《Challenge accepted(Completed)》Chapter 11


I was standing in the parking lot for 5 minutes still processing the fact that Maaya just left me here. Till I realized Kate was waving her hand in front of my face for getting my attention. I was so lost that I did not realize how long she was doing this. I smiled at her dryly.

"Hello, Amanda what's up girl? Where were you? Why you are not taking our phone?" she said continuously without any break.

"I went to the market to buy something for me. Nothing important much" I said while pointing my finger at products I bought from Maaya store.

"That's ok but why Maaya is with you in our car? Is this something about that challenge you accepted from Robin?" she asked suspiciously

"Hmm......well help me to pick all the things in my room and let's go for dinner than". I try to ignore her question and we both walk towards our hostel after locking my car.

I was again lost in thoughts of Maaya. I used to control everyone in my whole life. I was not the person who used to listen 'No' to anyone ever. Since I meet her Maaya stood up against me with full confidence. I never get neglected or ignore by anyone. See when you born in rich families you get chance to be spoiled. My parents give me too much attention, the fact is I was the only child and somehow my parents fulfill all my wishes whatever I want to do. Being ignored is kind of new thing to me, not with such kind of girl. I was so lost I didn't realize when I reach my room till Kate grabs my hand and pull me inside. I look into the room for any sign for Maaya but she was nowhere. I put all the packets on my table and sit on my bed.

"Amanda, what is going on with you?" she said with concern tone.


"Umm..... Nothing I am just hungry." I lied to her. Let's go and eat something and I grab her hand to come with me. Kate always followed me everywhere no matter what sometimes I believe she really cares about me but in the deep inside I was aware she is with me because of my popularity. All the time in dinner table I was looking for Maaya. It's clear she is trying to ignore me properly but why it's freaking me out so much. If I thought about it I always freak out whenever it's connected to Maaya. Maaya really does have some effect on me either its hatred or anything but she does affect me. I don't know what probably Kate was talking to me because whenever I try to concentrate on something my mind drift back to Maaya. Oh god why it's so hard for me? Why am I thinking about that nerd so much? I just need to make sure that she falls for me and I slept with her so that I can break her small stupid heart.

After finishing everything I go back to my room, maybe I can talk to her it's not like she can ignore me. After all, we are roommates and she can't ignore me like this. I open my door I saw the room was totally dark and Maaya was sleeping in her bed. Oh Great so now she is ignoring conversation with me like this.

I change into my sleeping clothes and lay down to bed, I glance at her for the last time before I sleep.

"What the Fuck just happened right now?" I screamed loudly.

This can't be true, Amanda suddenly turns so much cute with me. How can she become so great with me? For all those weeks she gets into my nerves & somehow I try my best to ignore her as much as I can. She is only reason who constantly makes sure that my life becomes hell. Her friends always create trouble for me and but I try my best to ignore them. Today she behaves so weird with me, first she come to my working place and behave nicely. And then she offers car ride to me but moreover, she actually grabs my hand and actually forces me to come with her. Devil heart doesn't change so easily I have guts feeling that something is very terrible. Suddenly I realize I actually behave rudely with her and I start panic with fear. She is probably very angry with me, I didn't realize when I start shivering. It's more than 10 minutes since Amanda didn't come to room so I take a chance to skip from there. I got out from room and go to canteen directly. I used to eat my food in library because of Robin, he is jerk like always and creates trouble to me a lot. No one suspect till now that where I actually go. After finishing up I went back to my room and lay on bed & switch off the lights. After sometime Amanda came to room, she grumbles something but I was not able to hear her properly. I try my best to pretend to be sleeping but I was wide awake. After sometime I realized Amanda fall into her beauty sleep I dare to look at her. She looks so innocent while she was sleeping but she looks opposite when she was awake. I didn't realize when I also fall asleep.


I wake up early 5 daily, after switch off my alarm I rub my eyes when I realized last night incident. Suddenly I was wide awake and I look at Amanda. She was still in deep sleep so I got up from my bed and get ready quickly as soon as possible. I grab my clothes and change it. It was only 6:30 when I was fully ready for my classes. Ahh..... I still have 2 hours to my classes, I groaned. I decided to go the library, I sat on the last corner seat. I didn't have to worry about people coming in at this time. Usually, our library was empty most of the time so it's kind of heaven for me.

I got up from my bed when I looked at the phone it was 6:45 am only. I stay back in my bed again when I realized the room was empty. Maaya never leaves the room so early ever. Not like I want to see her face but it's getting odd to me. I got up from the bed and wash quickly. I got out from my room and start looking for her. Still, 1 hour left for classes to begin, so I decided to check her in the canteen but it was empty. I check her classes too but I couldn't able to find her. Suddenly I got the idea, Maybe she was in the library? Once I enter the library I hear some noise from the end of the corner so I walk towards the corner slowly without making any noise.

There she was trying to grab one book from the top shelf. Unfortunately, the books are among the very top of it, and I can already see the problem. Maaya is quite short height girl, so I decided to help her. I slowly walk towards her and stand behind her to grab the book. Maaya jumps, startled, and whirls around to face me. Her lips brush mine for just a moment and we both freeze. I can feel Maaya's breath on my face, warm and quick, and I'm suddenly blushing so hard my face hurts. Suddenly we both realized that our lips just meet with each other.

"What the fuck you did?" She said angrily.

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