《Glass Ceilings》|28| My Homegirl Adira
Yesterday was Adiras eight-month appointment. I went with her. Once again, Nelson didn't show.
We've been distant. I'm solely to blame. After that conversation with her dad, I was scared straight.
Although we have this distance between us now, it doesn't stop the way I feel about her. How backed up sexually both of us are, and I guess that's getting to us too.
"You leave for Detroit tomorrow right?"
"Yep, we need to go ahead and get going," I stated watching Adira get up off the bed in only my t-shirt. Her black lace panties were peeking out. I bit down on my lip.
"Give me about forty-five minutes then I'll be ready." She said while turning on her heels to walk out the door, closing it behind. I took a seat on the bed and adjusted my bulge in my pants.
After Adira got herself ready, we headed my all black Maybach S600. Bo and Tyson followed in another vehicle behind. My driver Ben was off today.
"This is my favorite of your collection."
"I told you, you can have it. You're the one playing. You look beautiful by the way." I smiled at her while getting her door, helping her inside.
"Thank you, and what am I going to do with something like this?" She asked before I closed the door.
I got in behind the wheel. "Drive it."
"Uh, no." She scrunched her face.
"You know where all my keys are. You already have a key to my house. —And I have a key to yours, so we're practically..." I stopped to think of a word I wanted to use. I was stuck. I didn't want to say anything that would offend her. We claim friends, but it's weird because when I say we're friends, it feels like I'm putting space between us.
That's how the tensions been, any little thing regarding us could bring up the avoided topic.
"Practically what?" She smiled at me, tilting her head to the side, dying to hear what I had to say.
"I don't know. I guess best friends maybe?" I said the last part slow not really sure. I eased out of the driveway, glancing at her.
Her smiled dimmed a little but didn't fade.
"Let's go. I don't want to be late. My sister Jade is meeting us there. She's styling me. You'll get to see her."
She nodded. "This campaign ad is with your endorsements or for something else?"
"Yeah, but they're doing some new launch. They have a lot of celebrities coming in to collaborate for a commercial."
"Hm, so who's coming?" She asked, getting excited.
I laughed. "You'll see, it's different athletes and some artist and actors. —The shots are going to be crazy, a lot of it is already done."
"Your bag is in the trunk. I didn't know if you were going to need it."
"Perfect, that way I can study a little while you work." She smoothed down her wrinkles in the front of her dress.
"Like you're gonna' want to study when you get there." We were now at a light. I grabbed her hand and kissed it.
"I'll have you know I am very focused. I'm at the finish line with school, so studying is imperative."
"Everything's coming at once, but we'll get through it. Even if you need me to help you study." He paused, glancing at me. "—I don't have a clue about any of that you're studying, but if I can help, I will." I turned on one of my playlists and made sure the volume was low.
She giggled. "The light is green."
I quickly drove through it. "You thought about any names? I know you said you wanted to wait until she was born."
"Yeah, I think I'll still wait." She said with a heavy breath.
"Heartburn again?"
"Yep." She leaned her head back against the seat. I placed my free hand on her stomach, rubbing it.
"Did you bring the Tums?"
"No, but I'll be ok." She took some deep breaths.
"I'll grab some."
She smiled, shaking her head, knowing she couldn't change my mind.
The rest of the ride consisted of us being goofy and singing along to the radio.
After making that stop to the drug store, we arrived at the production set. My sister Jade met us at the door.
"Hi, Adira." She pulled her in for a long hug. Both had a moment where they were swaying from side to side as if they've known each other forever.
"Can we go in now?" I interrupted their little pow-wow. I finally reached in to embrace Jade as well.
They giggled as we walked inside.
Adira stopped in her tracks, taking in everything in sight of the room. She examined all the stations, props, and cameras. The room was filled with teams of people moving around everywhere.
"Ok, Zo they need you to get over to hair and makeup. Liam's already over there ready to shape you up." Jade pointed to my barber.
"Cool," I nodded, looking around the room waving to some of the people I knew. "Come on Di. I can set you up over here with me."
She was still stunned, taking everything in. I was excited to bring her into my world a little.
"Yep and I'll be right back here. I'm styling a couple of others today too." Jade added.
"Alright." We made our way to my barber. I grabbed a chair, placing it next to the vanity where I was seated.
"Here you go." I smiled at her. She smiled back taking her seat. I leaned in and snuck a quick kiss on her lips. Something we hadn't been doing much of lately. "I couldn't resist, I miss it."
"What up Zo?" My cousin Liam smirked at both us catching the act.
"What's good, how you been?" I sat back in the chair, smiling.
He turned my chair around and lowered it to his height. "Everything's been good. I can't complain.
"Cool, —This is Adira."
"Nice to meet you beautiful." He said with a smile.
"Watch it —Adira this is my cousin Liam. He looks more like he could be my brother." I chuckled.
"I was just about to say he resembles your dad. —Nice to meet you too."
He tilted his head playfully, licking his lips. "Yeah, I get that all the time, love.
"That's crazy." She stated with her eyebrows raised and a little smile on her face.
"If the two of are done flirting, I would like to get started." I mugged Liam. They laughed.
"Aww Zo's getting jealous." She playfully pokes out her lip laughing. I scrunched my face up at her too.
"Nah I just know my cousin."
"Chill man, I'm embracing the presence of such a beautiful woman. I heard you had a little friend. It's good to meet her finally."
"Yeah yeah." I chuckled as he tied the neck strip on.
While I sat through my cousin getting me fresh, I watched Adira get deep into her studies. She had her headphones on, her highlighter in one hand and turning pages with the other. She was so focused, and I can't help but be attracted to that.
"This is super dope, seeing everything behind the scenes." She finally gave me her attention, taking her headphones off. She put her books away.
My cousin finished brushing the excess hair off.
"It is dope. I'm happy you—" I was interrupted by a loud squeaky voice coming closer squealing at me. Adira, Liam and I brought our attention in that direction.
"Hiiiiii my Zoey Wozy Bear." She came over, slinging her arms around me, pressing her exposed breast into the back of my head. She stood where Adira sat, directly in front of her.
"What up Chels?" I glanced up at her through the mirror. With her blonde hair and blue eyes, she gazed back at me.
She grabbed my face and began kissing all over it. She was a hair away from my lips. I luckily stopped her in time. "Whoa Chill." I pulled away from her.
"I reached out to your team. You haven't called me back yet. I have some things coming up, and I want you onboard." She stood up straight but still had her hands on my shoulders. She turned her head a little glancing at Adira."Oh— I didn't even see you right there, Hi."
Di forced a smile waving at Chels.
"Not sure if you've heard of me, but I'm Chelsea." She stuck her hand out gesturing for Adira to shake. She hesitated for a second then shook it.
"Chelsea?" Adira squinted playing clueless as she released her hand.
"The one and only Chelsea Chambers hun'— and you are?"
She paused as her nose flared a little. I took it upon my self to answer. "Chelsea this is my homegirl Adira."
As soon as the word homegirl left my mouth, I felt the sting from it.
"Oh, so this is the girl you've been photoed with. I knew you two weren't together. —Although it all seems quite scandalous with the baby and everything." She gazed down at Adiras stomach.
"If you would excuse me." Adira stood up with her bag and walked away.
I couldn't even muster up the courage to look her in the eyes. I messed up, but what was I suppose to say? That's the best I could think of at the moment.
Chelsea's not the one you should be sharing anything with. I'm not trying air anything out to her. This industry is like playing chess. It's very finicky.
"Chels, that wasn't cool." I stood up and dapped my cousin so I could go after Adira. At this point, she had already walked off out of my sight.
"I didn't mean to offend anyone. I'll go apologize."
"No, don't." I stopped her knowing that was a bad idea. Adiras way too pregnant right now to be coming at her with some fake ass apology. She's bound to curse her and everyone in here out.
I caught up to her. She stood not too far from my sister, humming. Damn, she's really pissed.
She focused down at her feet.
"Zo they need you to hurry and get oiled. They'll do your touch-ups too." Jade said to me while she busied herself, picking pieces off the racks she put together.
I stared at Adira she continued looking down at her pretty red painted toes.
I knew there was nothing I could do in this moment to make her feel better. So I walked away, over to the touch-up crew.
My energy was off as well as my focus. My sister brought over the clothes since I was now almost naked, standing with my arms out. A team of three ladies was quickly applying oil all over me.
"This is the look they want you in first. Then after they get those frames immediately change into this." Jade pointed while taking the clothes off the hanger.
"You good?" She added asking.
"Yeah, let's get this going." I tried to sound enthused. After the ladies were finished, I quickly got into the clothes.
"Ok cast on the set." The director shouted, notifying everyone as I walked over.
I had a clear view of Diri. She was now seated. She had her eyes on the directors and crew behind the scene, again taking everything in.
We quickly went through different frames. I made my quick changes. The photographer snapped a few images while we were filming.
I was lucky I didn't have any frames with Chelsea. My lines were short. Everybody had their little snippets to say.
It's clear Chelsea still has a thing for me. More like a challenge, she's seeking to conquer.
Good luck with that because I'm not feeling her now and I wasn't then. I should've handled that situation with Diri better, but I'm still trying to figure out what to say and not say.
"Zo can I get a quick interview with you?" One of my favorite interviewers asked me after we finished shooting. He's been following my career from the beginning and has always had positive things to say.
"Sure." I walked over to the changing area. He followed directing his crew to come over. We found two seats and his team got everything set up.
He went over his routine opening then went straight to the questions. I could no longer see Adira from where I was seated.
"So Kenzo the playoffs are around the corner. What are some of the things you're doing to prepare?"
"I'd say honestly I'm not doing anything extra to prepare right now. I'm still in season with a lot more basketball to play. Trying to focus on one game at a time. —But I guess I am trying to stay in that number spot."
"Any advice for some of your teammates who have never been to the playoffs?" He asked.
"Um— Just realize the moment, take it in. Then back to work."
He nodded. "All-star weekend is this coming weekend what part are you most excited about?"
"Um, I'm excited because all of my family will be there, and of course the Draft game. Mainly because I get to play against and alongside the greats. We're going to try to give a great show. Also, the dunk contest even though I'm not in it, but I can't wait to see how creative they get this year." I took a breath.
"Giving that the All-Star game's on Valentines Weekend, do you have a special someone? Perhaps the beautiful woman you've been photoed with. —And you can choose not to answer." He flashed an amusing smirk, and I shared the same sentiment.
We did that because he knew I came here on set with her. That's why he's one of my favorite interviewers. He strongly values his morals.
I sat back, rubbing my hands down my legs, trying to figure out a way to answer that. "Hopefully she'll be there."
"Wait so is this news, talk to me Zo? You want to clear things up for the fans?"
"We're um," I laughed nervously. "We're cool. She has a good heart and mind. We vibe well. She's a smart woman with huge ambition. It's good to have people around you who motivate you just by their victories and hurdles. It takes more than words to stay focus and driven. So to see other people around me hustling makes me want to be better as well."
I paused, he waited hanging on to my every word as if I didn't answer the question. I lightly chuckled again.
He nodded. "Alright, I won't torture you any further. —Thank you, Zo for your time, and we look forward to seeing you this weekend. Bring home the ring this year."
"You already know, thanks Nick." We shook hands.
He closed out the interview, he and his crew left.
I got out of my clothes and back into the comfortable ones I came here in. As soon as I grabbed my bag, turning on my heels, I was stopped. I sighed.
"Aye, you're leaving?" My friend and also Los Angeles own NFL wide receiver Kelvin Adler spoke.
"Yeah, we're finished here." I checked the time realizing that we've been here all day. I need to get Adira something to eat. Even though the food was catered. I know she's at a point where she wants what she wants.
"Your sister's here?" He peered at me.
I nodded with a smirk. "Yeah, she's here."
"You think you can get her over here real quick?" He mumbled.
"Nope, I'm not getting in the middle of you and Jades drama." I laughed thinking about their on-again-off-again relationship.
They were on a split, and she's been seeing some guy she won't tell anybody about. She sneaks out to see him still. —Yep, my grown ass almost thirty-year-old sister was still sneaking out.
"Please, man." He begged, looking at me with his green puppy dog eyes. Those two are crazy about each other.
I huffed. "Come on, —and you should've told them to give you spray tan or something, you're glowing."
"I'm as white as they come. Red hair, freckles, and pale skin. Your sister loves it. She never complains." He rubbed his hand down his bearded face, then to the back of his tapered fade, Liam hooked him up with.
"Both of you are weird as hell."
We walked over to Adira and Jade having a conversation.
"Your husband summoned you." I joked making my sister roll her eyes at me.
"What do you want?" She glared at Kelvin.
"How've you been?" He walked a little closer to her. Adira and I looked on between the two as they spoke. I stood back watching, their charade was very entertaining.
"I'm great. Things are so super awesome over here." Jade retorted, we stared at Kel to see what he had to say.
"Are you going to ask me how I've been?"
"I could care less Kelvin."
I tucked my lips, holding in my laughter at her response. Her attempt to hurt his feelings.
"I miss you, and I'm sorry for how things ended last time. I want us to try again."
We glanced at Jade for her response. I was amused a little. I knew she was going to hit below the belt with something crazy.
"I'm happy with who I'm with currently. We're perfect for each other, I upgraded. I better go ahead and pack up before I'm late for my date."
"Jade." He closed the rest of the space between them, with an irritated expression.
"Kelvin we are done for good. I'm over you,— you want to show off in front of your team and take me for granted. Hanging out with them and not checking in with me. I told you last time those are the things I would not tolerate."
We looked at Kelvin. I'm surprised they didn't request privacy yet.
I think he's still hung up on the part about her going out with someone else because his demeanor hasn't changed since.
Adiras and I both shared wide-eyed and raised brows when we saw what Kel did next.
He pulled her to his lips and hungrily devoured her. He wrapped his arms securely around her, deepening the kiss.
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