《Challenge accepted(Completed)》Chapter 15


I was waiting for Maaya in my bed and scrolling social media apps since I am a very popular girl I need to do such stuff. Honestly speaking if someone asked me to go out with Maaya and spend time with her on the first week of classes, at that time I basically broke their skull on the spot. I still don't like the idea of the challenge but I can say I am kind of thankful to Robin although I cursed him every second even it's a challenge I at least try to know Maaya. She is not bad at all, in fact, she is really nice and I doubt I may liking it not like I am falling for her but still one part of my heart didn't like to break her heart at all. I was so deep in my thoughts I didn't realize when Maaya came to out from the bathroom and trying to get my attention.

Once I look at her I caught in the movement she looks stunning absolutely marvelous. My mind was a short circuit and my heart stops beating for some good seconds and I can't stop staring at her. I stand from my bed and walk towards her it's like my body has their own mind because I wasn't in my control. At that movement, I couldn't stop my urge to bite those lips and make her mine. Those lips look so good that I can capture from my own lips and trap them forever. But most of all I fall for her eyes and I can't stop staring her eyes they are so innocent and pure. At that movement, I want to make mine I want to kiss her but somehow I just don't want to take her to my bed and leave her. She deserves to be treated well and I control my feeling to kiss her and make her scared so I kissed her cheeks near her lips. She immediately shivers under me and I couldn't stop smiling with her reaction and I thought "You look beautiful like my princess" but I suddenly I realized I speak loudly and she hears it clearly. I was embarrassed but she was blushing hard and looking down on floor try to ignore and eyes, well she looks adorable can't resist it. I back out little and stare at her for the last time and clear my throat to speak again.


"So.... I guess we should go now otherwise we will late," I said shyly

Oh god, no one ever makes me so shy ever in my entire life what this girl doing to me.

"Ok," she said almost whispering

She was so nervous that she couldn't meet with my gaze and keep looking at the floor. I grab her hand and leave the room to go towards my car. Her grip on my hands was too tight but it's not like I was complaining about it. Once we arrive at my car I open passenger seat for her to sit but she was so still trembling and nervous that I guess she didn't realize we already reach to the car. I tap on her shoulder to get her attention and she sits on a car without saying anything, I walk towards driver seat and shut the door to drive away. Maaya was sitting stiffly on her seat without saying any word, she was looking down and biting her lower lips which make her super cute but she was nervous that anyone can say with one look. I know it whatever happened was quite shocking for her so I put my one hand on her thigh, she suddenly looks at me with a shocked expression but I give her my most comfortable smile. I just want to make her feel comfortable at that movement this is what she actually need so I did it. I wasn't very good to comfort anyone truth to is I never done this before but somehow there is an undeniable attraction that I can't stop my feelings. She really has so juicy lips at this movement I want to stop my car now n kiss her now they look so kissable but I have to control my feelings so I keep driving.

Within 15 minutes we reach to my usual club well they have a private lounge to and besides I don't want her to think I am jumping on her also they have good service so better I choose this place. I grab her hand and go inside the club, what I wasn't expecting my whole college group there. Once they spot me they immediately wave at me but then they suddenly their voices die in their throat when they see Maaya with me. Robin was staring on my hand but then I realized I was holding her hand tightly. I walk towards them because somehow I was aware it's not a good idea to join with them but ignoring the whole group is not a good idea too. I smile and join them.


"Hey, everyone meets my roommate and my new friend Maaya," I said loudly

Everyonesmile at her and she smiled nervously well I couldn't blame her, all of us didvery bad with her so I don't think she feels comfortable with anyone. Kate waslooking with suspicious eyes and Robin is frowning eyes and rests are stillshocked. Suddenly I remember that everyone knows about the bet and maybe in thedrunken stage they might spill the beans so I better get separated from them.

I excuse with them and took Maaya to private lounge in the club, she sat in silence although the club is blasting with music still her silence is killing me. I hold her face to look at me, her body is shivering and her eyes show me how nervous she is at this point. Maybe she needs some alcohol then only she stops trembling under me otherwise this night is going to be waste. I ask her what she likes but surprisingly she doesn't drink actually but this won't work at all. I was unable to give her any comfort and at this movement, she can pass out any time with so much nervousness so I get up from my seat and go to grab drinks for us. I told the bartender to mix vodka in juice so that she won't suspect anything. Once I take our drinks I went back to her and gave her a drink. She finishes in one gulp which was kind of funny but somehow I can understand her position. She asks for one more which I happily accepted and asks for one more drink for her and gave it to her. After sometimes she loosens up and asks for more drinks now, till now she already finishes 3 more drinks and asking for more now I am kind of freak out. I sternly said no to her and she gave me a pout which is so adorable. I ask her to dance with me but she denies and said she wants to stay here. I went to the dance floor and start dancing, after sometime Robin also join me then my whole group was dancing with me. After about half an hour I feel little tired and somehow my mind kept drifting towards Maaya so I grab one more drink and head towards our seating but I was shocked when I saw it was totally empty. I look to nearby place but she wasn't here, the club was totally crowded it's difficult to find her in such a huge crowd. I check on bathroom and every place but couldn't able to find her.

Suddenly I spot her but I was shocked at what I saw and the only thing coming into my mind was "What the fuck she is doing there"?

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