

"Skai this dress is really cute" Maya said pulling a white dress out my closet.

I shrugged "Imma cancel the date, I don't like none of that stuff on me"

She frowned "Skai everything you tried on looked so good"

I suffer from body dysmorphia sometimes and right now I'm really suffering.

"Skai you're body is literally so cute."

Her phone rang and then she stepped out the room.

When she came back in she smiled at me "Skai try on the white dress, and if you really don't like it you can take it off then cancel the date"

I nodded and got up to try it on. When I came out the bathroom she smiled.

"I don't care this is so nice on you"

I frowned then my door opened revealing Kareem.

"You look pretty mamas, what's wrong with these clothes?" He asked resting his arm on my waist .

"I don't like how I look in them, would you mind if I canceled our date?"

"I would mind" he said causing me to mug him.

"Kareem we could go another time, I'm just not feeling it today" I told him.

He shrugged and sat on my bed "Aiza, you not canceling cause you thinking negative ass shit"

"I'm just not comfortable with being out right now" I told him.

He nodded then motioned me towards him. He pulled me on his lap "You can go put on some sweats, we gon go to my house and imma set sum up. What about that?"

A small smile came onto my face and I nodded "Yea I'd like that"


Kareem smiled as he led Skai into the elevator in his penthouse. "I didn't know you had an elevator" she told him.

Kareem was able to hire a chef and have someone set something intimate up for the two of them on his rooftop.


"I could give you a tour later" he offered pressing on the elevator controls.

Skai smiled as the elevator doors opened and revealed the setup. "I love this Kareem, it's so pretty"

She pulled him into a small hug then let him lead her to the table.

"So we got salmon and potatoes, then for dessert there's Chantilly cake" he told her.

"Chantilly cake is my favorite" she said after the chef brought out their plates.

"I know, Maya helped me set this up." she smiled even harder.

"No one ever went this hard for me, thank you" she told him.

He shrugged "I told you I like you. I wanna really show you"

"I'm sorry for being difficult earlier" she apologized.

"It's fine, Aiza. You wasn't comfortable I ain gon penalize you for that" he told her

"Thank you"

"You beautiful as fuck, why you be thinking otherwise?" he asked her.

She sipped some of the lemonade then shrugged. "I don't know, as I got older it just started. Maybe the media"

"You liked everything?" He asked.

"I did"


After dinner they went into his room. "Hmm, Maya brought you a bag so you can spend the night" he told her.

Maya had to beg her parents to let her spend the night until they finally agreed. With a few rules.

"Can I have some towels?" She asked him.

He went into the linen closet to get her two wash towels and one drying off towel.

Once she got out the shower she saw that he had also changed into some sweat shorts and no shirt.

"Come lay wimme" he said slightly raising his head.

"Can I ask you how you ended up in jail with my dad?" Skai asked as he laid on her stomach and moved her hand to rub his back.


"I was in there for attempted murder and possession of marijuana. A nigga had ran up in my crib so I had shot him, he was in a coma for a minute but ended up living. My lawyer was able to prove self defense and when they arrested me I had weed on me. I spent like 2 years in there" he explained.

"So you got in when you was 18 and just got out?" She asked.

He nodded "Yea I got out like 6 months ago, then I started the clothing line"

"You deal drugs?" She blurted out causing him to laugh.

"Nah. I used to sell in middle and high school but ion do that anymore" he lied.

"Mmm you a forex trader?" She eyed him making him smile.

"No, I gotta tattoo shop, but I do real estate and own a few other businesses as well" he explained.

She smiled back at him "That's nice, how many relationships you been in?"

"Two" he answered, "How many you been in?" He asked.

"Just one."

"Why y'all break up?" He asked her, she shrugged.

"He cheated, but that's when I was a sophomore. I'm over it now tho."

He nodded "The first girl and I just ain work out and the second one got pregnant when I first got locked up, but I really wasn't expecting her to hold me down"

Skai stopped rubbing his back causing him to mug her.

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