《Why The Hell Not》Yeah Thanks Moon Goddess


Abigail( Yesterday)

"So you're not going to talk to me at all about this?" Charles asked. He stood at the doorway as I laid in our bed. His green eyes were a little darker than normal but his wolf didn't scare me. We all know if it comes down to it I can take him down.

His hair was all over his head from him tugging at it out of anger. I couldn't help but feel nothing for him at this moment.

I stared at him with a blank expression on my face as he continued to talk.

"Do you not care how I feel Abigail? I love you with all I am and you continue to treat me like shit. What was that stunt you pulled last night?"

"I didn't pull any stunt" I said, rolling my eyes. I hate when he talks to me like he can beat my ass. He can barely fuck it.

"Stop disrespecting me Abigail. I am your mate. I'm sick and tired of being treated like trash when it comes to Kai. This has been going on forever, but trying to fuck him Abigail? Are you fucking serious?" He yelled.

"I don't treat you like trash, Charles. Kai will always be in my life. The sooner you and that bitch get it through y'all head the better. I was in heat and he was there" I said, sitting up.

"And what about yesterday morning when he came over? You wasn't in heat but you still tried to fuck on him. Why do you think that's okay? You do this right in my face and it's pissing me off" he yelled once again.

He stormed over to the bed. A few feet from me. His breathing is super heavy, his hands finding their way to his hair. I could see that he's on the edge of tears and at that moment I felt a little bit bad, but more upset. I can't help how I feel. Why is everyone telling me I'm wrong? It doesn't make sense for us not to be together.


My wolf doesn't feel the same way about Charles as she once did. Just like me she likes Kai. He's stronger, better looking, and freaking alpha!

"You wanna know why? Because I love him and I always will. I could never stop loving him, he's my everything. It's not my fault that I feel this way." I defended myself.

"And you expect me to be okay with this? How would you feel if the shoe was on the other foot? I want to be your everything! Instead I'm just a placeholder. Am I not good enough" he said, tears now falling.

"I didn't say that. You're just making yourself cry at this point." I said. He sighed loudly and sat on the bed. He placed his head in his hands.

"What does he have that I don't?" He asked. Yep, he just wants to cry.

"Charles, I just have a connection to him that will never leave. He's handsome, funny, and my best friend. There's no point in lying, I am attracted to him. There is honestly nothing you can do about it" I said honestly.

"Then I'm done"he said, I almost snapped my neck looking up at him. His face was firm, angry, and sad.

He shook his head at me and started to walk out the room. Oh hell no.

"What do you mean you're done? I'm your mate you can't leave me" I said, following him.

I could see his body shaking as he picked up a picture frame and threw it at the ground. Glass went everywhere.

My eyes widened at his anger. I've never seen him like this.

"Am I really? I feel like second place right now. I watched you constantly throw yourself at him in my face and I kept quite because I didn't wanna lose you, but fuck it! You've crossed the line by trying to fuck him twice, if not more" he yelled, picking up anything he can get his hands on and throwing it with each sentence.

"Stop throwing shit in my house! You can't be mad at me for that, I mean look at him." I said.


"Do you even fucking hear yourself?! Why are we pretending that either of us want this Relationship? It's been going to hell since the first day. If we're not having sex we don't really talk or do anything together. It's just physical and I'm sick of it!" He growled.

"What is there to talk about Charles? Be happy we even have sex because it's not that good" I said, placing a hand on my hip.

He's all riled up and fuming at the mouth and I'm just standing here watching him. Does he not know how embarrassing it is to have your mate leave you? I don't feel like fighting all of the wolves who even think of saying something.

"Fucking hell Abigail!" He yelled, picking up the tv and smashing it at the wall. Honestly he can break whatever he wants, he bought all of this.

"Just being honest" I shrugged.

"I'm declining you" he said a little above a whisper.

"You already claimed me, you could've done that" I said, watching as he calmed down slightly.

"And I regret it. I regret everything I've done with you. I don't know what I did to get a mate like you, but dear god I'm sorry!"

"Do you regret doing things with me? He was meant to be my first everything and I had to settle for you!" I yelled back at him.

"Get the fuck away from me! Right now. You are manipulative, psycho. Bitch!"

Oh he wants to get fucked up!

Within seconds my hand connected with his face. Never will anyone ever call me out my name! I can't even understand why he thought that was okay.

He grabbed my hands and forced them to my side. "Don't put your hands on me!"

I pulled away from his hold and pushed him back. "Don't talk to me like you're crazy. I've never let shit like that slide"

He was in front of me in seconds, his eyes black and breathing high. I hope he knows this doesn't scare me. Nothing really scares me why I know I can kill whoever I want.

"I hate you. I hate what you put me and my wolf through. I hate that I ignored everything because I wanted your love so much. I hate that I'm never enough for you. I hate that we were put together. Charles Davison of the KAI pack declines Abigail. I relinquish all connections to her and I open my soul up to another." He said with his eyes closed tight. It wasn't just talking, he was praying to the Moon Goddess.

I almost didn't think it would work ,seeing as I'm already marked, till I felt my stomach cramp. I grunted as I physically felt our connection leave my body. I could no longer hear his thoughts, I could no longer feel him at all.

I felt his mark ripping from my skin. It felt like it was burning as it faded away. My wolf cried out the entire time till there was nothing left.

Sweat fell from my cheek as I looked up at my former mate. He looked calmer and happier. He looked at me as if he had never seen me before.

I couldn't fully process what just happened because it all happened so soon. If prayer worked that quick then maybe I need to get on it.


"I'm free. I'm finally free." He said, smiling big.

"Yeah you are... I hope you're happy cause you're cleaning my house before you leave" I said, crossing my arms and walking out the house.

I picked up one of our, I mean my chairs and threw it at his car. It didn't do much damage but it made me feel better.

"Fuck you Moon Goddess! First you don't let me and Kai be mates, then you take mine away from me? Why do you hate me!? I spat yelling down the street, daring someone to come outside. I am not in the mood right now.

Being rejected from Kai and Charles on the same day? Yeah thanks Moon Goddess!

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