《Challenge accepted(Completed)》Chapter 18


This is the first time I ever witness such kind of thing from Amanda. She is a surely bitchy type but I never saw her act like this. In the club, she was trying to ignore us instead of involving with us. I understand she was hanging out Maaya because of a challenge but there is something which is different in her. From last few days, she was trying to ignore all of us and concentrating that girl. She hooks up with lots of boys and girls from the college and outside of the college but never saw her possessive among them. She always thinks about herself that's why she is a most popular girl in college. I keep trying to talk to her in the club also but even when she was dancing with us but her whole attention was somewhere else.

I saw her aggression and impulsiveness but the way she acts in the club was on the really different level. When she slaps that guy and kisses her in front of the whole college that was really intense. It was like she is claiming her and no one should come near her. She was not so good person but she really does help me a lot in lots of things and that's why I care about her. I better talk to her about this before something happened. I grab my phone and text her to meet me in morning for an urgent talk.

Something was different I can feel something warm on my back and I snuggle more in that. My head was throbbing in pain and I feel dizzy. I was not able to open my eyes so I close them once again but suddenly someone arm warp my waist and I suddenly open my eyes wide.

Fuck, I slept with someone last night. Did I something with that person? What happened last night? Why the hell I have a headache and why can't I remember anything?

I check my clothes and on the utter shock, I was in my bra & panties. I was shocked and can feel tears in my eyes. I have some something maybe with some stranger. How can I do something like this? I try to shift my body to see whom I spend my night. When I saw it was no one else rather than Amanda my body got frozen. Of course, she was the one who makes me drink in a club and then took advantage of me but did she really do something with me. But then I saw that she was in her undergarment to and now I feel sick more. I actually trust her so much I thought she was deep inside a good person rather than a shitty person. She was taking care of me and then makes me drunk and took advantage of me. I run towards the bathroom because now I can't control my tears anymore.


Once a hot drop of water touches my body I burst into crying like small babies. Now some vision becomes clear I remember that she slap some guy and then kiss me. Now I don't have doubt that she actually took my advantage last night but then why she did it to me. Isn't enough for her what she was doing to me from last few weeks? After 15 minutes of the shower, I feel a little sober so I left the bathroom to grab new clothes. When I come back in room Amanda was still fast asleep I couldn't stop myself to stare at her beautiful body. There is no doubt that how much beautiful she is but she is a devil from inside. I quickly change into new clothes and left the room. I was already feeling dizzy maybe if I grab something to eat and drink I feel better with these thoughts I left the room.

I feel empty besides me and my stroke besides me but all I can feel was a cold blanket. I open my eyes immediately to check for Maaya but she was nowhere to find. I thought maybe she was in the bathroom but it was also empty. I check whole room but she was long gone and there is no sign of her. That was strange so I check my phone there are multiple calls and text from Kate too. I open the message she wants to talk to me urgently in the library. There are no classes for today so where she is gone neither her shift start this early morning so something is fishy. I insist say there is something is not good and might be she was angry with me. I mean why she left in so much hurry after last night? Is she angry with me? I call her on her number but she didn't pick the call now I am getting worried because that's really unusual of her. I send her message too but she didn't reply to my text. Now I was getting more worried about this. She left without any talk and it was really early so there is something bad.


Usually, I feel always get a hangover but yesterday I didn't drink that much because of Maaya. Suddenly I feel happy while remembering the kiss between us. I kissed so many people in my life but when I kissed her it was pure magical I mean I can do this for the rest of my life. Her lips are so kissable I don't know how to control myself.

Oh shit, was it because of kiss Maaya left the room so early morning. Maybe she was angry because I did this without consent. Oh fuck, I need to meet her as soon as possible. I quickly get got into the shower and change my clothes. There is no way Maaya was out and go somewhere else besides her store. I should check in the canteen or maybe library she always ends up there.

Well, how I know this because when I used to bully her she always goes to the library usually. After locking the room behind me I went to college. I called her 4 times but she didn't pick my call for once.

I was worried about her very much when I check the canteen there were some students having their breakfast but I need to find her first. I went to the library when I hear someone sobbing voice so I slowly walk to check without making any kind of disturbance. When I saw who was the person it was Maaya she was full of tears her eyes look blood red because of so much crying. My heart stops for the movement I quickly approach her but she was still in tears. I wipe her tears to meet with her gaze but when she realized it was me she quickly pushed me away.

"How dare you touch? What are you doing here? What did you do with me? What happened between both of us last night? Why I wake up half naked? Why you were sleeping with me?" she said angrily without any stoppage

I chuckle at her reaction seriously she looks cuter when she was angry I mean how I can resist this cute girl.

"Hey, give a break girl. First, nothing happened between both of us so chill your clothes get dirty so that's why I undress you last night." I said smilingly

"Liar I remember you kissed me last night and you make me drunk so much that I couldn't control myself. You want to take advantage of me don't you?" she frowned

Now she tries to hit on my chest while more tears start running from her cheeks. She looks so adorable but I hate those tears. I keep trying to explain myself but she was now shouting at me. I mean no one dares to shout on me but it was different I couldn't control but chuckle more on her reaction. She is really so innocent that she can't figure out that it's not how sex happened between two people. Now I try to make her stop because seriously she was hitting me hard but she was not ready to stop. I left no other option than one to stop her shouting on me. I grab her neck and smash my lips forcefully. She kept trying to push me away but due to my height and good physics, I was holding her tight enough. Now she stops struggling with me and kissing me back. I don't know how much time passed while kissing each other till we both get disturbed by someone scream.

"Amanda, what the hell is going here?"

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