《The Villainess Fell In Love》Chapter 20: Fighting Over a Peach Lantern


Stars shone brightly against the clear night sky. A row of willow trees stood beside the river slowly swayed back and forth with the wind. The market streets were filled with villagers out and about. Laughter filled the air. Colorful lanterns seemed to hang from every nook and cranny, brightly lighting the marketplace.

Next to the willow trees, there was a noodle stall set up. In a corner table, Li Wei slowly sipped the cup of tea in her hands.

Then, she leaned back and stared at the beautiful scene above her. Li Wei slowly brought up her right hand. In the night sky, she wrote his name on the stars.

Khan Bojing.

A smile spread on Li Wei's face. Even if he didn't remember her, she would still remember him. Even if he didn't love her, she would still love him secretly. This much she was contented with.

Her heart became resolute on this thought as she walked towards the crowd. The night was warm and the market was filled with lit up stalls selling all sorts of goods. Her eyes wandered from one item to another until they landed on a peach shaped lantern. The lantern was pink with two green leaves at the handle. She stared stubbornly. Was the peach lantern annoying or cute?

Just as her fingers touched the peach lantern, another pair of slender hands snatched the lantern away. A young woman stood across from Li Wei, dressed in an expensive looking blue dress with delicate yellow floral embroideries. The woman smiled and her eyes shone victoriously as she twirled the peach lantern in her hands with arrogance.

Her voice was melodious and sweet when she spoke, very much a contrast to her actions just then. "I want this lantern."

Li Wei saw the happiness in the woman's face and decided to not make a big deal out of it. Besides, the peach lantern reminded her of Khan Bojing and she didn't want to think of him right now. She walked over to the next stall full of jewelries.


"You're leaving just like that?"

"Excuse me?" Li Wei glanced at the woman who just bought the peach lantern. This time, she studied the person carefully. This woman was indeed a familiar face. She was the eldest daughter of the Mo family, Mo Shufen. From a young age, Mo Shufen was rarely out and usually stayed within her family's residence.

Li Wei remembered that she had encountered Mo Shufen multiple times before in her previous life, but there were no memorable moments. Mo Shufen was certainly a beauty and her strong background was impressive.

Mo Shufen smirked, her innocent red lips that seemed attractive before turned malicious. "You're not the type of woman to be stepped on easily, are you?"

A villainess should never be taunted. Li Wei pretended not to hear Mo Shufen's words and grabbed a pink ornament necklace. She faked an exciting smile and pretended to reach into her pockets for money. Just as she expected, Mo Shufen's hands also came for the necklace. It was clear, Mo Shufen wanted to play with her. Li Wei didn't care about Mo Shufen's family background nor to save her face.

Li Wei gently tugged the necklace towards herself, testing the strength of Mo Shufen.

"I was talking to you, how could you ignore me? Don't you know who my father is?" Mo Shufen exclaimed angrily when it was clear that Li Wei wasn't giving her the necklace.

Li Wei strongly pulled on the necklace and Mo Shufen's face also came closer to her face, just a couple inches separated them. This time, she smirked, her eyes twinkling with real excitement. Perfect timing to mess with this villainess, her life was just getting boring. In a flirtatious tone, Li Wei asked sarcastically, "Why didn't you just said from the beginning you wanted my attention?"


"I-I have no interest in you! Move away from me, you disgusting orphan!" Mo Shufen's face was filled with disgust and she attempted to push Li Wei away with no success.

Li Wei smiled in happiness and pulled Mo Shufen even closer, their faces almost touching. She even stared straight into Mo Shufen's eyes. "You don't fancy me, do you?"

Mo Shufen's eyes widened in horror. "You're a crazy woman!"

What a boring statement, that's nothing new to know. Without doing much, Li Wei let go of her grip on the necklace and Mo Shufen flew backwards. Mo Shufen had been attempting to pull the necklace towards herself, so when Li Wei let go, Mo Shufen fell back with the same force she used.

Seeing the spoiled woman on the ground, Li Wei was deeply satisfied. Mo Shufen's tears streamed down due to the strong impact against the hard ground.

The woman was indeed pretty and the sight of her red eyes and tears should've been pitiful, but Li Wei was not the least affected.

"Look at my face carefully, remember not to play with me in the future. It's fun for me, but it won't be fun for you." With that, Li Wei grabbed the peach lantern that fell on the ground and headed home.

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