《Mending Her Heart |Book I (✔️)》Chapter 26: It does matter to Me.


She knocked on the door then slowly opened and walked in. Mr Farooq and Mrs Malika Farooq looked at her. She entered and stood in front of them.

'I am sorry for ruining everything last night.' Jannat said while looking down and they exchanged look between them then start smiling.

'Come on Jannat, it's alright. No need to be sorry.' Mrs Malika said while Jannat looked up at them who was smiling to her.

'There is mostly always one person possessive in relationship so it's alright.' Mrs Malika added then start laughing and she embassessed again looked down.

'I think actually it's good, Elam is so reversed and boring. I like you because you are different.' Mrs Malika said and she looked u at her but stayed quite.

'No need to worry dear.' Mr Farooq said and she snapped her head towards him who was also smiling.

'Now come here and give me hug. I love you and I trust that you will take good care of him.' Mrs Malika added lovingly whereas Jannat looked at her who opened her arms and Jannat smiled then walked and hugged her

'Thank you. I just got jealous.' Jannat accepted and then they all start laughing.


Elam and Jannat quietly walked though corridor because after last night they were again quite. When ever Elam tries to talk to her she ran away and hide from him, she was so embarrassed and nervous. They walked then opened his parent's room door and walked in whereas Mr and Mrs Malika Farooq and Aimen were already sitting. They walked and sat down on the sofa while there was silence.

'I had been to to Aimen's Uncle house again and he is still not listening to me. He is saying that she ruined their family honour and deserve to die. But now they had put one condition in front of me....' Mr Farooq said and Elam and Jannat were looking at him.

'What is it dad?' Elam asked and Mr Farooq sighed

'They are saying they will accept her if she will marry someone from our family as people think she ran away with her lover that's way she is living here now And according to people that someone is Elam.' Mr Farooq asked while Elam and Jannat sat there in shocked.

'What?' Elam screamed shocked while standing up.

'Yeah. People are linking your name with Aimen. So they want you to marry her in this situation.' Mr Farooq added while Jannat shocked looked at Aimen's smirking face.

'That's is bull shit.' Elam said annoyed while Janant was still shocked looking at her 'So that was her master plan to trap Elam.' Jannat thought. Jannat had never thought that could be her plan, Aimen was indeed very clever girl.' She thought while looking at her.

'Dad, you know I can't marry her.' Elam said while Jannat looked at him and Aimen frowned.

'I know son, so don't worry I will go and talk to convince them again.' Mr Farooq said while Elam sighed then worried walked out while Jannat was still sitting freeze on her places. Aimen nodded her head in yes and also walked out whereas Mr and Mrs Malika Farooq sadly looked at Jannat.

'Jannat dear, no need to worry. Everything will be fine. we will make sure not to do any injustice to you.' Mr Farooq said while Jannat looked at him with blank face then got up and walked out leaving them in deep thinking.



It had been few days since Mr Farooq had been going to her uncle's house but nothing had change. Also there was quietness and tension in the house as well. And more then ten times Jannat had already cried over it but off course secretly. Everyone was sitting in the sitting room whereas Jannat was stood on balcony looking outside. She was staring up at the sky when he came and stood right behind her.

'So Mrs Jannat .....' Elam said while she freeze on her place and her heart start beating rapidly because that was first time he was calling her as Mrs Jannat Elam as his wife instead of just Jannat and there was silence everywhere.

'Just answer my simple question, Can you share me with anyone.' He whisper in her ear breaking the silence and she felt shiver in her body and she didn't dare to turned over and looked at him instead she looked at her sweaty hands.

'I have some work to do.'Jannat said then quickly turned over to walked out but he stopped her from going while holding her hand and pulled her towards him and she landed on his chest and he put hand around her waist while her heart was beating so fast in her chest and she looked up and met with his eyes.

'Enough of running and hiding away from me?' Elam said while staring at her intensely and she didn't dare to move.

'So tell me Mrs Jannat why you kiss me?' Elam asked and she gulped in nervously while staring at him 'Can you please kiss me right now?' She screamed in her head then shook her head to her rid of her thoughts ' Stop it Jannat' she scolded herself and looked at him again.

'I told you before just to say sorry to you.' Jannat said nervously

'Really? Is that really was the reason?' Elam asked

'100%.' Jannat said while building confidence in herself

'Okay fine I believe you. Then why on earth you got jealous from Aimen that day.' Elam asked another while she was still in his grip. 'Because that slut was touching you.' She screamed answer in her head but stayed quite

'Answer me....' Elam said while she quite or stared at him.

'Answer me god damn it.' Elam said frustrated but she stayed quite while they were looking at each other and silence everywhere.

'Mrs Jannat, are you falling in Love with me.' Elam asked and she stared at him then laugh in her head. 'My stupid husband I am already in love with you.' She thought and controlled her smile.

'No..it's nothing like that. Don't think too high about yourself.' Jannat said while they were still looking.

'So it will not matter to you at all if I will marry Aimen?' Elam asked and she started at him.

'N....No....not at all.' Jannat quickly answered while controlling her nervousness. She still can't confess her feeling to him, what if he doesn't accept her' Jannat thought

'I am asking again and think carefully before answer it, Mrs Jannat it will not matter to you at all if I will marry Aimen?' Elam asked again while looking dead in her eyes.

'No.' She said while controlling her emotions and he just stared at her. Then he moved away his hand from her waist then got hold of her hand and start walking down.


'Elam...What you are doing?' Jannat asked while trailing behind him but he kept walking. He stopped in front of sitting room then opened the door and entered in room while everyone looked at him.

'Dad, I am ready to marry Aimen.' Elam announced while they all shocked stood up and Jannat felt whole world had stopped around her. she shocked looked at him who was looking at his parents with blank face.

'But Jannat.....' Mr Farooq tries to say but Elam cut him off.

'I am saying after asking from Jannat, she had no problem with it, Right Jannat.' Elam said with gritted teeth then looked at her with cold eyes then he put his hand around her waist and moved her closer to him.

'Jannat wanted to help Aimen as well and she said it doesn't matter to her much.' Elam said while putting pressure on 'doesn't matter' and harderen his grip on her waist and she felt pain but that pain was nothing which she was feeling in her heart. She blink away the tears then looked at them while nodding her head in yes and fake smile.

'The sooner as possible with me better.' Elam said coldly then moved away and walked out while she stood still on her place.

'You are so brave and nice Jannat. Thanks for help.' Aimen said while fake smiling then hugged her while Jannat felt to slide her throat right away. She moved Aimen then ran out towards her room. She entered and closed the door and then start crying.

'I can't lose my Elam.' She said while crying then walked and angrily start throwing things.

'How the hell some random girl can come between us?' She screamed to herself while crying .

'How that bloody will not matter to me? ' Jannat screamed to herself while remembering his words.

'You bloody just have rip my heart in two pieces. And you think it doesn't matter to me.' She screamed then fell down and put hand over her face while crying.


After three days from now wards was Elam and Aimen's Nikkah to be done. Elam was quite not talking at all, everybody silently preparing for their Nikkah, Aimen was flying on seventh sky and with passing every day Jannat was dying from inside.

'Saad there is someone to meet us' Mrs Nazia said and he nodded his head in yes and they walked out from their room into sitting room. They entered and there was young girl sitting there. As soon they entered she stood up.

'Salam.' She said and they greeted her back while confused looking at her.

'I am Jannat, Elam's wife.' Jannat introduced herself and they surprised looked at her then between each other.

'How may we help you? Mr Saad asked while she looked at them.

'Uncle, your Niece didn't ran away with my husband. My husband had nothing to do with it. Why you all are doing this? Why you are trapping him?' Jannat asked and they stared at her. After so much thinking she decided to meet her Uncle and talk to him personally.

'Because Aimen love him.' Mr Saad said

'What kind of selfish Love is this? She is breaking our relation.' Jannat screamed while getting angry.

'Then save your relation.' Mrs Nazia said and she stared at them.

'Please he is everything to me. I already have so less time period with him, don't lose that time from me. I beg you.' Jannat said and put her hand in front of them while tears start coming from her eyes as well and they sadly looked at each other.

'Please.....Uncle, I...already have nothing....He is only thing I had. Please...don't snatch him away from you.' Jannat said while crying still standing holding her hands.

'We can't help you.' Mr Saad said while Pitying looked at her then helplessly looked at his wife who was also about to cry as well.

'I beg from you.' Jannat pleaded while crying then sat down next to them on her knee while crying still holding hand in front of them.

'Please I love him too much. I will give you anything else but just not him.' Jannat said while crying and they were staring at her.

'I am sorry we can't help you.' Mr Saad said and she looked up at him with teary eyes whereas Mr and Mrs Nazia Saad looked away from her hurtful eyes. Jannat slowly got up then turned over and walked out. Mr Saad and Mrs Nazia sat down on sofa while sadly thinking.

'Saad, do you know we are committing big sin while breaking a relation between husband and wife.' Mrs Nazia said and Mr Saad nodded his head in yes

'But we are also helpless.' Mr Saad said and Mrs Nazia nodded her head and stayed quite while there was silence everywhere.


Elam was sitting while working in his office. He had been really annoyed and frustrated from past few days. He don't know why he agreed to marry Aimen. Maybe just because he wanted Jannat to got jealous, maybe he wanted her to say that it does matter to her but all he got from her was stupid silence and now within two days was his Nikkah with Aimen. He angrily closed the laptop then frustrated went though his hand in his hair when his room door opened and his manager walked in.

'Sir there is someone to meet you, he said its personal matter.' Manager said

'Who is it?' Elam asked

'Don't know, he said he only will tell you.' Manager said and Elam sighed

'Okay I am coming.' Elam said while Manager walked out. Elam walked out and got into waiting area where that person was sitting. He walked in and saw a man sitting there.

'How may I help you?' Elam asked and man looked at him.

'I need to talk to you in personal, if you had time. Then I will in introduced my self as well.' Man said softly while Elam nodded his head in yes .

'Yeah sure, you may come in my cabin.' Elam said while Man nodded his head in yes and they walked out.


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