《Challenge accepted(Completed)》Chapter 36


There is nothing going to take this smile away from my face right now. I had the best weekend of my life and I won't able to forget this for long time. I always thought money can make me happy or all those parties where I hookup with different people or expensive alcohols but I was wrong. Spending time with her was enough to take me to heaven but all those couple things was marvelous. We played games and make sand house which was actually Maaya's idea she was kid from the heart I must say she was so excited to make sand house. We cook food or basically I keep stealing kisses from her or just hug her or tease her and she cooked for me. It was seriously wonderful all these years I never feel what is being loved or what is family. My parents were sucked in giving love too me I mean as they gave whatever I want but they forget to give me most important thing in this life which was love.

I still remember how I used to wait for my parents on Christmas night when I was small and hope they come to meet me and we can spend time but no they were busy to generate money. This is the biggest reason I always thought money can buy happiness but no I consumed myself in one night stands and alcohol. I have best chef in my home but what Maaya cook for me was priceless. It's like feeling complete I wonder how was my life will go when we got married. Maybe we can have kids too but I really want lots of children with her only. I never thought I would consider this entire thing ever but these entire things make me excited like really excited that I sometimes I feel I am losing my mind. If it was possible I can marry her right now and have my family with her.


It's time to leave and get back to campus. On serious note I don't want to go and share Maaya with anyone I want her 24 hours for myself only. She actually packed our bags because I was keep telling her to let's stay more here only and I give her my most adorable puppy eyes but no she didn't listen to me, my girlfriend is meanie. I didn't let Maaya carry any bag even if she is in good health there is no way I let her carry anything if it was in my hand I don't let her walk on road ever she will always going to be in my arms. Say me clingy or possessive but I really want to be with me this is the reason I didn't tell her about all the challenge part yet. I was seriously considering telling her on this weekend but when I woke up next day after the dinner and love making she was looking happy. And for that smiling face I can do anything so I kept this for another day also I was actually want to show Maaya I was seriously in love with her before telling her anything.

I had the happiest time of my life and I was sure to make a decision to be her girlfriend. We reached our campus near 12o clock because Amanda was behaving like small kids who doesn't want to leave the candy shop but seriously neither I want to leave from there but of course we have college to attend I don't want another label of gold digger but I guess they already labeled me with this. I really don't care about anyone what they say even before this relationship most people labeled me so it's not new to me but no one is dare to say anything in front of Amanda. Let me tell she is not that bitchy person she was really nice but she still has hard time to control her anger. Also if it's about me she was so possessive I mean no one can say anything to me otherwise it was kind of they asking for death wish. Few days ago some guys said something slut word to me and next thing I know he was on the floor. He still eats near trash bin because it was Amanda who make sure he remember what kind of trash he is actually which in my opinion was little harsh but what can I say she look hot when she was possessive for me.


We were bit tired but before we go inside the camps Kate come to us and meet but there is something which was not right. She looks worried actually and I am sure Amanda also sees that thing because the look she gave to Kate was "Spill now or I kill you" but Kate just look at me worriedly. I think there is something about me in campus and we are failed to find the person who is doing nasty things. Amanda sighs in annoyed way before grabbing all the bags and take my hand to go the room.

What I never expect anything that there were actual posters of me and Amanda on campus wall and in bold letter's it was written "Amanda's slut". Okay now I am pissed seriously who the hell this person is who keeps calling me slut and doing these shameful things. But before I got pissed off for this I hear the angriest yelled in my life.

"Who the bloody hell did this?" Amanda yelled in so much infuriate in my whole life.

"Kate, how this bloody thing happened tell me now?"

"I don't know who do this but in morning all these posters are there in campus I remove as much as I can put there are so many and the biggest one is hanging in canteen right now." Kate said sadly

I didn't get chance to stop Amanda to do anything reckless thing but because she storm towards canteen without waiting for anyone. Kate and I run to catch her because if someone caught from her he or she will be dead for sure.

Okay this is madness not only there was large poster of me and Amanda there are very multiple messages written like gold digger and all the stuff which I suppose written by other students. I was sure if Amanda was not with me I would probably commit the suicide till now. No one dares to speak anything everyone was moving back from Amanda she looks angrily to everyone before she yelled to everyone which caught my ears too.

"So you bloody idiots think she is slut who has no name guess what she is going to have my name now. This week everyone is invited for my engagement and remember no one can mess with William name say another word and I ruin our life in second,"

"I Amanda William announce my engagement to Maaya my beautiful girlfriend held on this week and marriage till the end of the month." With that Amanda tear the poster and grab my hand and left canteen.

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