《Why The Hell Not》The Wolf Is Out



A few hours passed and he was still on the phone with her. Each laugh that escaped his lips crashed my heart. I've listened to him laugh and talk with her for far too long for my liking.

He didn't even notice that I've been crying for 5 minutes now. All he notices is her..

Once again how could I not feel some type of way, beta or not!

"You're hilarious Abi, do you remember when my mother caught us using her pots for our mod pies?" He laughed.

I couldn't hear this any more. If they relive another memory I will lose my mind. I could be at home watching tv right now, but nope, I'm here getting ignored. He's not even holding me, rubbing me, or kissing me every now and then, he's just holding his phone and his stomach from laughing so hard.

"No, that was at the park. I'm talking about my backyard" he laughed even louder. Welp that's it.

I pulled the covers from my body and forcefully got out of bed. This is bullshit I do not have to be a part of. Maybe the moon goddess made a mistake because they are clearly soul mates...

He didn't look up at me when I got out of bed, which only increased my frustration. I crossed my arms over my chest for a whole minute before he noticed me. I know a minute doesn't sound long, but just watching him continue his conversation while I stood here crying, it felt like forever.

"Little mate what's wrong?" He asked, in a panic. He placed his phone down and made his way to me.

"Oh so now you know I'm here?" I asked coldly. I could still hear her on the phone asking if everything was okay. He didn't even hang up on her to see how I was doing?

"What do you mean, little one? I'm quite aware that you're here." He said, squinting his eyes. He looked like he really didn't understand what was wrong about this situation. That only pissed me off more to know that he thought this was fine.


"Are you? I've been crying for 5 minutes and all you care about is a fucking mud pie" I growled angrily.

He cursed himself under his breath and placed his hands on his head.

"I'm so sorry! I didn't know. I-"

"Was too busy talking to your bestie to notice that your mate was crying?" I asked.

"Yes, and I'm sorry. She only called to tell me how the child is" he said, trying to pull me in for a hug. I yanked away from him and turned my back to him.

I could hear him making his way to the bed, most likely to hang up on his best friend in the whole world. He made sure he did that before coming to me.

I felt him hug me from behind and bury his head in my neck.

"I truly am sorry Zara. I didn't realize that conversation would make you so upset" he said, breathing in my scent.

I chucked to myself coldly before speaking.

"How often do you talk to her? How often do you see her?"

"Pretty much every day since I was a child" he said, like that was meant to make me feel better.

"Right, and how often have you talked to me? How often do you see me?" I asked, trying to pull from him. He tightened his grip on my hips to make sure I didn't get away.

"I've been busy, little one"

"Too busy for me, but not for her. Even as you lay next to me you talk to her. Even after what we did in the tub you wanna talk about a fucking mud pie? Should I just go home so you can be with your soul mate?" I yelled.

My wolf was easily backing me up but filling me with more anger. I thought she would be mad at me for talking to him this way, but she understood.

His hand found it's way around my neck as he pulled me head back. He placed his mouth right on my ears as he spoke.

"I will not have you cussing and raising your voice at me like I'm not your alpha! You live to obey me, not to question things that I do. You are my soulmate, whether you like it or not!" His voice was full of growls and anger. It wasn't his wonderful speaking voice that I loved. I could tell that I was in the presence of his wolf for the first time.


I could feel the power he held with every breath he took. He felt bigger from behind me, stronger, taller. I wouldn't be surprised if his eyes were completely yellow at this point. I was no longer dealing with my sweet mate, I was talking to a complete alpha wolf.

I knew alpha wolves held a lot of power and demanded respect. I also know that they had a short temper from Zion. Zion's wolf was always partly in control, fully when he needed to be.

Malakai on the other hand is known for his sweet nature. Known for being the one alpha who never lets his temper get out of control. The one Alpha who didn't let his wolf out at all. That being the reason many packs didn't respect him, that and his age. It's been lots of stories in the news about him learning how to hold his wolf back in even the craziest situations.

Even when we first met. If he didn't hold his wolf back that situation could've gone worse. Yes, his wolf was present, but he was not in control from the way he handled himself.

My wolf did not come to my rescue, she cowered in a corner and rolled over on her back to submit to him. Her ears pulled back and pouts coming from her snout. She did not want to fight him.

Without any help from her I knew I stood no chance in challenging him. As much as I wanted to argue, I know when I'm not going to win a fight.

I stayed silent as he explored my body. I could feel myself shaking in fear. This is a person who never breaks, so it's no telling how much anger his wolf was holding.

"I've been really quiet! Forced to let a lot of shit go, but my mate will not talk to me like this. You belong to me rather you like it or not! I don't wanna hear any more of this bullshit. I do not have to explain anything to you" he roared.

I should've known his wolf was going to break loose when he was growling the whole time I was in the tub! I didn't agree or like what he was saying to me, but what could I do to stop him?

"I'm sorry" I am a coward. I wanted to tell him he's wrong and he needs to consider my feelings. I wanted to yell at him for talking to me like I'm a piece of property. I wanted to fucking scream at him, but I couldn't find the voice to because of my wolf.

"Don't be sorry, mate, be fucking careful" he said, making me sick. Who knew under his sweet personality there was a dominant wolf?


I felt him grip my neck harder and squeeze my ass with his other hand. "Submit"he growled.

"Please don't make me. Please not like this" I begged. I would've easily submitted to him a few hours ago. I don't want it to be out of fear.

Everyone knows that an alpha could easily kill anyone who wasn't an alpha. It wouldn't even be hard for them to kill with the right type of anger.

"You think you have a choice? I own you. You're mine. That pussy is mine, your throat is mine, that body is mine, your mind is mine. Now submit before I make you" he said.

I felt so powerless right now? What could I really do at this point? I can't run, he'll catch me without trying. I can't ask for help, I can't even find the voice to speak up.

"Malakai...." Cried out, hoping that I could get him to gain control.

"Submit, female"

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