《Mending Her Heart |Book I (✔️)》Chapter 8: Secrets


'Elam.' She screamed loudly whereas he looked up from laptop towards her. She was sitting on bed and start screaming.

'No....Don't kill him...please.' She was screaming whereas Elam got worried and ran toward her and sat down on the bed.

'Jannat.' He said while hardly shake on her shoulder. She opened her eyes and looked at him then quickly hugged him while move towards him as she was sitting in his lap.

'He is going to ruin everything Elam.' She said while hugging him while tears came out from her eyes and He worried hugged her back.

'Fahad Ali is going to ruin our life.' Jannat whisper and Elam freeze on his spot.

'Make him go away from my life Elam, please.' She said while tightly holding him.

'No body is here. Calm down Jannat.' Elam said then read few Quranic Ayats (Verses) and blow on her. Whereas then he start moving his hand on her back as assurance and there was silence everywhere. After a while sleep took over her and she fell into sleep in his arms. He moved her away and looked at her sleepy to figure then make her laid down on bed then put duvet on her and look at her.

'What is problem with you Jannat?' Elam whisper

'I thought I will wait for you to tell me your problem but I think I need to find about it myself.' Elam whisper and moved away from her . Then he walked towards window and took out his phone and call on the number. He put in hand on the window while waiting for the person on other line to pick it up.

'Salam Hassan. He said and waited for person on other line to reply. Hassan was his childhood friend and one of best detective.

'Wasalam Elam.' Hasaan said

'Can you do me a favour Hassan.' Elam said

'Come on Elam, Stop being formal, I am your friend. just ask me.' Hassan said cheerfully and Elam smiled.

' I need information on someone.' Elam said

'Who is it?' Hassan asked

'Fahad Ali.' Elam said while looking out of window.

'I need every single tiny information about him. I need to know what he do to what he eat, Everything.' Elam said

'No worries, I will find every information about him but Is everything fine?' Hassan asked worried and Elam sighed.


'I will tell everything to you but first get information about him.' Elam said

'Okay.' Hasaan said

'And no body should know about it.' Elam said

'Okay.' Hasaan said and Elam cut the call. He turned over and looked at her whereas she was peacefully sleeping.

'Now, I will soon know what is your problem Jannat.' He mutters under his breath then walked back and sat down on couch and start working on Laptop again.

She tried to opened her eyes but she quickly closed them as she felt sun's ray straight going in her eyes and burning her eyes. She was wake to read Salah as Elam always wake her up and then she went back to sleep. Then suddenly felt that sun's ray had stop burning her eyes. She slowly opened her eyes and saw Elam standing on window while stopping the sun's ray. She quickly sat up whereas he was looking at her intensely.

'Salam and good Morning.' Elam said.

'Wasalam and Good morning.' Jannat replied and got out from the bed.

'Thank you for last night.' Jannat said nervously while standing in front him.

While Elam turned back to window as now his back was facing Jannat. Jannat stood there for his response while bitting down on her lips nervously but got no reply.

'Go and get fresh.' Elam said and she looked at his back sadly. She know that he was angry that she was not telling him anything but she was scared from his reaction. She sighed and walked toward wardrobe to get her clothes. At the same time their room door knocked and his mother entered.

'Salam kids.' His mother said while smiling and they looked at her.

'Wasalam.' They replied.

'I am here to inform you that you two have been invited on dinner lunch at Jannat's house today.' Mrs Malika said while looking at them and they nodded their head in yes.

'Be ready.' Mrs Malika said and turned around to walked out when Elam speak up.

'Mum, what time we have to reach there.' Elam ask and his mother stopped and looked back at him.

'Ohh, I forget to tell you.' Mrs Malika said and start laughing whereas they both smile as well.

'Be there at 07:00.' Mrs Malika said and he nodded his head in yes.


'Elam, dress in best way as that is your chance to impress your in law.' Mrs Malika said playfully and they smile to her.

'Don't worry mum, they are already impress.' Elam replied back mischievously and walked towards his mother.

'Really.' Mrs Malika asked

'You know they can't resit your son charm.' Elam said playfully and hugged his mother from back and Jannat was smiling while looking at them.

'Oh Yeah,but then that is what we should ask from Jannat.' Mrs Malika said and start laughing whereas they looked up at each other and their eyes met.

'Jannat tell me, can't you resit my son.' Mrs Malika asked and they looked away while looking around.

'I....I.....' Jannat shutter but she don't know what to say.

'Mum, I am hungry lets go and eat food.' Elam said quickly and hold his mother hand to walked out of the room.

'But let me talk to Jannat, Elam.' Mrs Malika tries to say.

'Later.' Elam replied and they walk away whereas Jannat sighed in relief. She got her clothes then got into bathroom for shower.

He knocked on the door and slowly entered. His mother was sitting on couch while wearing white clothes and holding prayer beads in her hand. He walked towards her and stand next to her. she was reading on while her eyes are close

'Salam Mother.' Mr Ayub said and his mother opened her eyes and looked up at him.

'Wasalam. How come you are here?' Mrs Sultana asked.

'You know, Elam and Jannat are coming on dinner today.' Mr Ayub said and his mother nodded her head in yes.

'Yeah, I know.' Mrs Sultana said

'But........' Mr Ayub tries to say but stopped.

'But What?' Mrs Sultana asked sharply.

'Do you think is it safe for him to come here.' Mr baloch nervously asked whereas his mother start laughing.

'And what make you think that he is not safe, Don't you want to meet him?' Mrs Sultana asked

' Yeah I want to meet but you know, 25 years before we...................' Mr Ayub tries to say but his mother brutally got up and angrily looked at him which make him quite.

'Shhhhh, That is secret of our crime and you are not even allow to think about it.' Mrs Sultana said while looking at him.

'But no body is here.' Mr Ayub said in his defend

'Don't you know that even Walls have ears.' Mrs Sultana said and he nodded his head in yes.

'Ayub baloch, We did that crime to take revenge.' Mrs Sultana said steely.

'But everything went wrong when you decided to make Jannat marry Elam.' Mr Ayub said and she smile to him.

'No, Jannat marrying Elam is even better for our revenge. This shows that even destiny is with us.' Mrs Sultana said evilly and he confused looked at her.

'And how is that good mother?' Mr Ayub asked.

'Now, we have easy way to show them what we have done to them.' Mrs Sultana replied

' Mother, can't you forget what happen 25 years ......................' Mr Ayub tries to say

'No and never.' Mrs Sultana screamed while their was hated in her eyes.

'I am never going to forget it and I want revenge at any cost.' Mrs Sultana said in dislike tone.

'Bur mother I don't understand what you actually want.' Mr Ayub asked and she smile to him.

'My plan was prefect but that Fahad ruined it because of his anger problem.' Mrs Sultana said angrily.

'But nevertheless, I have even better plan now.' Mrs Sultana and Mr Ayub sighed.

'Mother sometime I think we are doing wrong and there is guilt in me all the time.' Mr Ayub said helplessly.

'Ayub, It takes us 25 years to be here and you can't back out now. Our revenger is nearly completed.' Mrs Sultana said and he nodded his head in yes.

'You are right mother' Mr Ayub said and looked down.

'Now, go and do best preparation to welcome your beloved daughter and her husband.' Mrs Sultana said sarcastically and Mr Ayub nodded his head in yes as he walked out.

'My revenge going to make your life up side down Mr Farooq Khan and that will be punishment for your family and your seven generation will remember it ' Mrs Sultana said angrily then smile appeared on her face whereas Mr Ayub sighed after closing her room door behind.

'Soon Their is going to be flood which will ruin everything between these two families.' Mr Ayub mutter under his breath and walked away.

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