《The Golden Girl》Epilogue


"He is her lobster."


People talk about how River Blake claims to fall in love with Faye Lockwood because she was the queen of hearts, with looks to die for, with people kissing the ground that she walks on. They talk about how the king fell in love with the queen because she picked him up when he was too weak to even stand up.

God, they have it all wrong.

River Blake falls in love with Faye Lockwood the time he saw her for the first time in the city park, back when they were about five, with her eyes full of tears, hair turned into pigtails, her hands clutching her injured leg. When he picked her up and gave her a piggyback ride all the way to his mother's car. When she held his hand while they watched the first snow of the season, together. When she slowly brushed away the snowflakes from his face, showing him a toothy grin.

River Blake falls in love with Faye Lockwood because her eyes sparkled when her hands traced his canvases, admiring both rough and soft edges. Because she understood. The growth, the tears, the emotions that they were made of. Because she loved every bit of it and asked him questions, questions that made him think. The memories that it was based on, the emotions that he went through when he decided to color the sky pink rather than the blue they both were accustomed to.

River Blake fell in love with the way she was with the kids of the orphanage, the way she made them love those little things that held little to no meaning in their lives before. Because she makes them love world despite the things they have been through. Because she never said no to them, but did talk about the pros and cons, and let them decide, once again. Because she gave them love, love that they were never used to and made them believe that their is beauty still left in the world. Because she taught them how to never loose hope, to dream, to want the world.


River Blake fell in love with Faye Lockwood the moment she showed up in his dorm at 12 o'clock midnight on his birthday and surprised him with cake and presents. Because after cutting the cake, she changed into his sweatshirt and fall asleep, holding him as tightly as her small hands allowed her to. Because she had woken up before him and cooked him breakfast, all burned up. Because the sheepish smile that she held, her eyes practically grinning made up for the months that they both were away from each other. Because then they danced to 'How deep is your love?' in the kitchen just like they did in the park in highschool, his hands on her waist and her foot over his.

River Blake fell in love with Faye Lockwood the way she carried herself on the first day of her job. Because even if nervousness enveloped her every muscle, she never let it seep into her features, and looked confident as ever as she encouraged her team and worked on the project she was asked to lead.

River Blake fell in love with Faye Lockwood the moment she showed up in his office with lunch and waited for him to end his meeting so that they could have it together in his office. When she fell asleep on the very same office as they were talking and he realized that it was because she had worked upto 3 am the day before. Because she would talk in her sleep and drool over his hand that she was using as a pillow.

River Blake fell in love with Faye Lockwood the moment she said yes as he stood on one knee and slided the ring on her finger. Because she warned him, saying that there was no going back now and he would have to spend his whole life with her and that, if he was scared he better drop it. Because after that day, she sent him pictures of that very same hand holding various things for a week straight, just so she could show him the ring.


River Blake fell in love with Faye Lockwood the moment she walked into the wedding hall on her customized white dress, her face covered by the white veil. He fell in love all over again the moment he saw her face, tears freely falling from his eyes now. Because he finally was her's and he had never been this happy his entire life.

River Blake fell in love with Faye Lockwood the moment she whispered, 'I do.' and squeezed his hands in reassurance, her eyes full of moisture, just like his. When he kissed her and felt for the first time that he was complete.

River Blake fell in love with Faye Lockwood the moment he saw her on the hospital bed with tired eyes. Her hands holding a tiny, beautiful soul. Because she made their son believe in Santa claus and tooth fairy, even if as a child, she never did. Because she would spoil their kid with all the sugar and will hide from him as they both have unhealthy snacks. Because she taught their son how to love, to dream, to grow. Because she taught him that it is okay to fall, to do mistakes, to taste failure. Because she made their son a beautiful human who wanted the world, all of it.

River Blake falls in love the way she looks early in the morning, all hyped up with an unknown energy flowing through her veins, and takes her coffee with a little too much sugar and not enough beans.

He falls for her the moment she admitted that she had never been so happy in her life and that now, with him and their son, she was.

River falls in love with Faye Lockwood the easy way, because Faye is just Faye, the woman that made him fall in love with the world.


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