《TheFamousfilms ship book {DISCOUNTED}》Inpu×Bryan


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I was walking around the camp. To meet other people/gods, and as I was walking I closed my eyes and I accidentally bumped into somebody.

Inpu:"Ahhh! " *falls down*

Bryan:"Ahhhh! " *falls down too*

Bryan:"Oh my gods I am so so so so so so sorry!!"

Inpu:"It's okay."

I standed up and saw him. He looked so... perfect.

Bryan:"A-Anyways my names Bryan. "

Inpu:"I am Inpu it's a pleasure to meet you."

Bryan:"Oh no the pleasure is mine."

He looks so hawt 😍😍

Bryan:"S-So do you wanna h-hang out later?"


No ones POV

As the time passed by Bryan and Inpu got closer and then it happened.

Bryans POV

We were looking at the moon at the beach.



Inpu:"Bryan you are a great friend you're so sweet and nice and I would love to be apart of your life Bryan will you be my boyfriend?"

I blushed like a red roses when he said that so I decided to answer.


The end

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