《Resisting A Cocky Billionaire》Chapter 22


Chapter 22-

"Yes Mr Omar?" I questioned looking at his deadpanned face.

"Mr. Liam will be here very soon, inform the Marketing department to get the stocks ready." He says, eyes glued to his laptop as his fingers presses the keyboards.

"Do you need anything else?" I ask formally, well that's the only relationship between us. I treat him as my boss and he treats me as his personal assistant. Nothing more, nothing less.

"Oh yes, take these dresses to the stones department and bring me my coffee." He replies. I nod my head and pick the dresses before leaving for the stones department. The marketing department becomes so hectic when they hear of his arrival. I don't know who this Mr liam is but I can tell he's very important.

"This place is upside down." Laura states looking over her computer before she stands up and straightens her maroon satin top.

"Who's this Mr Liam?"

She stares at me with shock as if I had said, 'Chris Hemsworth isn't hot!'

"You're kidding right?" She nudges my shoulder but I raise an eyebrow at her which gets me an even shocker expression. If that's even possible.

"Holy Chicken! You really don't know him. He comes here every year and owns the second biggest fashion company in America. I mean who doesn't know him? Oh you." She rolls her eyes. "Every female walking thing practically throws herself at him. It's like getting a free ten minutes shopping at Versace. He goes to Hotel 17, Room 2 every Saturday."

And now it's my turn to be shocked. "And how do you know that?" She twirls her purple dyed locks. "I may or may have not stalked him. It's not my fault a demi-god comes here every year and girl you haven't seen him yet." I shrug my shoulders at her drama.

She smirks and says, " You will see for yourself and remember to close your mouth when you do. Jenny goes after him but he doesn't pay much attention to her. He likes ladies a lot but he has tastes. He doesn't go for the 'easy to get' ones." I unconsciously nod as if she had just given me the lectures of a life time. She hands me a mug of coffee and I thank her. Laura is one of the nicest persons I know, not just in the company but in the world. She might be a little be a little crazy sometimes but I guess that's just the way she is and I like her that way. Taking a sip of my coffee, realization hits me.




"Bye, gotta go!" I scream my way to the coffee place before walking- more like running- to his office. He doesn't glare at me as I enter. Tartarus! He didn't even look at me. Why would he when a blonde goddess is sitting on his laps with her fingers twirling his black hair. She's wearing a raccoon furry coat, it's summer for crying out loud! She smiles at me and I smile back. At least she looks decent and nice unlike Jenny who looks like a donkey in lingerie slapped with flour. She stands up from his laps and he notices my presence, his eyes shifting to mine. "Oh I'm sorry, it's not...I mean..um..."

"It's alright, I'm just his employee." He grunts and spanks her butt making her let our a soft giggle. Ignoring what just happened, I drop his coffee and walk to the door when Miss goddess speaks. "Hi I'm Karen and I'm a big fan of your designs especially the flower gown you made for Lady Gaga. It was simply magnificent."

I smile back at her. "Thanks, if you want. I can give you some lessons and we can hangout together." I offer. She grins as her her face lights up.

"Thank you so much, I would love to!" She hugs me and pulls back and my eyes see a glimpse of her lacy black bra and thong. I give Omar a sharp glare while he gives me a blank look.

"Sorry for interrupting all that." I gesture my fingers to whatever they were doing earlier.

"I was just about to leave." She buttons her coat and grabs her purse before leaving. I turn to my heels to leave when I'm stopped by his calm voice. "Aisha-"

"You don't need to explain a thing Omar. I'm okay with it and Mum wants to meet us next week."

• • • •

'Close your mouth!' My brain orders causing to abruptly shut my mouth as Mr Liam approaches us. His blonde hair tied in a ponytail with little blue eyes beautifully fixed in its sockets. His strong jawline gives him a mature look. But the smile in his lips makes him look boyish. His muscled body protruding through the dark blue suit on him.

"Told you." Laura whispers and I nod in agreement. Managing to lower my gaze, I walk up to him and smile.


"Welcome to Malik's Fashion World." I welcome him and Laura shakes his hand. "This way please." We both lead the way before turning back as he steps into Omar's office.

"Now that's a man!" Laura exclaims as slumping on my chair.

"My brain had to reset." I admit.

"Have you seen his abs and-"

I shut my ears with my palm singing Mia as she describes what she calls a Greek god.

"You want to hangout later and watch a movie?"

"Sure, by five?"

"I'll pick you up."

The telly rings, breaking us from our little conversation. She nods as if she's standing before him. "Yes sir."

"He wants you."

I go into his office and find the two engrossed in a conversion. I clear my throat to get their attentions and their eyes snap to me.

"Come sit and write everything down." He orders and I follow. Sitting next to him and opposite Mr Liam. Karen flashes me a smile which I return. Funny that I'm kind of friends with the woman I caught I'm my husband's office but I don't really care.

After the meeting, I'm ordered to show Mr Liam the dresses for the runway that would be displayed next tomorrow. Karen disappears to God knows where and I'm left alone with Mr Liam trailing behind me. I shut the door and unlocked the wardrobe with over 20 dresses. His eyes widen in awe. "These are beautiful!" He exclaims. His eyes lock on a black dress with ocean eyes on it. "Wow! This is amazing. Who is the mastermind behind this work?" His asks pointing at the black dress.

"Well you're looking at her." I say confidently, smiling from cheek to cheek. It feels so good for a 'popular'-as Laura said-man to positively comment on your work.

"How would you like to work at my place?"

"Thank you, but I like it here." I kindly reject his offer. As much as I want to be far away from the bloody idiot, I couldn't. It's more like. You're practically worshipping chocolate and some doctor says you should stay away from it for your own good. You want to but you can't seem to. Wait! Did I just use Yasmin as an example? Well, yeah. Not that I'm a crazy Omar fan but I just couldn't leave. Oh I left his house, but not his company. It's just confusing.

I zone out from my thoughts and click back to reality with Mr. Liam. He takes a step forward, his eyes going from my head to toe in some sort of expression. He smiles at me and I see it clearly, the lust in his eyes as he walks closer. I push it out of my head and focus on my job. "Um..here are some new dresses that have rich Italian taste." I try to distract him, walking go the other side of the room. His pale blue eyes darkens as he comes closer, cornering me at the edge of the room.

"I thought you and Omar are on a break, is that true?" He licks his lower lips, obviously flirting.

"No we're good, just a little couple skirmish. Nothing serious." I turn my face away from his. "Sir I think we should head back."

The corner of his lips twists into a smirk. "And why do you think we should do that?"

"Because...because Mr Omar is probably waiting for us?" It sounds more of a question than a reply. He puts his hands on the wall as my back presses against the wall in fear. It's not that I'm afraid of what he might do to me, but of me consequences for punching him. I don't want to end up in jail.

"Just a few minutes won't hurt. Feel free, I don't bite." He mutters, staring at my lips. My body stiffens in fear and I muster up some courage to push him away from me. He looks shocked at first but quickly smirks. He pulls out a card and hands it to me which i collect.

is boldly written on the card. I look up but see his shadow as he exists the room. At that point, Omar comes in and I quickly tug the card in my pocket. He frowns at me and informs "Get your things, we are leaving in the next hour."

He walks out leaving me in my pool of thoughts. Laura really knows him that much! But what am I gonna do with this? Definitely not going.

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