《Favored Empress Brings Chaos and Destruction (Book 1)》Page 13


"Thank you for saving my life..." She told him as they are both panting and staring at the ceiling.

"Only saving your life?" He smiled sweetly and naughtily.

"Of course, for your hard work too." She replied.

"Should we do it again?" He tried to tempt her again but she is done this time!

"Go now. Please make sure that nobody sees you."

"You are an evil woman! You cast me away after I am no longer useful!" He told her, surprised that she wants to kick him out after their intimate moments earlier.

"Oh come on! As if I am your first time! Go now before someone sees you."

"But it is my first time... You are my only woman, Beatrix..."

"Fine! But you need to go now. Be quiet and make sure no one sees you."

"Can I stay a little longer?" He requested while giving her his cute face.


"What are you afraid of? We are going to marry anyway. "

"Just go now..." She said impatiently.

Who says I am going to marry you, especially that you schemed against me too?

She thought at that time.

"Can I visit you again tonight?"


"When can I visit you again?"

"You cannot! Whatever happened between us...Just forget it and consider it as you punished me. Do not tell anyone about it!" She told him angrily as her plan is truly an epic failure.

"We should tell Imperial Father and Imperial Mother then ask their blessing to marry us earlier!" He suggested excitedly but it only made her more annoyed.

She wants to kill him now!

"Read my lips...No!"

As days passed to weeks and weeks to months, there is a big change in the state of their relationship, if you call it that way. Prince Andrew stopped his petty bullying and changed it to a different type of bullying!


This time he always visits her bedroom every night and coaxes her to do it every time. She always refused at first but he will always use some underhanded means to make her comply.

There are times that he will grab her in the hallway when her maids are not paying attention and take her to some unused rooms in the palace and convince her to do it again. She usually refused because she is so tired of his bullying every night but he is so shameless in convincing and tempting her.

One night, she became so afraid when there is a black-dressed person who took her and kidnapped her but later found out that it is only him and he told her that he learned from his shady friends that it is also exciting to do it outside and so he coaxed her to do it or more likely, blackmailed her again that he will tell the Emperor and Empress and let them get married earlier.

She sighed as she thought that it appears he became addicted to doing it again and again with her.

But why would she be surprised? The common thing of these Andrews in her three lifetimes is his great libido and powerful endurance! In this lifetime, he is more shameless, more creative, more adventurous, and more scandalous!

He seduced her to do it in her bedroom, in his bedroom, in the bathtub, in abandoned places in the palace, on the roof, in a lake, river, sea, forest, grassland, mountain, in a boat, and many other places, even in a brothel! He rented a room in a brothel. She initially thought that he will do it with another girl in the brothel but he still chose to favor her! He always convinces and coaxes her to do different things every day. They explored every night or day whenever they are vacant. They tried every shameless method... She does not know why she allowed him to explore her body freely.


Is it because of the blackmail?

Yes, that is the main reason!

Is it because they are married previously so she is already used to it and no longer shy?

Yes! That is possible!

Is it because he asked nicely?


She does not understand but something is telling her that she owes Prince Andrew...

Plus, he always makes sure that she is comfortable. He always reassures and never humiliates her now. He is also very generous to her.

The only days that they will not do it are when she is having her monthly period or if she is sick...Whenever she is sick, he is always there to help restore her health.

But there is one thing that she noticed. She never heard him say "I love you", "I like you", I care for you", and the like.

Sometimes she thought:

Are we some sort of friends with benefits, no strings attached kind of relationship? What exactly am I to him? Plaything? Bedwarmer?

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