《Back In Time *King George III X Reader*》Chapter 16: Good to See You Again
Great Britain, 1776
You groaned and rolled your body to the side. The ground felt soft, but it was terribly freezing. Suddenly, a soft, powder-like substance hit your face. You shut your eyes tightly, only to be hit with it again. You slowly put your hand on your face and opened your eyes.
Eini smiled at you innocently. "Hey," she said, "took you long enough."
You sat up and hugged yourself for protection from the cold. "What happened?"
"I don't know. I just woke up here in this random park." She looked at your shaking form. "You're freezing."
"Glad you noticed," you retorted. Then, you realized sonething. "Why aren't you?"
"Let me tell you about coats and jackets.."
"Why don't I have one?"
"I was wearing this the whole day, (Y/n)."
"Wait- First of all, where are we?"
"If I had known, I would've told you already."
You looked at your surroundings. A blanket of snow covered every part of the place. The achromatic white contrasted with the colors of the houses. It dawned you. "We're in the 1700s. I-I know it! This was Windsor 3 centuries ago."
"How can you be so sure?"
"I've been here.." you muttered, standing up and getting rid of the snow on your jeans.
Eini followed and leaned her back against a tree. "This is some messed up stuff," she said, looking around to see a few people passing by and giving you weird stares. "How would we even get here?"
"My uncle's machine. It can send you to different timelines," you explained. "Come now. We don't want weird stares digging through our flesh. I know someone who can help us." You walked down the path that lead to the gate of the park and continued on with your journey.
"Wait up! If you leave me here, (Y/n), I will decapitate you," Eini taunted, running towards you. "And who is this someone?"
"You'll meet her soon enough... By the way, do you have a few pounds?"
She delved into her pockets and brought out a few. "Hm.. I have a few. Why?"
Your rubbed your arms desperately. "Good. We need to buy dresses," you said. "Were you the one who threw snowballs at my face while I was unconscious?"
"Uhuh. Got a problem with that?"
"No, not at all. Just asking..."
The door creaked open as you went into the small store. The smell of fabric made its way to your nose. You were greeted with complete warmth.
"Bonjour. How can I help you today?" a familiar voice said before the person looked at you thoroughly. "Mon dieu! (Y/n)! Is that really you?" Odelette exclaimed, running to hug you. "How have you been? How was France?"
Eini looked at you with utter confusion. "You never told me you went to France..?"
You quickly elbowed her. "I'm doing great. France was beautiful! I've never been so happy to go back to my homeland," you said, hugging her. "I even brought back a friend from France." You took a good look at your French friend. She's aged a bit. Nonetheless, she was still beautiful. "You seem like you're getting older."
She chuckled. "And you're still looking as young as ever, (Y/n)! Come on, tell me your secrets." she joked, making you laugh along with her.
"I took German, not French," Eini whispered into you ear.
The French woman smiled. "Anyways, bonjour, madame. Odelette Chevallier. It's a pleasure to meet you."
"Eini Milburn. Nice meeting you too," Eini said while sweating bullets.
"..You don't sound French. Your accent seems more... American."
You stepped on her toe secretly with an uneasy smile. "She's been in America for a while, so she got used to its culture.. I guess," you explained.
Odelette raised an eyebrow. "But you just told me you brought her here from France..?"
"Well.. I'll explain later. Right now, we just need your help. We need two dresses, any dress, as long as they're comfortable," you said. "Don't mind the clothes we're wearing right now. Just please get us two dresses."
"U-um, alright! I don't really have much dresses in stock. My schedule's been hectic ever since winter came," she explained while rummaging through the different clothing racks. "You know how it is.."
"Come on, Odelette, isn't there anything else you can do..?"
She thought for a second and was a bit hesitant at first. Nonetheless, she replied, "Well, there is something I can do.. Uh, just a second." She rushed over to the back of the store. A few steps were heard on the wooden stairs.
Eini looked at you with a scowl. "What the hell? You better start explaining soon, you— you idiot! You made me look like a fool in front of a young woman!" She sighed, "At least she's not one with a high status.."
"You'll meet some later on. Don't worry," you said.
"Here they are. These are some of my own dresses. I'll let the two of you borrow them for as long as you need them," Odelette said, carrying two puffy dresses.
"So.. that means we can keep them forever?" Eini asked.
The French woman was shocked. "W-well, not necessarily. But if you need them that bad, I guess I could spare a dress or two."
You rolled your eyes and glared at your red-headed friend. You turned your attention to Odelette. "We wouldn't need them that long. I think I left some of my dresses at the Olivier's."
"Oh, right.. the Olivier's.."
"Is there something wrong?"
"Haven't you heard? Well, I suppose you wouldn't since you've been gone for 15 years. Anyways, a few months after you left for France, Gabriel had an affair with another woman. For 3 years, Corrianne's locked herself up in her room. Not even Xalvador can make her come out," she told you with a melancholic expression. "She's been getting better. However.. um.. how do I say this..? She's been.. emotionless. Yes, that's the word."
"I.. Thank you for telling me that. I'll be sure to check on her."
"You really should. I have a good feeling that you'll be the one to free her from her pool of despair."
"Are we done here?" Eini asked, waiting impatiently. ".. because that story sounded like it came from some random, cliche story book."
Odelette blinked twice before smiling uncomfortably. "Uh.. the dressing rooms are at the back if you need them."
The American rushed over to the back almost immediately. "Adios!"
"I'll pay you later, Odelette. I'm so sorry for my friend," you said, taking her hand.
"No, no, it's okay. You don't have to pay for it—"
"(Y/N)! How do you put on these things?!"
You sighed and went over to the back and started helping her. You tightened the corset, making her breath hitch. "Next time, try to refrain from being rude and please, just shut the hell up."
"I never want to go to that seamstress ever again. She's too annoying," Eini commented as you strolled down the streets. She groaned in annoyance. "You just had to drag me into this."
"Excuse me— you were the one annoying there, and you were also the one who dragged me into this," you retorted, stepping into the Olivier's residence.
"How so?"
"I told you not to step into that time machine, did I not? However, you still did, which technically brought us here."
You knocked on the cream-colored door of the mansion and waited for one of the siblings to get the door. Instead of the Olivier's, the door was swung open by a woman, looking at her early 30s. Her skin was a beautiful tint of brown, and her powder blue eyes looked as if they were rare gems.
"Good Morning, ma'am. May I ask why you are here?"
You snapped back to reality and smiled at her. "Of course. Um, I'm here to see Xalvador and Corrianne Olivier. I'm a friend of theirs from France."
She nodded, her locks falling off her shoulders and contouring her face. "Alright, ma'am. I will just inform Master Olivie-"
"Who's at the door, Phoebe?" a deep masculine voice asked, one that you knew too well. Your predictions were confirmed as soon as Xalvador appeared down the hall. He too has aged. A few wrinkles were already seen on his face. "Ah, (Y/n).." he welcomed you. "Phoebe, you are dismissed."
Phoebe bowed and hastily went inside to do some more work.
Xalvador turned to you and smiled. "I never thought you would visit after 15 years. How have you been?" he asked.
"I've been great. Honestly, the trip was so sudden. I didn't even get to pack."
"Don't worry about that. Your old belongings are still here since you really didn't take them when you left. Plus, you're always welcome into our humble home no matter what," he said, waving his hand. "Hm, I see you've brought a friend. Care to introduce us?"
"Not at all. Xalvador, this is my friend from France, Eini. Eini, this is Xalvador, a soldier from the British army."
"Lieutenant-Colonel Xalvador Olivier, at your service, madame. It's a pleasure to meet you," Xalvador greeted, taking Eini's hand and kissing its knuckles.
Your friend blushed madly. "E-Eini Milburn. And please, the pleasure is mine."
Xalvador smiled and stepped aside at the doorframe. "Please, come in. Make yourselves at home."
You grabbed your friend's arm, who was still daydreaming and blushing. "Thank you, Xal. Um, if you don't mind, could you escort us to my old room?"
"Of course, not. Right this way, ladies."
The two of you followed Xalvador as he went through many different hallways. It would seem like a maze for the people who did not know the place by heart. The halls looked the same, with its archaic wallpapers. However, the whole mansion looked very well taken care of. You wouldn't see a speck of dust anywhere, mostly because the slaves did all thhw work. Slavery was normal for them. Almost no one escaped the blame of supporting slavery.
"Well, here we are," the British gentleman said as he opened the door. "If you would like, Miss Milburn, I could escort you to another guest room that, I assure you, will surpass your expectations."
"O-oh, um.. there's no need. You've already done enough for us."
Xalvador smiled. "I insist."
You gave Eini reassuring smile and let her go to her own room. Once the door was closed, you took your rubber shoes off and went to the closet to get heels.
"You seem like the shy type of person..." Xalvador commented as he walked Eini to her room.
".. only around certain people.."
He chuckled. "So that means you're shy around me.."
"T-that's not what I meant! I mean, it was what I meant but- not in that way! It's just that I- I meant to say what I meant- No!" Eini frantically said. She took a deep breath. "What I meant to say is.. I only get shy when it comes to certain people, especially when I rarely meet them or if I just them. In your case, it's because I just met you and that I'm still getting used to your presence."
Xalvador laughed. "I was merely joking."
"I-" Eini was taken back. Her cheeks went dark from embarrassment.
"Xal?" The two heads turned to the voice down the hallway. The young woman stared at the two with a rude expression. "Who is this? You dare bring another woman into this house? You should know better! You're the older sibling! How about Aurelia? Don't you think about how your wife would react when she finds out about this? Have you lost your mind? You are deranged! Atrocious! Insolent! You are no better than Gabriel!"
The American's eyes widened. "Y-you're getting the wrong idea!"
"I'm sorry, but I don't listen to women with low morals."
"Corrianne! Do not talk to this young lady that way!" Xalvador countered.
"Why, Xalvador? Is your pride too much that you cannot admit that you've done something wrong?" Corrianne snickered. "How petulant of you!"
"Petulant?" the soldier laughed. "Was it me who foolishly fell in love with a disgusting underling? Didn't I tell you that you were better off marrying Sir Edmund Burnham rather than going off with that— that bloody git? We are one of the elite. We are highly respected wherever we go. We do not mess with slaves! They are not worthy of our attention! They are disgusting, filthy rats."
"Do not call him a slave! He was a free man! He had freedom!"
"Well, seems like he took advantage of that freedom and cheated on you!"
Corrianne gasped as tears cascaded down her cheeks. "You dare!" she exclaimed in a broken voice. She slapped her brother on the face and ran off down the hallway.
Xalvador glared at her figure as she ran off. Then, he turned to Eini and said, "I'm sorry you had to witness that. Phoebe!"
The chocolate-skinned woman from before came back and bowed down. "Y-yes, sir?"
"Please escort Miss Milburn to the other guest room. Once you're done, clean this whole hallway."
"B-but.. I just cleaned it, s-sir," Phoebe reminded him.
Xalvador threw her a piercing glare. "Are you questioning my orders? Excuse me, but let me just remind you who your master is. It's me. Now, go."
"Y-yes, sir. It will be done."
You went outside your room, a few minutes after the commotion from the halls. You saw the slave from before, wiping the dark, wooden floor with a tattered rag. "Hey," you called, getting her to look at you. You smiled kindly at her. "Phoebe, right?"
She stopped her work. "Yes, ma'am. But please, I do not deserve your attention. You cannot get anything good from a mere slave like me."
You furrowed your eyebrows. "Who told you that?"
"Master Xalvador, ma'am. But please, d-don't tell him about this!"
"Alright," you said, straightening your back. "But could you tell me which guest room Eini stayed in?"
She pointed at a certain room at the end of the hall. "That one, on the right, ma'am," she said.
"Thank you, Phoebe."
"O-oh, um.. y-you're welcome, ma'am."
You raised an eyebrow. "Is there something wrong?"
She shyed away fron you. "N-no, ma'am. It's just that.. I'm not used to receiving a thank you from someone of a high status."
"Am I the first to say that to you?"
"... yes, ma'am.."
"Well.. you better get used to it then," you said with a genuine smile. You then took your leave and went to Eini's room.
- knock- -knock-
The door opened, and you felt a hand drag you into the room, followed by the door closing. Eini gripped your shoulders tightly and looked at you like a mad woman. "These people.. are crazy. I just witnessed some debate thing- and oh my god, it was intense."
"What are you talking about?"
"Okay, so the guy from before, I forgot his name, was it Xander—?"
"Xalvador," you corrected her.
"Okay, just shut up. I'm trying to explain here. Xander or Xalvador- whatever was escorting me to the guest room. Then, this woman, Corona, stepped in and thought Xerxes was cheating on his wife, with me! And they fought for like an hour, shouting at each other, until Xavier triggered Caroline and ended up being slapped on the face," she explained, panting. She sat on a nearby chair and leaned on it lazily.
You sighed. "First of all, it's not Xander, Xerxes or Xavier, it's Xalvador. The woman you saw earlier was his sister. Her name is Corrianne. Anyways, I'm surprised he has a wife already."
"I know, right? I mean.. he was dreamy too! Such a shame, he's married!" she whined.
"So.. you have feelings for a guy that you don't even know the name of..?"
"No! I know his name! It's Xerxes!"
You slapped your forehead. "It's Xalvador. You've been reading too much history books."
"Nah," she said, turning to look at you. "I never have the motivation to read books. I just watched '300' earlier this week. Xerxes looked like a lady with all those accessories and his eyeliner. Is he gay?"
"No, Eini, he isn't. Wearing accessories is just a way to show off your wealth and power. The more accessories you wear, the wealthier and more powerful you are considered to be. That's how it went in the olden days."
"Ugh, whatever. Can you stay here? I just need to do something.."
"Gladly. I'm done with meeting these weird people, except for Xander. He is perfect~."
"For the last time, it's Xalvador!"
====[Author's Note]====
Psycho: Hey, guys. Happy New Year! (Because it's still new.) I was supposed to post this yesterday but I unfortunately got a high fever. I'm getting better though.
Anyways, the picture on top is actually one of the conversations I had with my friends which inspired this chapter. The profile that I covered with pink is actually Eini, and the yellow one is Shane. (Colleen's cousin who is good in chess.)
Sorry I took too long to reply. My Christmas break was occupied. I stayed for 3 days in Benguet (specifically Baguio city), 7 days in Pangasinan, and spent 2 days visiting family members.
I know the stuff said about slavery is really harsh and mean, but it's just from the character's perspective. I do not support slavery, okay? I actually had to double check if England supported slavery at that time or not. Turns out, they did.
I'm still learning English, so if you see wrong grammar or spelling, don't be shy to correct me. It's greatly appreciated.
Anyways, guys, I hope 2018 will go well for all of you. I wish you all a happy new year and a great day. Thank you, all, for being part of my 2017, and I hope you all become part of my 2018 too.
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