《Back In Time *King George III X Reader*》Chapter 10: Goodbye for Good


"'Everyone shall sit under their own vine and fig tree, and no one shall make them afraid..' They'll be safe in this nation we've made, one last time," you finished singing the song quietly, making sure that no one heard it. They'd probably freak out or so if I was just, "Oh? This song is from the future, made by Lin Manuel-Miranda, about a man named George Washington who will soon rebel against the British in 1764 after we tax America relentlessly!" You weren't that careless or ignorant but still, it was better to be cautious.

You slowly walked up to the Alder tree and looked past the outer branches. On the trunk, was the letter that you tied 2 months ago. Nobody even dared to untie it.. maybe because it was hidden well, or nobody usually looks at this tree. That's good.

Suddenly, the sound of trumpets fill the air. It sounded like royalty, something like that. You turned around to see George having a normal day's walk at the park, at least 11 feet from you. Your eyes widened before you covered your face with the parasol you were holding. Slowly walking away as normally as possible, you cursed yourself for choosing such a horrible day. You still felt guilty about what you have done to him. You broke his heart, whose only intention was to care for you.

Lost in your thoughts, you accidentally tripped on a stone. You mentally cursed the heels on the 17th Century shoes that you were wearing. To be honest, you preferred men's shoes but Corrianne wouldn't let you. Well, you shouldn't have listened.

"Are you okay, miss?" a familiar voice asked, and you knew exactly who it was.

You coughed lightly, trying to adjust your voice. "Um, yes," you replied in a very small, girly voice. It was far from your normal one, making it a good cover. You gently stood up and turned to him, parasol still covering your upper face. "Thank you, your majesty." You curtsied before walking away. You took a deep breath. That was close.

You walked into the house and laid the closed parasol inside the basket. The house was utterly empty. You knew well that Corrianne was out, probably in the cafe meeting Gabriel, and Xalvador was fighting in "La guerre de la Conquête," also known as the "French and Indian War." You sighed.

There are too many problems that I am facing right now. First, I have to live in a different time, which I am not used to. Yes, I know about it, but I could not have memorized everything about it. Math and Science was already hard to do, so why study everything about the history of a whole century? Second, I changed history. What will happen in the present time?


"I hope this works," your uncle said, connecting the battery clip onto the battery. After all the work he's done, he could only say it in one inaudible whisper. "I sent her to 1760 in November. It's January now, so she must be in 1761."

He did not want to make one, single mistake. Saving his niece was a very serious job, so he had to consider everything. He pulled the lever, causing the machine to emit a bright, periwinkle glow. 'Twas a beautiful sight, indeed. Your uncle stepped inside the machine, and pulled another lever. He immediately retreated his hand before the door completely closed.

"Initializing year.. 1761.. Sending subject to 1761.." the machine stated in a weird robotic voice.

"For (Y/n)." Your uncle muttered before falling unconscious on the ground.

Corrianne giggled, while clinging on to her partner's arm. "I love you," she cooed on Gabriel's ear, snuggling deeper into his neck for some extra warmth in the midst of winter.

Gabriel laughed lightly. "I love you too, Corrianne."

A thud abruptly came from a nearby tree, followed by rough rustling. The two lovebirds looked at the source of the sounds. It was a man, in a.. weird, white coat.

"What is this? Is it raining people or what?" Gabriel joked.

Corrianne stepped on his foot, not too hard to cause so much pain but hard enough to make him regret his words. "No, look closer. It says 'Eugene (L/n)' on his robe." She pointed at the name tag.

Gabriel inspected it, looking at it with confusion. "Why would someone put their name on a robe?"

The Olivier shrugged. "This is where (Y/n) fell. I guess like father, like daughter. But that's the least of our concerns right now. We should bring him home."


Gabriel carried your uncle to the Olivier's residence, tripping and taking a break a ton of times in the journey. Your uncle wasn't, of course, not that heavy, but Gabriel did not have a strong built.

Corrianne rummaged through the cabinets. "(Y/n)," she called from downstairs. After finding the bandages, she filled a basin with water.

"What do you need, Corri?" you asked while going down the stairs. Your eyes widened at the sight of your uncle. My god..

He laid there, unconscious. He did come back for me. I'm going home now! But.. how about Corrianne? Gabriel? Xalvador? And.. George? No, I wasn't supposed to be here in the first place anyways. Why should I worry about them?

"(Y/n), do you know this man?" Corrianne asked as she dabbed a small, wet, face towel on your uncle's forehead. She looked at you with a concerned facade.


"He's my uncle.." You went down the stairs completely and sat by the Olivier. "What happened?"

"He fell from a tree... like you."

You laughed nervously while scratching the back your neck. "Yeah.. haha." You looked thoroughly at your peacefully sleeping uncle and noticed his hand move. "U-uncle?"

His eyes slowly fluttered open and he weakly brought his hand to his forehead.


"(Y -(Y/n)?" he muttered.

You abruptly wrapped your arms around him, resting your head on his chest. "You actually came back!"

He smiled. "Of course, (Y/n)," he said, patting your back gently. He pulled away while cupping your cheeks. "You're family."

"Ah, we'll leave you two alone," Corrianne excused, beckoning Gabriel to come with her. "We'll prepare dinner."

The two of them left, leaving you with your uncle alone. You certainly had a lot to catch up on. After all, you did disappear for 3 whole months, and lived your life in a different time.

"How are you and Thalia, uncle?" you asked politely.

"I should be asking you that question, (Y/n)." He chuckled. "Well, we're good. Although, I haven't really checked on her after you disappeared."

"Uncle.." you started, sighing. "Thalia should be your priority.. She's your real daughter.."

"(Y/n), you have no right to say that," he chided, earning a raised eyebrow from you. "I treated you like a real daughter too. I took care of you for 14 years."

"That's why I'm very grateful. Thank you."

"Anyways, we should go back now," he stated, looking at his watch.

You frowned.

He looked at you with concern and worry. "(Y/n).. we do not belong here, that's why we should get out of here as soon as possible.."

"I know.. just.. give me 2 more minutes, please," you begged. "At least let me say goodbye.."

You uncle nodded with a smile. You hug him with all your might, before going to the desk nearby.

Dear Oliviers,

It has been an undoubtedly, great time with the two of you, but I have to return to my home. Do not worry about me for I am accompanied by my loving uncle. Stay safe and don't forget to fight for what you believe in, both of you.

Sincerely, (Y/n)

Dear Gabriel,

Please take care of Corrianne for me when I'm gone. If you ever hurt her, I will go back and slit your throat. Stay safe, will you?

Sincerely, (Y/n)

Dear Geo-

You stopped writing and looked at your uncle, who gave you a reassuring smile. You smiled back before turning back to the paper. You gently laid the quill on the wood and crumpled the paper, tossing it to the side after. I don't need to say goodbye to George.. because I already did.

You stood up from the desk and held a hand for your uncle to take. "Shall we?" you asked.

Your uncle willingly took your hand and both of you walked into the kitchen. The couple was there, baking some puff paists. They looked up from their work.

"Hello Corrianne, I have something to tell you."

She nodded, encouraging you to continue.

"We're leaving.." your uncle told her.

"What?!" she exclaimed. "W-why?"

"I wasn't really supposed to stay this long. To be honest, I only went to Windsor to find my long lost uncle," you lied. "Now that I found him, we'll be returning to our home."

Corrianne sighed and looked down. A tear fell to her cheek. "But why so soon? This is so sudden. I mean, you could stay another night!"

"We can't, we have some important matters to attend to.." you said. "My mother is very sick right now.. and is about to die soon, so we have to leave as soon as possible."

"I understand," she said, looking at you with melancholic eyes. But suddenly, she couldn't hold back most of her sadness and burst into tears.

You and Gabriel came up and hugged her. "It's going to be okay, Corri. Don't worry."

She hugged you back and cried herself out. "Have a safe trip, both of you." She pulled out and smiled. "Send your mother our regards."

"I will." You gave Gabriel a small nod before letting go. "Stay safe." And with that, you left the Olivier's residence, and let them go. I said 'goodbye' for good.

====[Author's Note]====

Psycho: New chapter!

I just really really loved the part with the scripture! And if I added the whole stanza, it would've been too long.. I know how boring it could be when you don't know the song. But it's Hamilton! Yes, I know it's from Hamilton, but how 'bout the newbies? And the people that are so obsessed with King George III that they haven't listened to a single song than "You'll be back," "I know him," and "What comes Next?"

Just because it is a native British tree, I think.. but guess what I learned! The Alder tree symbolizes tranquility and peace. U-huh, your author is a genius now. I'm just kidding, I'm not. Well, the reader's mind is not at peace right? And so, I make nothing of these two topics. No, seriously though; If the reader could get that letter into the future, she could come back, and her mind would be at peace. *POOF* Mind blown.. now you're dead. You're welcome.

Nah-ah. It is never the end!

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