《Luv A Thug (Key Glock)》T.



Surprise, another chapter before the collab ❤️

Simone & Big Black (Damon) in the MM

Next Morning

"Chalynn Monee." Key's voice boomed through her bedroom, her heart raced as she shot up out of bed and looked over to the left side of the bed which was empty. She clutched her chest.

"Yes?" She asked eyeing him, with sleep still in her eyes. Lay was so tired and her eyes were red from her crying herself to sleep.

"You were supposed to pick me up from the airport girl." He sat at the foot of her bed in his outside clothes.

"Key you need to get the fuck out of my house." She sat up in her bed and started to charge at him.

"What you talm bout?" He raised his eyebrow at her.

"You, constantly lying to me. You kissed that bitch on the beach Key. Just get out." She yelled about to start shoving him outside.

"What you mean?" He asked trying to play stupid so Lay pulled up the screenshot of them kissing on the beach like they were a freshly married couple.

"Damn, first I'm finna sue they ass and second that bitch attacked me. Swea.." Lay sat up with her arms tied across of her chest.

"Mm, how am I supposed to believe you Markeyvius?" She asked, she was afraid that she had slept with Damon for no reason and if that was the case that would completely destroy her.

"Because I got my team onnit right na. Then I need an apology." Key chuckled, Lay playfully smacked his shoulder and got out of the bed.

"How was it with Black last night?" Lay began to sweat, how did he know? What gave her away?

"Wh-what do you mean?" She bit her lip while Key examined her body, she was fully naked and last night before she went to bed she ended up changing her sheets. She instantly regretted everything that she did, if Key truly didn't kiss that girl and she was pushing up on him, why didn't he tell her when she called?

"Was he cool? It didn't bother you with him being here, right?" He asked rubbing her small stomach, she quickly shook her head no.

"You ready to go look at this space for her birthday party?" Lay nodded her head and Key placed a gentle kiss on her forehead before leaving the room so she could dress herself.

Key and Lay were cruising down the interstate listening to music jamming together, even though she was on the fence about him and she knew if he ever found out what she did he would never forgive her.

"I missed you Lay." He smiled and rubbed her leg, " I missed you too, Key." Lays phone began to ring and she looked away guilty. Key knew something was up but since he was gone he had no idea what and wrote it off as her pregnancy mood swings.

Instantly she started screaming with joy, Key swerved the car and covered his ear irritatedly.

"Aye man, you can't do allat hollerin in my ear."


"It's Marlee! She's awake." Instantly Key picked up the speed and raced his way to the hospital.


"Oh my God Marlee, you're awake." Lay rushed over to an awake Marlee, she was still groggy but she was grateful to be alive.

"Yep that's me." She laughed hoarsely as her sister tried to hug her.

"So what do we need to do doc?" Lay asked looking over her shoulder at the doctor.

"Ms. Jones is going to make a full recovery. If she clears her suicide test she can go home as soon as tomorrow morning. She will need physical therapy for her hands she hasn't regained full motion in them but other than that I am very impressed with how well she is doing. She is a fighter." The doctor smiled at the two of three of them, Lay who was so cheerful kissed all over her face.

Once the doctor left though Marlee knew she had some explaining to do, "Marlee, you know I would never judge you. I just hope that you can share with me why you decided to do what you did.." Lay asked calming down and sitting on the hospital bed in a serious tone.

"I can go, if ya'll want a private moment." Key scratched the back of his head, he didn't want to go into remission so he was picking and choosing the things to be around.

"Nah, ya'll both need to hear this." Marlee adjusted the bed so she could sit up and cleared her throat. Key sat down on the other side of the bed and listened to lil bit.

"First it was Taurus, he tried to take advantage of me, the day you found out you were pregnant Lay. It got overwhelming watching you two bicker and it hurt so bad to see my sister hurting especially because you love each other so much. It was sad to see ya'll discuss getting rid of a blessing when that baby could cure cancer. Then Von told me he liked me and I politely told him no and he pushed me and I hit my head. Nobody but Ronny was showing me attention and I already had so much pent up on my shoulders I just couldn't take it anymore." She explained crying, her hands shook and her wrists ached as she tried to wipe her face.

"They did what? Why didn't you tell us? I would've killed them." Key spoke so calmly that it sent chills down Lay's spine.

"You two were so busy arguing I had no choice. For mental health reasons, I don't want to go back home unless you all promise not to fight in front of me and Eli." Marlee sniffled, the two hugged her.

"We promise but you have to promise not to do this ever again and come to us first okay?" Lay wiped her own tears and kissed Marlee's wet cheeks.

"Yeah lil bit, you had me scared to death." He chuckled, shaking his head.

"Shit you? I thought I met the Lord. I'm sorry that you had to find me like that sissy."


"If you ever do that again, you will meet him forreal. But seriously sis, I'm glad that you chose to fight babe. I couldn't live with out you and how would I know what to name the baby with out your smart ass mouth." Lay playfully rolled her eyes.

"You decided to keep it?" Marlee's eyes lit up like a kid on Christmas.

"Yes we did." Key spoke up causing the two to look at him.

"Did Ronny come visit?" They chatted for awhile about how Ronny and King came to visit her while she was in her coma and they caught her up on everything and even showed her the video of Eli walking now. Lay was truly happy to have her sister back.


Lay sat in Keys living room waiting for him to come back from making their plates. She was craving pasta but didn't feel like cooking so they ordered take out.

"You sure you're allowed to have one glass of wine?" He asked her, she nodded her head and took a sip before he could say anything.

"Okay hungry ass." He laughed before sitting down with a water and his plate.

Damon walked into the room and saw Lay sitting right there, he eyed the two before starting to retreat.

"Wassup black? Ian seen you since I got back. You avoidin a nigga?" Key joked but Damon really was avoiding him, the guilt was eating him up and he didn't know how to contain himself.

"Nah, of course not. I'll let you and the Mrs. enjoy y'all dinner though. You know where to find me." Damon dismissed himself and Lay watched him walk away and her face fell.

"So you said, when I got back we could discuss .. us." He wiped his face with a napkin and looked over at her.

"Mm. Why Key? Why should I take you back?" Lay asked, she rested her head in her hand and looked over at him.

"I love you, you love me. We got two kids, we can be a happy family." He sang along to the Barney theme song.

"Love and kids aren't enough papa. I need stability, happiness, joy, thoughtfulness. More and more. I don't want to go to bed at night wondering if you're going to actually come home to me or some other girl. I want our kids to feel our love, I don't want them to feel like Marlee."

"I'm me again. The nigga you met and you questioned if I was a real man. The nigga that walked you to your door even though you was trying to diss me." He lifted her chin with his finger and right as he was about to kiss her, his phone rang.

"My fault." Key checked his phone and it was the security tape proving everything that he said was true.

Lay held the phone in shock and watched the video over and over again. Tears smacked the brink of her eyes as she looked up at Key.

"Key I'm so sorry." She apologized choking back a sob.

"Ma, it's all good. Now you can trust ya boy." He fake popped his collar.

"No Markeyvius. I slept with somebody else. I thought you were lying to me and I wanted you to hurt like I hurt but I swear I didn't enjoy it at all. I cried the whole time." She finally sobbed out, Key sat his water down. His chest began to hurt and his eyes watered like they were going to cry but if he blinked he would be fine. He was silent at first because he didn't know what to say, the love of his life just told him she slept with somebody while he was gone.

He took a deep breath and closed his eyes trying to calm himself down. He knew if he didn't things would've go left but he tried to understand where she was coming from. Okay she thought he was with the girl on the beach, reasonable. But with who?

"Who was he?" Lays heart dropped to her stomach, she knew if she were to tell him the absolute truth he would never want to get back together with her. That hurt her more than anything in the world.

"Who. Was. He?" Keys voice getting more stern with every word he spoke. He turned his head slowly to look at her.

"D-Damon." She gulped but that didn't scare her, she braced herself for the yelling, choking and throwing of things but it never came.

"Black?" Key was livid, he grabbed his gun from under the table and stormed through his house so that he could find the body guard who saw fit to put his dick in somebody who was carrying his child.

"Key stop it. Stop. Please." She begged chasing him through the house.

"Nah." He found Black in his headquarters and started pistol whipping him in the back of his head.

"Ahh boss what the fuck." Black scrambled from beneath Key's grip and fell to the floor.

"Please Key stop it. It was my idea." She sobbed and pulled on his arm but he shoved her to the floor. Lay hit the back of her head on the hardwood floor and laid there for a second dazed.


When she finally came conscious again, she was in his guest room and her head was pounding. Key sat at the edge of the bed with his head in his hands.

For the first time in his life he was heartbroken. Not only did she sleep with somebody else but somebody close to him? He never felt so betrayed in his life.

"You woke?" He asked not even turning around.

"Yes." She tried to sit up but she couldn't, her head was hurting too badly.

"I love you and you broke my heart Chalynn real talk. Can't even look at you wit out wanting to get pissed off. Ian seen my daughter inna week so ima keep her. Ion want you around her." He said a sniffle hitting his nose.

"I understand. I'll be gone in the morning."


For plot purposes I had to write this

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