "Neither you nor I want this." He brushed a blonde strand of hair from her face. "I refuse to leave an unloved widow behind."

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