《Favored Empress Brings Chaos and Destruction (Book 1)》Page 200


A few days later, the whole capital was devastated! A messenger declared that while traveling back to the capital, Prince Anders and his men contracted and succumbed to a mysterious, highly contagious, and very lethal disease! Sadly, the prince did not recover and died tragically!

Beatrix cried the whole night after knowing the devastating news. She did not come out of her room and did not eat properly. She lay down on her bed for three consecutive days even when Emperor Andrew visited her.

She only came out of her room when the corpse of her husband arrived in the capital. She checked his body for any wounds or injuries but aside from his pale complexion, stiff body, and ice-cold skin, everything seems normal! She forced herself to be strong and personally arranged for the funeral and burial. She wants to make sure that everything will be according to her husband's preferences.

She looked at his extremely handsome and peaceful appearance. Her tears won't stop falling as she looked at him in his large, cold, and finely crafted coffin. She remembered all their happy memories together when they are still very young up to the last time she saw him... Even the memories of previous lifetimes that they are together... All the activities that they like doing... All the things they like sharing... All their preferences that matches exactly... All their dreams and plans that complements perfectly... She remembered how he had been a great husband, lover, friend, partner, and supporter!

His Imperial Highness, Second Prince and Hero of Sky Empire, Her Loving and Faithful Husband, Her Prince Anders left her alone and lonely in this world! Her heart broke into a million pieces as her tears won't stop falling!

Why did you have to go and leave me?!!

She sobbed uncontrollably in his wake every day and every night...


Anders, you promised that you will come back safe and alive... Why did you lie to me?!!

She asked him in her mind as she saw him being buried in the imperial mausoleum... Next, everything went black as her consciousness left her!

When she woke up, she saw the worried faces of Emperor Andrew and her parents... She cried again when her parents comforted her like always! The pain is still there... numbing her... making her unable to function well!

After the burial of her husband, she got Emperor Andrew's approval to go back to Prince Anders' Mansion and continue mourning her husband there. She planned to stay there peacefully until she breathe her last! She shut herself from the outside world and slowly got used to the quiet and desolate life of a widow. Her life is still comfortable even her husband is gone. He left her a huge amount of wealth that even if she does not work all her life and live luxuriously, she will never have to worry! She stayed there for a year and all this time, she thought her life will be different and peaceful throughout her existence in that lifetime but after one year of mourning, Emperor Andrew's decree arrived in the mansion!

The Emperor's decree states that Beatrix must enter the imperial palace as Emperor Andrew's new Consort! She was extremely shocked when she heard the decree and then she finally understood...

Due to my extreme grief, I forgot that law!

Even if she wants to stay in her boring and monotonous life inside Prince Anders' Mansion, she does not have a choice but to follow the law to protect her life, her family, and also in consideration of her late husband's memory which means she needs to give him children through the help of his closest male relative, who is none other than Emperor Andrew!


Emperor Andrew felt the pain for her... He knew that everything was so hard for her! From the moment she knew that her husband passed away until the time of his Imperial Brother's burial, he saw, heard, and felt her extreme pain! He cannot blame her because his deceased brother had been a great husband to her! Because of Beatrix's reaction, he felt a little guilt for killing his brother but in general, he never felt any regret!

If I did not kill him, wouldn't I be the one lying inside the coffin instead? Evil or not, I do not care! I want to live and I want her love! And that means... Imperial Brother has to go!

He wants to comfort her through words and actions but at that time, it was extremely inappropriate so he gave her enough space and time. He let her mourn and express all her negative emotions. He is always paying attention to her and always ready to help her when she needs it like when she suddenly fainted during the burial, he immediately embraced her unconscious body before it hit the cold and solid floor!

He knew he will feel alone again and very lonely inside the imperial palace without her but he decided to let her go back to his brother's mansion... He needs to be patient! He let her mourn her deceased husband, let her face reality, and fully accept everything... He waited until the minimum mourning period is over!

To Be Continued in Book 2

© 2021 Jezel Mandin Sapata-Gentiles. All Rights Reserved.

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