《Jodha's Jalal (The Mughal Saga I)》29


"I am so glad you are giving him an heir, Jodha." Kaakisaa said and Jodha nodded.

"We do not know for sure whether it is a boy or girl."

"We should always pray for the best."

"A girl is no bad."

"Okay, okay. I am not going to win with you in an argument."

"Jodha," Neela interrupted their moment. Jodha looked at her and eyed her to leave but when she didn't, she finally spoke, "Neela, I am talking to Kaakisaa right now."

"I know. Ruqqayah Begum has come." Jodha's happiness knew no boundaries when she heard Ruqqayah's name. Her face brightened as she ordered Neela to get her in. Kaakisaa and Neela bowed to both queens and left once Ruqqayah arrived.

"Aadaab, Jodha Begum." Ruqqayah said as she entered.

"Pranam, Malika e Khaas. Please, sit." Ruqqayah nodded and seated herself.

After some awkward moments of silence, Ruqqayah cleared her throat diverting Jodha's attention.

"Well, um... I came because... I.."

"I never asked. You can come whenever you want to Malika e Khaas."

Ruqqayah looked at her in confusion. If only they could reconcile. She sighed, brushing her thoughts away as she continued.

"Jodha Begum, thank you for the earrings."

"Shehenshah bought it for you."

"C'mon, I know Jalal too well for him to be able to lie to me. I read his face when he was stuttering and forming words to answer when I asked about my gift. I know you bought this. And I am grateful."

Jodha chuckled and Ruqqayah smiled. "He is like that."

"You see, told you!"

"I am glad you liked the gift, then. And I am also curious about the punishment you have made up in your mind for him." Ruqqayah laughed a little and Jodha joined too.


"The real reason I visited is that I wanted to see whether you were doing okay or not; being pregnant is not easy! And also, because, I wanted to ask what is in that tiny box. I mean what is its use?"

"Thank you for asking about my well-being, Ruqqayah Begum. I am doing okay. I will be fine. Besides I am not the only woman to go through all this!" At this Ruqqayah's face fell. Jodha knew she touched a sensitive nerve.

"The box, inside it is sindoor."

"Sindoor? Is it some kind of herb?"

"In our culture, married women apply it on the parting between their hair."

"Woah! Is that what you have applied to?"


"I always thought that.... you just applied it for you must really like it, you know, like some sort of makeup!"

"It is okay. Even I don't know many things about your culture but I am learning."

"I am sure you are. So, what am I supposed to do with that?"

"Actually, Navratri is coming and I know I can't celebrate it in full swing here but on Dashmi, we get ready very brightly, all the women, and we dance and sing. So, I wanted you to join me when I go to do puja in the nearby Kali Mandir. And that day, I wanted you to wear our Rajasthani style lehenga, which I had specially made for you back in Amber, and apply sindoor in your parting."

"But Jodha...."

"You see, my baby shower will be around the same time so if you would give me that as a gift, I wouldn't want anything else."



"Sure, I will get ready that day as a Rajput Begum. Happy now?"


"Thank you so much Ruqqayah." She said as she embraced her. Ruqqayah, hugged her back, almost involuntarily.

Jalal who had come to meet Jodha, smiled as he saw them hugging. At least his effort did not go in vain. They were reconciling. And he was happy. He cleared his throat, startling his begums. They looked at him in surprise.

"Shehenshah, Jalal!" they spoke in unison.

"Woah, Woah, calm down. I know you both need me, but learn to control your hormones begums." He joked and earned a death glare from them both. He sat beside Ruqqayah and pushed her for more space, teasing her.

"Jalal!" Ruqqayah exclaimed and Jodha laughed at the two.

"What?" they asked in unison.

"You two are such kids."

"Excuse me?" again they said it together and looked at each other, then at Jodha and moments later joined her in laughing.

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