《The Nurse》Chapter 17: Prisoner to the Hospital


Eloise was awoken upon the arrival to the field hospital. Addled, she propped herself up glancing around confused. The length of time she had remained unconscious was unknown, as was the land in which they had arrive. She could see red cross flags flying vibrantly against the bright blue sky. The forced smiles of weary, wounded men were returned by the well-dressed nurses that roamed the area freely. An entire working community was before her eyes. The men quickly unloaded her and took her into a bustling building.

The echoes of people's chatter overshadowed any sounds of pain. She was placed upon an operating table, that was quickly surrounded by medical personnel. Her eyes fixated on the ceiling. The magnificent art that covered the surface was calming to her winding mind. She knew that the building was once a glorious church. They undressed her body and draped her with a white sheet. The remaining blood soaked through the clean fabric, staining it dark red.

Her wounds were visible against her pale skin. The bleeding had ceased and caked on her skin. The nurse began to pour cold water over the holes. The intensity of the pain caused Eloise to gasp for a breath. The surgeon and the nurse exchanged a dreadful expression. She watched the nurse with desperation as she retrieved a vile of morphine. Patiently, she waited for the calming sensation of the medicine to eliminate her pain; but before she could be relieved the surgeon waved the nurse's idea away and placed the needle back onto the table. She felt her heart sink, knowing that her pain was just beginning.

The nurse gently placed her hands against Eloise's shoulders, calming her tensed body. She then inserted a thick piece of leather into her mouth. Eloise knew that the object was the only pain relief she was getting. In an instant, the man began to retract the metal bits from her flesh, dropping them into a bowl nearby. The plinking of the shrapnel echoed in her ears. She could feel every move the man made. The nurse placed a cold cloth against her face. It soaked up the sweat that poured freely from her face. She could not help but to close her eyes, longing for the pain to end. Soon, everything around her grew dark and she felt nothing more...

Eloise forced her eyes open. The bright lights caused her to squint as she looked around the room. Injured men filled the rows of beds. White-clad nurses roamed through the cramped mazes of beds, aiding the patients. She immediately shut her eyes. What she had once thought to have been a dream had proved to be a bitter reality. She could feel dull aches throughout her body, recalling the injuries she had sustained. She did not know how long she had been unconscious, but she could not remember the exact procedures she had received in the care of the British.

Nervously, she lifted the white linen sheet, fearing that her leg would be gone. She reached down and touched her bandaged appendage, thankful that it was in its proper place. Her hand found its way to her shoulder, which was also heavily wrapped. The pains that came with them did not leave. The dull pains that came with the wounds remained constant, surging throughout her entire body.

Her eyes instantly went to the patients around her. She hoped more than anything to see a familiar face, yet they were all strangers who had reservations about her. Their uncaring faces and hateful expressions offered her no comfort as she remained beside them. Their voices communicated among themselves, yet she knew not a word they spoke.


"You know are lucky to be alive."

Eloise's eyes grew wide when she heard the familiar sound of the German language. The lady who had previously been her nurse stood before her holding a pail of water. Her eyes gleamed with cheer. A tender smile appeared on her face as she slowly approached Eloise.

"I am Adeline," She introduced herself, "and I am your nurse. They told me that you are a German woman."

Eloise nodded without speaking.

"Well, love, can you not speak," she paused reaching her a metal dipper with water, "or do you choose not to?"

"I can speak well enough," She replied softly, looking around at the other patients. "I just don't know how to speak to these people."

"You can't speak English?"

Eloise shook her head, supping the water.

"That is unfortunate for you, love. You will be silent for a long while," she sat down in the chair beside the bed. "Word has it you aren't going anywhere anytime soon. You are being held here as a prisoner."

Eloise dropped her head. She could see her faint reflection against the silver pitcher in her hand. No words or thoughts came to her mind. She remained silent, contemplating what life as a prisoner included. She had seen the captive German enemies in passing, yet she did not know what happened to them.

"The generals have thought about offering you amnesty since you are a woman." Adeline remarked. "It would be a great help if we knew what your name was."

"My name is Eloise Keller." She softly confessed, looking into the cup of water.

"Eloise," Adeline whispered, "What's it like?"

Eloise was taken back by the question, "What?"

"No man's land," Adeline stated, "What is it like there?"

Eloise thought long about the question. No man's land was just a dream, lost in the spiraling world that her mind had created. She could not think of the words to describe the horrors that scattered over the French land. She closed her eyes, trying to forget the horrid sights that war had etched into her mind. The faces of dead men flashed across her memory, sending aching pains into the depths of her broken heart. How many of her dearest friends were dead, she did not know, nor did she wish to. Instead, she tried to shut off her imagination and return to the cold reality in which she was in.

"It is like a nightmare in which you cannot wake from." She leaned her head against the cold metal rail of the bed. "May God bless the souls of the men who are still there."

Adeline smiled, taking her by the hand. "You aren't there now, Eloise. Let your mind come home."

"Home?" She met her eyes with Adeline. "Homes don't exist during war"

"How did you get there? Women usually aren't on the front lines."

Eloise shrugged, "I was a nurse, doing the duties that were commanded by an extraordinary man." Her eyes darted away, "and he, too, is dead."

Eloise fixated her stare upward, trying to erase the images that had reprinted in her mind. She wished to remain silent and forget her past. Moving forward was impossible when she was constantly forced to remember.

A German Airfield

Albert sat in silence. He stared up at Moritz, who gently laid the crumpled papers in front of him. His eyes gently skimmed over the words that read of the defeat in Guillemont. The names of the fallen and the missing was staring him in the face, but he dared not to look for he feared what he might find.


"Albert..." Moritz's voice became faint and sympathetic.

He reached out and placed his hand firmly on Albert's wrist. Albert eased the paper back onto the table. He could not bear to look upon the sympathetic face of his friend. All of his fears had come true and they were being relayed by his closest comrade.

"General Beck and the other medics were among the fallen."

"That does not mean that Eloise was with them." Albert quickly denied.

Moritz shook his head, "If she was alive, she would have been found. There is no sign of her anywhere, Albert."

An uneasy silence fell between them, both knowing the reality of Eloise. Albert slammed his fist against the table. "She cannot be dead! I will not believe it." He hurriedly rose from the chair, knocking it to the ground.

"You will not find her, Albert." Moritz said, folding the paper neatly. "You will have to learn to accept it. I cared for her as well, not nearly as much as you, but losing her hurts me too." Moritz rose and neared Albert, "We have a mission to fly, Captain. If we are to do it successfully, those men out there need a fearless leader to guide them."

Albert stared blankly into space, shaking his head, "How can anyone still possess the willpower to fight a useless war? When all of those you care for are dead, it makes fighting ever so much more difficult."

Moritz patted him on the back, bringing a light smile to his face. "Do it for her."

Albert closed his eyes. The memory of Eloise appeared vibrantly in his mind. The thought of her tender touch and soft voice lifted his spirits. He longed to hold her in his arms once more, but was thankful that he had once held her. His memory was a treasured possession that war could not take away.


Moritz's voice brought him back to reality. He knew what he had to do. He knew that Eloise would have wanted him to carry on.

"Gather the men and ready the engines." Albert instructed, sending Moritz on his way. He reached into his pocket and retrieved the linen handkerchief. His fingers traced along the needlework. With a single gentle stroke, he tucked the cloth piece back into his pocket and left the tent to fly once again.

The days crept by slowly. Days turned into weeks, until Eloise knew not what the date was. She had been shunned by the world around her. The words they spoke to her was foreign. None made any attempts to communicate with her. She was alone.

She sat silently in the bed watching people pass beside her. She smiled at the sight of a group of laughing men.

A man appeared in the corner of her eye, gaining her attention. He stopped and talked to Adeline, who soon pointed in her direction. Eloise knew that they were talking about her. She knew he was the man who held her future in his hands.

As he neared her, the clicking of his heels sent a shiver down her spine. His cold, uncaring face stared sternly at her. His uniform was perfectly pressed. Not a crease was visible anywhere. His various medals and stars glistened in the light. She felt her heart sink at the sight of the intimidating man. A rounded cap sat upon his head, donning a large golden crest. He halted by her bedside and looked down on her intimidatingly. Without speaking a word, he retrieved a chair and sat down beside her.

"You are the woman found on No Man's Land?" The man addressed her in German, taking her by surprise.

"Yes sir."

"You know that we simply cannot let Germans roam on our land, no matter what gender they are." His voice was stern, face uncaring. "The people here do not trust Germans after the infirmities they have inflicted upon them."

"I am not a German woman, though." Eloise stated casually. He raised a brow intrigued. "I am not actually a German woman; I am from Belgium. I was captured just months ago by a German cavalry unit." She paused for a moment, "I have no fight with anyone in this war. All I want is to return to my native land and my former life."

"You were captured?"

"Yes sir. I was a German nurse at a field hospital."

"Were you a good nurse?"

"I thought highly of my patients," She paused as she recalled the past hospitals. "and my patients thought highly of me. I treated each of them special as I could."

"That was not my question, miss." He bluntly stated. "Were you any good as a nurse?"

Eloise thought to herself for a moment and shrugged, "I was the best in the eyes of my commanding General. That is why I ended up in No Man's Land."

"Good. We are in high demand for nurses." The general sharply remarked, rising from his chair. "You will not be sent as a Prisoner of War, instead you will remain here for the duration of the war serving your time as a nurse. You will not be permitted to leave the grounds of this field hospital, unless instructed to do so by a commanding officer. I am your commanding officer. You shall address me as General Thomas Ramsay."

Eloise stared in disbelief. A prisoner to a hospital was not the punishment in which she hoped for. She hoped to leave France and get closer to Belgium. Now she was farther from her home than before. She had no idea where she was at, only she knew she wanted to leave.

"Before you can begin your sentence, you must learn to speak English," He informed, "Nurse Adeline will assist you in your lessons. I will also be available to assist you in the evenings. Do not mistake our kindness as weakness; you are still our prisoner. If you try anything daring, we will be forced to use violence; and I don't wish to do that."

She silently nodded.

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