《Glass Ceilings》|7|Health Food Store
It's been three weeks since that loss in Denver. My eldest sister Mai is back in town, for a short while. Then off to take care of something with one of the charities in Chicago in a few days. That's what she does. She says she loves it, living her life on the go, traveling the world.
These last four weeks have been crazy. I had a game, photoshoots, award show. Along with media stuff and on top of that, practices. I'm still trying to recover.
We played Houston last night. We had early practice this morning. I came back to the hotel and slept in until my alarm went off. I had just enough time to get my self ready and packed up.
Walking out into the lobby rolling my overnight luggage, I spotted Marcel and Jackson. We were dressed casually to catch this flight home.
"Marcel, you found a house yet, or you're still gonna' wait?" I walked up to them.
He stretched his arm up, popping it. "Bria's suppose to be looking, she's meeting with the realtor. We need more space for the kids. We're bringing them out here permanently when we find a spot. —We're keeping them in Toronto with our parents to finish the school year."
"That's crazy; it's been a minute since I saw them."
"I still need to meet them," Jackson added.
"They'll be here soon enough to get on both of your nerves." We chuckled as we got on the elevator.
"How's LA treating you, Jackson?" I asked while we waited in the elevator.
"Man it's a lot, the women are so beautiful. I feel like I'm in a movie."
"Don't get caught up. Have fun but don't fuck around and get into some shit. It's real easy to do out here, especially Hollywood. Keep your eyes open. You're a single young black man with a lot of money and fame. I repeat to keep your eyes open." I stressed to him.
"I'm doing me."
"Aight, Los Angeles ain't Houston." I peered at him.
"You wouldn't catch me in a situation unless I choose it. Besides, I like mature seasoned women, who know how to cook like grandma used to." He paused as we got off the elevator. "I don't know maybe that's the country boy in me, but I only date older women."
"Nothing wrong with that."
"What about you mysterious Zo? What's dating life for you like?" Jackson felt the need ask and of course Marcel had his ears ready.
I laughed, shaking my head. "Why everybody always pushing this subject on me? I'm not dating anybody. I keep telling you that."
"If I was to introduce you to someone or if your ideal woman was to walk by, what would she be like?"
"The golden question!" Marcel dapped Jackson up as we got on the bus.
I waited until we were seated to answer. They looked on taking their seats waiting.
"Hmm let me see how I want to answer this." I scratched at my beard. Which reminded me I need to call my cousin Liam for a line-up. "My ideal woman would be tall, smooth skin maybe a little athletic. She has to have perfect teeth and well-kept hygiene, of course. I'm not a fan of hair, down below. —Know the game of basketball, maybe a little tomboyish, laid back chill. She could maybe crack a joke or two. Cooking would be nice, I mean she doesn't have to know everything but at least not be clueless. Smart, ambitious, she has to be a dreamer like me. Beautiful smile —a genuine smile, I'd prefer." I paused. They had their brows drew together. I continued because they asked for this. "She has to be a woman of faith, not a Bible pusher, but she reads. —Um, she has to have her own stuff going on already. I don't have a lot of time as it is. I wouldn't want her to be waiting around for me."
"I want a woman who is around my age and cultured. Oh, and did I mention her ass?" I looked to them smiling, and they had a dude you gotta' be kidding me look on their face. I continued. "Her ass has to be real, not to offend anyone but that's a preference for me. She can do whatever else to her body but don't touch that. I don't have a preference for the size of her ass as long as it fits her body type. Her personality can't be boring, has to be relatable. We should be able to sit in a room by ourselves for hours and be content. Like if we got locked in a room for an extended period, we should be able to get creative on our own."
"I want a family-oriented woman and eventually want kids. I said, eventually to be clear. I don't want kids right now, hell no. Someone who's loyal, kind and respects herself and others. She has to have a generous spirit about her. I don't want an uppity sitting at the top looking down at the little people type." I paused again. "Should I go on? We got time."
"Remind me never to ask you that again." Jackson turned around in his seat in front of me.
"You're reaching for the stars, that's unrealistic expectations," Marcel added chuckling.
"I don't want anything less. I feel like I'm a good catch. I'm a likable guy. If I were to seek out for anything long term, that's my standards. I wouldn't want to water it down to make someone fit. Then I would be settling when I can easily remain single. —I'll stick to playing ball."
"A woman will make you better."
"No, the right woman would make me better." I corrected Marcel.
"Mark my words, you're going to fall so hard. Half of that shit you just listed won't even matter. Trust me. Even if you do get everything on your list don't expect her to be perfect, we're all human." Marcel got comfortable in his seat beside me. All my other teammates were arriving as well.
I went on with the conversation. "The first line of defense is appearance. Her beauty will initially get my attention. Then I need to be able to hold a conversation and keep the conversation flowing. Then lastly is depth, something solid and deep to keep me around long term. Everything I listed is reasonable."
"I guess, but don't be surprised if you don't find everything on your list.—Besides how are you going to find someone with you still living with your parents. Where are you going to take her when you want to chill? Sneak her in your bedroom, take her to a secret hotel?— It doesn't sound like a woman on your list would be ok with that." Marcel candidly expressed.
"My parents live with me, not the other way around."
He raised his hand in defeat. "The bottom line is, are you going to be kicking it with her with your parents there?"
I was silent for a second. "That's why I need to focus on my career. I don't need that drama."
"You never know when that special lady will come around. You want all these things in a woman, but your foundation is a little rocky. Do you like your living arrangement? I couldn't do it." Marcel raised his brows at me.
"I don't mind it sometimes, but no, I don't like it. —It is what it is right now, that's the reality. When would I have time to change it?"
He shook his head, smiling.
"What? It's not as bad as you think." I tried to convince him but failed.
"Like I said, you are living with your parents. Don't at me." He pulled out his travel pillow, getting comfortable.
"My parents live with me. There's a difference."
"Now, you're trippin'. I don't care what you're paying for. Anywhere you lay your head for an extended period in the same house with your parents; it's theirs. They're your parents and its about respect. Call a spade a damn spade, fuck all that bullshit."
I sucked my teeth out of frustration and leaned back, facing the window. "Let's just drop it."
Marcel leaned back adjusting his pillow, and Jackson seated in from of us, started snickering. So I kicked the seat, making him spill his Gatorade on his shirt.
"I should kick yo' ass for that." He stood up, trying to pat dry his shirt with the towel he had around his neck.
Marcel and I died laughing at him.
"I didn't know you were drinking." I lied, still laughing.
"Whatever." He took his outer-layer off, leaving him in his t-shirt. "Man damn it seeped through. I should kick yo' ass for real."
"Man shut up, —That was a rookie mistake anyway. Never laugh at the king while sitting in front of him, while drinking a Gatorade. It's in the handbook." I joked.
We laughed and joked around for the rest of the ride. We got to the airport and loaded up on our chartered flight. The plane ride home was quiet. We mostly slept with our headphones on. I thought about what Marcel said. I was trying to put it out of my mind. I'm twenty-five, young but I'm not getting any younger. Eventually, I will have to change my living situation. It would be nice to have a woman to sleep next to at night, keep me warm.
My driver and guards were waiting for my arrival.
I quickly got my luggage. Then hopped in the back of the black Escalade, and waved the rest of the guys off.
"What up Zo, how was your flight?" My guard Bo asked me as I clicked my seat belt.
"It was straight. Just ready to get home and kickback. Probably hit up the store get some stuff for the house."
"You want to go home first, or you want to head to the store now?" My driver Ben asked.
"Home, how's the family Ben?" I asked while we waited for Bo to get in on the passenger side. My other guard Tyson, came around and sat in the back near me.
"Alison's doing a lot better, you know she had that fever for the longest time." He answered, referring to his daughter.
"I know you and Terry were worried sick. What did they say was wrong?"
"Terry said the doctor said she had a slight case of pneumonia, but she's better and back to her feisty self again."
"When she's cleared bring her by the house, I know Gabbi asked about her. She misses her."
"Will do."
The ride home was relaxing, light conversation amongst us guys. Ben, Bo, and Tyson have been rocking with me since the beginning of my career. We've all grown close. They genuinely have my back.
Stepping in the house, my little sister jumped on my back greeting me. "Hey, bro. I watched both games."
"I had to make sure I won just for you, Gabbi. —Now get off of me." I smiled.
She hopped down.
"Where everybody at?"
"Mai's back, she's in her room. Mom had her meeting thingy and dad's outback. Jade, I'm not sure where she is, but she isn't here. Joanne's preparing lunch."
"Cool." We walked upstairs and knocked on my oldest sister Mai door.
She opened the door and hugged me. "Hey, baby boy."
"What up sis', how was everything in Germany?" I asked, pulling away.
"Smooth, they adjusted the numbers. We're sending your shorts back. They weren't what we discussed. You should've seen them. The stitching, the pockets, and the label were all wrong. So the date for the launch is pushed back, and you'll have to do another photo shoot. They'll send everything." She answered, referring to my clothing line we're revamping.
"Cool, cool." I nodded.
"You're starting to look more like dad with all that hair on your face."
"I don't know what you're talking about. Dad wishes he look like this." I scratched at my rough looking beard.
She scrunched her face. "Whatever, don't forget you have the fans picture day tomorrow. I know you're on off day, but you have that tomorrow."
"I remember. I saw the promo on the fan pages."
The three of us went downstairs to the kitchen. They were hitting me the whole time. My little sister got on my back once we hit the bottom of the stairs.
"Y'all play too much."
I decided to toy with them. "What do you think about me dating —going out meeting a lady friend?"
"Uh I think it's your business, but whoever she is I will have to grill her personally." Mai raised her brows at me.
"Oh no, I'd never let you meet her. You don't think anybody is good enough for me. Probably will scare her away. You remember what happened when I was in college."
"Please, I saved you in college."
"That could've been my soulmate." I placed my little sister on her feet. She was getting heavy.
"Not even, she had way too much going on. Did she even graduate?— I saved you."
"I don't know but you cursing her out and threatening her life was uncalled for. Even you can admit that."
"Whatever, these women know what they're doing, looking for their next come up."
"So you don't think there's a woman out there that would be genuinely there for me?"
"Unless she's on your level of success, with no drama. Like Chelsea Chambers or even Star Maddison. Now those are some potential women, I'd consider for you." She stated, referring to a famous actress and the other a pop singer. Two people, the blogs tried to put me with. You make one appearance with someone, and they already have your names smashed together. The sad thing is it wasn't a data, we were hanging out. Both amazing ladies but this Hollywood stuff is not for me. A lot of times, these people in this entertainment world have the same motive as the next person. They worry about how they can make their career better by being around certain people.
"Everything's not always that simple."
"It could be. Why, are you seeing someone?" She leaned on the counter, anticipating my response.
"No, but it's a thought. Things are not always going to be like this, and when I do decide to date, it'll be my choice as far as who."
"—And I will let you know if we approve." She poked my nose.
"I'm not worried about your approval." I moved her hand away from my face.
"I'm not the only one you have to worry about. Don't forget who our mother is, that's my back up."
"I'll get married first before she meets anybody." I shook my head, and we all laughed.
* * *
Arriving at the health food store, I walked in with Bo and Tyson on both sides of me. I wanted to get out of the house and do a little grocery shopping. I could've had it delivered but any excuse to getaway. I grabbed a cart.
I went down the aisle, grabbing everything I thought I needed.
I stopped when I got down the aisle with the coffee and tea. I spotted the pretty lady from the diner. I took a moment and laughed to myself. What are the odds, unless she's stalking me? Nah that can't be, it's been a month since I was at that diner. Plus it was across town away from where I live. Just like this health food store. Maybe she lives in this area. I pushed my cart to the side, so I wasn't blocking the aisle. She was facing different brands of tea. I know it's her because I saw her side profile, and once again she's in scrubs.
I watched her staring at the tea. I didn't know if she was looking them over or in a daze. She looked just as sad as she did in the diner.
I know I should mind my business, but I can't help it. Something about this situation won't let me walk away; after all, I did want to continue talking to her.
"Aye, Ima' go talk to that girl over there real quick, I'll be right back," I said to Bo and Tyson, they nodded. Tyson went down to the other end of the aisle to watch traffic. I wasn't hiding today. I think my two guards would've given me away anyway. A few people spotted me walking in. I signed some autographs and took pictures at the door and in the parking lot.
I pushed my cart towards her and went closer to tap her shoulder. She was startled a little.
"I didn't mean to scare you, do you remember me? It's Adira, right?" I smiled at her.
She turned fully facing me and gave a knowing smile. She laughed. "Do I remember you?" She asked sarcastically. "How can I forget?"
I stared at her laughing a little, taking in her presence.
"Your face is everywhere. You're unforgettable, Mr. Martin."
"Right," I chuckled. "Ok, enough with the sarcasm."
She smiled leaning in toward me, catching me off-guard. I closed my eyes for a second taking in her scent. It lingered yet again. That familiar scent I can't seem to place.
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When her islands are attacked and her people killed by the ruthless faction of Vardra, Sefarina Wavegrey joins the crew of an aerial warship fighting for their enemy faction, Linaria. Having never left her sheltered islands, Sefarina finds herself suddenly thrust into a world she has never seen before with races and creatures that she never knew existed. But with her need for revenge driving her into perilous situations, how long can she possibly survive?
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The Happy Village
Note: This story has ended. This is not the final version since it needs a lot of revisions, so this is a testing ground for a newbie like me. Note 2: This novel is also posted on justlightnovels.com. Surrounded by the beauty and grace of Mother Nature, there lies a little village. In serenity the villagers live without much worries except for their jobs and personal lives - after all, there seems to be no major problem at first. Everybody is happy, everybody is well. That goes the same for two girls, Neha and Sachen, who are friends since childhood, and who believe that they will stick with each other forever. But one day, the High Order of the Celestials announces that the gods are angry at the village due to the rise of sin and corruption. They will take extensive measures to ensure the village’s survival, though for the girls, things are not what they seem. A series of events will forever condemn the girls in agony and sorrow, and will tear apart their little hearts. Illustration from book cover belongs to: Kobuta. “innocent girls.” Artwork. 14 December 2017. 23:10. PIXIV. https://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=66291601 © 2018 SlimJim. All Rights Reserved.
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Never After
Harmonia is a teenager born with a silver spoon and the inability to use magic, unlike her peers. After years of living a stagnant life and a dream that kept plaguing her mind, 17-year-old Harmonia Fleur seeks for a way to fix her problems, but to no avail. Until one day, she overheard a conversation between her father and an agent, about a Dangerous Prisoner, with knowledge of magic that far surpasses anyone of this age. With newfound motivation, she goes against her father's words and seeks for the Prisoner. Leading her to an encounter that she thought would fix her problems, What transpired was nothing she could've thought of, a full-scale prison breakout. When the very thing that plagued her mind appeared right before her eyes, Harmonia realizes that her life is about to take a drastic turn.
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The Spear and The Cross
The World of Marrh has been embroiled in a decades-long struggle between the eventually divided Zurul Horde and the ever-decaying Juman Empire. A war whose causes for carnage have long been forgotten. A half-orc and a human will eventually meet paths, their fates intertwined to save their dying world from their peoples' conflict and from an outsider's interference... Will they succeed, or will they succumb to failure? Only the Divine will truly know. NOTE: I upload chapters (about +2,500 words) on an irregular basis, so don't expect much from me. I write for fun only, and this book is an amateurish attempt at showcasing my world on The Spear and The Cross. If you still want to stick around, then go ahead. Maybe it'll be a fun ride. And also, a big thanks to my artist friend, Milkuii, for the wonderful cover art.
8 129 - In Serial84 Chapters
⛔️NOT MINE⛔️ALL CREDITS GO TO THE AUTHOR AND THE TRANSLATOR❗️❗️❗️I've just put it up for offline reading. If your the author or translator feel free to send me a message if your not comfortable with your work being put up. I'll take it down at once. 🔺 Author: 風流書呆; Feng Liu Shu Dai🔺Translator: Frozenmirage🔺Editor: Noks, Qiuxue🔺 Release schedule: Sporadic🔺 Original publisher: jjwxc🔻Author's page: http://www.jjwxc.net/onebook.php?novelid=4161777🔻Translator's page: https://chrysanthemumgarden.com/novel-tl/psych/Synopsis: Have you heard? There's a certain kind of person in this world, who, even without any substantial contact, and with just a flash of thought, can discern a lot.Their eyes have the ability to penetrate through to the past, to clarify the present and to break the veil of the future. They can see what you see through your eyes, smell what you smell through your nose, taste what you taste through your tongue, and can even perceive what you think through your heart.This kind of a person is called-a psychic.A story about the awakening of a 'guabi', who is merely plodding through life, from his deep slumber. (*guabi, a slang term, meaning 'dead idiot' = people who are penniless and jobless)
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httyd 1 x reader
Y/n Carefree L/n the Third. That's you.A royal and a great warrior. And you are about to fall in love with those devious creatures.. Those crazy terrifying dragons. Read on to see just how crazy your life can get.I created this because apparently I don't have enough fanfics to work on.
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