《Favored Empress Brings Chaos and Destruction (Book 1)》Page 25


"The girl in my dream has a very beautiful voice. She could always comfort me while listening to her." Prince Anders dreamily explained.

"My girl is very pretty. She has silky, straight, long black hair, oval-shaped small face, softly arched brows, long eyelashes, and almond green eyes." Prince Andrew described her dream girl.

"My girl has straight and high nose bridge, rosy cheeks, and small thin lips. I think she is fiercer and taller than most girls." Prince Anders told his brother and forgot that they are still in front of the Emperor and Empress.

"Mine has attractive feminine curves!" Prince Andrew boasted and also forgot that their Imperial Father and Imperial Mother are listening to them with dark expressions on their faces now...

"Mine is smart and talented!" Prince Anders boasted too and would not let his brother get his way.

"How did you know that?! You just made her up." Prince Andrew mocked his brother.

"Ahem!" The Emperor coughed to get his two sons' attention. "Are you done comparing your imaginary girl?!" He glared at them fiercely.

The two princes immediately closed their mouths while the Empress cannot help but laugh happily. These two sons are so much like their father, so naughty!

"Andrew and Anders, I know that you both have your preferences but we all know this girl of yours only exists in your dreams. You better behave properly according to your status and responsibility. I have selected two beautiful and smart ladies. One for each of you. Your marriage to them in the future will be beneficial to the empire. Do I make myself clear?!!" The Emperor told his two sons.

"Imperial Father, this son understands!" Prince Anders sadly replied.

The Emperor happily nodded to Prince Anders but frowned when he gazed at his other son.


"Imperial Father, it is truly unfair that you could marry the woman you love while your sons need to be sacrificed!" Prince Andrew bravely and directly expressed his thoughts about this whole arrangement.

"Andrew!!!" The Emperor angrily exploded after he heard his first son's statement.

Beatrix was forgotten by many people after several years. The two princes' eighteenth birthday and double imperial weddings finally arrived! The double wedding proceeded according to plan from the smallest to the grandest details. It was supposed to be a grand double wedding of the millennium and all the people are happy but the two grooms looked so gloomy, bored, and annoyed during the entire ceremony. The two princes do not care if other people talk about it. If not for the Emperor glaring and sending warnings to both of them, they already escaped long ago!

Beatrix heard that the two princes successfully married the number one and number two beauties in the capital. She smiled as she remembered that these beauties are only the top two and top three beauties under the young girl's category in the previous lifetimes because of her. It is not surprising though, since her mother, Lady Andrea, is the number one beauty in the middle-aged category. She is a beauty who could topple many nations especially when she was young. Her mother is even way more beautiful than the current empress. When Beatrix grew up, her mother is so proud and happy she surpassed her beauty but her father had a different opinion...

"Beatrix, my beloved daughter, your beauty is a great disaster and calamity! No wonder all your previous lifetimes are so unfortunate! It is both a great blessing and a huge curse at the same time!" General Ardor expressed his thoughts in a serious mood.


"Do not listen to your father. It is his twisted way of appreciating you. He is like any other man. He loves beauty the most. That is why he fully understands." Her mother declared.

"Andrea, do not twist what I just said." The General replied defensively.

"What is wrong with what I said? Did you not threaten and uprooted all my other suitors back then? Did you not kidnap me first and send a marriage proposal later so that my family could not refuse anymore?" Lady Andrea confronted her husband.

"Did you do that, Father?" Beatrix is so surprised that her upright Father General had acted like a bandit and kidnapped a beautiful lady just to secure marriage.

"Ahem! That is not important now. What is important is our next move. We cannot let you be wronged anymore. You cannot stay here away from us forever." Her father ignored her question and changed the topic.

Beatrix smiled as she thought:

Truly, Father is a henpecked husband, ahem, I mean a very loving, faithful, and under...standing husband!

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