《Challenge accepted(Completed)》Chapter 23


I was surprised by a sudden outburst of Kate which I guess was irrelevant. I mean it's none of her business to scream like an idiot but guess what she is dumb. I looked at Maaya who was trembling with an embarrassment which I kind of find funny so I let her try for this. Soon I realized with her expression that she was not able to answer anything instead of that she will cry any movement which kind of breaks my heart. I look at Kate who was still giving a deadly glare to her so I decided to take her stand before it escalates further.

"That's none of your business Kate" I frowned

"Oh really and since when you are her advocate Amanda?" she said with a disgusting look which makes me angry

"Since you talk like a jerk now no need to talk all this here and no need to make her nervous with your stupid acts, we are leaving now from here let her sleep," I said sternly

Kate looked at me in annoyed but with my deadly gaze she didn't comment further and get up and leave the room. Before I follow her I went to Maaya and kiss her forehead on which she surprisingly jumped with my action. I gave her a small smile before giving her last small peck on her lips and say her good night.

I went out and found Kate outside my room she was looking at her phone. I snapped my fingers in front of her face to get her attention on which she gave me loath smile which I ignore instantly.

"Let's go for a ride I need fresh air," I said and start walking without giving any chance to her for decline my offer.

We were currently driving aimlessly and I was annoyed with her too much. I don't understand what exactly she was looking for because I know Amanda is not a person who gives so much attention to any person except herself but she was behaving differently with Maaya. We were sat in uncomfortable silence which was very rare between both of us. I mean since we become friends she was party animal and total bitch with rude behavior but this girl actually doing something which makes a drastic change in her. I know she is changing slowly but surely because since that day she was very calm and less bitchy actually I will say she didn't say any single rude word to anyone. There was something in her eyes which reflects whenever she looks at her. I was not able to sit more without breaking this silence because I want to know her fucking intentions. I don't know why because I know it was started with a bet but now all this seems real to me.


"What you are doing Amanda?" I said

"Oh, can't you see I am driving," she said with a sarcastic tone

"Don't be smartass Amanda tell me what you are doing with her I know what you so tell me your true intentions to me now?" I said with an annoyed tone

"Well, first of all, it's none of your business but for your answer, I don't know what I was doing but the fact is I like her," she said without looking at me

I was taken aback with her confession I mean I never heard from her that she likes someone I mean it was actually true because all she does is one night stand only so I never aspect from her to like someone. I look at her for confirmation whether she was joking or not but she was dead serious and somehow I don't feel comfortable.

"So you mean you like her and won't hurt her and drop the challenge?" I asked her hopefully

"Well I didn't say this I mean she is really hot and I want to sleep with her but maybe I won't break her heart. I guess we can continue further like this I mean I do like her but I am not sure for any feeling." She said without any hesitation

Our conversation was dead after her true intention but I didn't say anything much. I was sure now that that hickey was also on Maaya was given by Amanda. I really don't know what was on her mind but I didn't escalate this issue much.

Amanda didn't come that night till I fall asleep. In the morning I saw her sleeping in her bed. She was looking like a goddess even without any makeup. I smiled with this site so I decided to give her a small kiss on her forehead. I went to her bed slowly and give her a small kiss on her forehead and then went inside the bathroom.


I don't know how I was feeling but there is something inside me who crave for Amanda's touch on my body. I look at the mirror saw big hickeys on my neck on which I groaned unexpectedly. Our conversation was cut in middle yesterday but today I want to clear her everything about my friend.

What I didn't expect was that reaction from her she was so angry and intimate at the same time which was kind of hot I guess. I can still feel her lips on my body. I don't know when I close my eyes and start touching my lips and other places where Amanda touch me last night. I can still feel her grip on me and subconsciously I put my hand on my breast and start pressing it. I was so intimately involved in my things I start moaning softly.

It was a matter of time when her when her image take over my mind and I slipped a hand under my shirt to massage my breast more hardly. I bite my lips as hard as I can as the thoughts of her came into my mind. My breath starts increasing with all this I try to control myself but as much as I want to resist I couldn't control myself and I start whispering her name.

Before I let my hand slipped inside under my panties someone grabs me tightly and believes me my soul jump out from my body at that time. I hurriedly open my eyes when I feel like I saw a ghost. In front of me Amanda was giving me a smirk smile then she bites my earlobe slowly.

"Someone is horny today morning wanted to do something real?" She smirked at me when I almost died with embarrassment

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