《Claws and Lightning (Male Zeraora Reader x Boku no Hero Academia)》CH 15: Beast vs Mutant, Electrokinesis vs Psychokinesis
Internships for UA first years are coming in, Class 1A were just given the requests from hero agencies that invite them for their internship. Aizawa instructed them to turn in their choices by the end of the week, i.e, in two days. He explains that each agency specializes in different aspects of hero-work. Leading Midnight to urge them to choose wisely.
Zeraora was seated at his desk thinking over his choice to learn under Endeavor.
'The Flame Hero: Endeavor. Number Two Pro Hero in Japan, second only to All Might. They say he clawed his way to that rank with sheer will power. Todoroki's words about him makes him seem very ambitious and obsessive with power. His treatment to his family isn't really a positive point. Either way, Endeavor may be a terrible person, but he's still a highly skill and experienced pro hero'.
'Besides, he already gave me an invitation. Might as well go through with it'.
Zeraora confirms his choice, and Tokoyami approaches him.
"Zeraora? Have you decided who to learn under"? Tokoyami asked.
'Yeah. Though, I'd rather not say it out loud. The others might not shut up about it'. Zeraora responds.
"Hmm. Yes, that would most likely be the case". Tokoyami agrees.
'I could tell you after the fact. What about you? Who're you interning with'? Zeraora asked back.
"I shall be under the tutelage of Hawks". He answers
'Who'? Zeraora was unfamiliar with this pro hero.
"The Winged Hero: Hawks. Japan's Third Ranked Pro Hero". Tokoyami elaborates.
'Oh right. Sorry, I practically don't know any other pro, aside from the UA Staff and the team I live with'.
"I understand. I must say, it is an honor to have been requested by such an esteemed hero. I hope to learn much from him and live up to his expectations".
'Don't sweat it. I'm sure you'll be fine. You made it really far into the Sports Fest. You were only held back because of Dark Shadow's one weakness to light'.
"I thank you for your reassurance".
'No problem'.
Lunch period came around. Before dining, Zeraora made a quick stop to the Support Course workshop, to request changes to his costume.
He stood before the entrance, but before knocking he senses warned him to step away from the door. He then picked up the scent of an incoming explosion.
Out of reflex, Zeraora used Extreme Speed and evaded the blast. The door tumbled over with plumes of smoke exiting the room.
"Ack! Nononono. That will not do. I may need to increase the energy output". A female's voice was heard within the smoke.
"Hatsume! You can't keep blowing up the workshop like this! Your making us burn out a lot of materials"! A male's voice roars.
"Ohohohohohoh! Silly mister Power Loader. Innovation requires sacrifice. The great pyramids of Egypt would not exist without the architect's designs, and the hard labor of the pharaoh's subjects". Hatsume responds.
"Yeah! Well no materials means no inventions! So be more conservative"! Power Loader responds back.
The smoke begins to dissipate, Hatsume's full appearance was now visible. Zeraora recognized her as the girl who used Iida to advertise the support items she crafted.
"Oh! A visitor! Do you need anything"? Hatsume asked the young tiger.
"Oh well then! I'm off to make new babies so byeeeee"! Hatsume walks off without a second a thought.
'Talk about eccentric'. Zeraora steps into the workshop.
From there he witnessed a plethora of scrapped inventions and/or unfinished tools. He glanced at the farthest corner and saw an exceptionally large pile of inventions.
'Guess the Support Course works around the clock'.
"Mmmm? Zeraora from Class 1A? What brings you here"? Power Loader asked.
'A costume change request'. Zeraora hands him a folded note listing the details.
Power Loader unfolds it and scans the contents.
"Huh. You're first costume was pretty complex. Now you want it to be rather basic"? Power Loader seemed puzzled.
'The first one was meant to help me keep my electricity focused and contained. But, after the USJ attack and my training for the Sports Fest, I won't be needing that anymore. Also, you can scrap the Thunder Fangs and the visor. Though they probably got trashed after the USJ'.
"Alright. It'll be finished relatively quick. I'll send it your way when it's done".
'Thank you'. Zeraora bows and steps out of the workshop.
The young tiger makes his way back to the cafeteria for a quick lunch. In typical Zeraora-fashion, his thoughts were his own for the entire period.
The end of the school day come around. Zeraora packed his things to depart. But then, something caught his attention.
"HAHAHAHA! I AM HERE IN A BIZARRE POSITION"! All Might slid in front of the class entrance.
"Um yeah? What's that about, and why are you in such a hurry"? Midoriya asked the oddly distressed pro.
"Come with me for a moment would you. There's something we need to discuss".
"Zeraora-shounen! Could you also come along? This matter partially involves you too". All Might called for the young tiger.
'Alright, but make it quick. I don't really like sticking around too late'. Zeraora obliges.
"Great-great! Come along you too"! All Might leads the two away.
The distress in All Might's voice has Zeraora slightly concerned. This matter All Might refers to, most likely has something to do with Zeraora's awareness of One for All.
All Might leads them both to the bathroom halls.
"So um All Might, what did you want to talk about"? Midoriya first questions.
'And why do you look so panicked'? Zeraora adds in.
"Midoriya-shounen. There is someone who'd like to take you in for the internship".
"Wait seriously?! Who"!
"Yes. His name is... Gran Torino".
All Might's momentary stutter caught Zeraora's attention. Suddenly, All Might began trembling.
"Is this because I wrote about you in the letter I sent him?! Or did he watch the festival and think that my teaching was inadequate?! And he went so far as to use his old hero name when making the offer-RGGGH scary- too scary"!!
"Damnmit Legs stop staking"!! His trembling intensifies.
"Whoa All Might is seriously freaking out right"! Midoriya thinks to himself.
'If he's freaking out this much, then this Gran Torino guy gotta be a huge deal'. Zeraora sweats a tad.
"DUOOOOOARGH! Anyway it is my duty to train you, but since you got an offer you should work with him this week if that's what your heart says!
"Just how scary is this guy"?! Midoriya is terrified.
Zeraora steps towards All Might and punches his back sending a light jolt through his.
All Might is caught off guard and winces.
'Calm down will ya. This Gran Torino guy isn't here right now'. Zeraora reassures his panicked teacher.
"A-ah yes..." All Might composes himself.
'By the way, you still haven't mentioned where I fit into this'.
"Right right. Well, it seems that my former teacher has also made an offer for you as well Zeraora-shounen". All Might explains.
Zeraora rose an eyebrow.
"Really?! Even Zerachan"?! Midoriya reacts.
"Yes. I image this interest was brought on due to your speech and performance at the festival. While on the topic of the festival, Midoriya-shounen and Recovery Girl has informed me that you uncovered the truth about One for All. Thus, I also mentioned you in the letter I sent him".
Zeraora takes a moment to think it over.
'Ya know, this would've been nice to hear earlier. But, I've already made my choice. Tell him said I said thanks anyway'. Zeraora was about to walk away, but All Might stopped him.
"One more thing Zeraora-shounen! Regarding One for All..."
'No one's going to hear anything, or catch a whiff of anything from me. I can guarantee it'. Zeraora cuts in.
'Though you guys should practice more subtlety and awareness of your surroundings. Todoroki's suspicion of you two having familial ties is starting to look more plausible'. Zeraora advises and warns.
"I see. I thank you for your consideration". All Might thanks him.
'Sure, whatever. Also, Midoriya'.
'Try not to come back all broken. Just cuz you have All Might's power, doesn't mean you're built like him'. Zeraora spoke as if he was hinting to something.
"I-I'll try". Midoriya responds.
Zeraora narrows his gaze before departing.
'Endeavour's Agency. Wonder what crazy stuff I'll be getting myself into'? Zeraora reflects on choice.
Zeraora returns home, as he lets out low growling yawn.
'I'm home'. Zeraora steps in.
"LITTLE KITTEN"!! Ragdoll comes charging in for a tackling hug.
Zeraora used Extreme Speed and dashed passed, prompting her to crash into the door.
'Missed you too, Ragdoll'. Zeraora semi-jokingly comments.
"Welcome back (Y/N)". Mandalay steps in.
'Hey Mandalay. I guess Pixie and Tiger are still out"? Zeraora infers.
"That's right." Mandalay confirms.
'And Kota'?
"Fast asleep. School for him was pretty exhausting".
'Them feels'.
"That said, how was school".
'Nothing too crazy. Just the internships coming in'. He responds.
"Already, huh"? Mandalay seemed surprised.
'Yup. Had over three thousand offers and I knew practically none of them'. Zeraora confesses.
"Well granted, you hardly, if even pay attention to them. Or bother to look them up". Mandalay points out.
"Did you already make a choice"? She asked.
'I did. I'm going with...'
"OF COURSE HE DID MANDALAY"! Ragdoll recovered and cuts in.
'Actually Ragdoll, I'm going with Endeavor'. Zeraora explains.
Ragdoll's body went pale and her heart sank.
'Okay hold up! I appreciate the gesture, but I wouldn't be caught dead wearing a skirt! Just cause Tiger can make it work, doesn't mean I can'! Zeraora turns down the outfit.
Ragdoll proceeded to burst out Fake Tears, prompting Zeraora to roll his eyes.
"Calm down Ragdoll. When Zeraora eventually gets his provisional license he'd be free to come work with us whenever". Mandalay chimes in.
"Yeah you're right". Ragdoll quickly dropped the act.
'She got over it fast'. Zeraora sweat dropped.
"Anyhow I've got some things to do so I'll see you later".
"By the way little kitten". Ragdoll turned back to Zeraora.
Ragdoll pulled Zeraora in, their faces are now in close proximity with each other. The action had Zeraora shook and concerned.
Ragdoll bore a stern malicious expression. The intensity was powerful enough to make Zeraora flinch.
"Be a good kitty"! Ragdoll's expression quickly shifted to a jovial one as she left.
Zeraora was still stunned for a moment.
"Don't worry too much about (Y/N). It'll just be a one time occasion". Mandalay reassures the young tiger.
'No it won't! I know how wild Ragdoll can get'! Zeraora combats.
Mandalay could only smile. Zeraora makes his way to his room and sets his things down.
After dinner and a quick bath later, the young tiger rests.
The day of the Internship has come. Zeraora leaps out bed, feeling oddly enthused. He quickly cleans himself and dons his uniform. He looks to the corner of his room where he left the briefcase for his new attire, which he retrieved from Power Loader a day prior.
He heads downstairs and greeted by the Pussy Cats and Kota. Pixie-Bob and Ragdoll pull him into a vice-like hug, Tiger pats his shoulder and Mandalay gently caresses his ear.
Before leaving, he and Kota trade fist bumps, then Zeraora steps out.
"(Y/N)"! Pixie-Bob calls out.
Zeraora turns back to face her.
"Try not to get in too much trouble. Also don't be nervous or scared". She said in a caring yet teasing tone.
Zeraora mildly pouts.
'When do I ever get scared'? Zeraora responds before leaving.
The young tiger sets out, his internship begins.
After arriving at UA High, Class 1A was told to take their hero suits and make way to the train station, where they would more or less go their separate ways. Before that Aizawa gives some parting words.
"You all have your suits, right"? Aizawa reminds.
"You betcha"! Ashido responds enthusiastically.
"Proper speech Ashido! It's 'yes sir'". He shoots a glare.
"Yes sir..." Her tone lessened.
"Anyway, just make sure your respectful to the pros. Now get going". Aizawa gives the send off.
"Yes sir"! The class responded in unison.
Zeraora went off on his own, earbuds on with Swae Lee's 'In The Dark' on loop. For a moment, he glanced at Iida and sensed that something was off. He then remembers that his brother was attacked and crippled by this so-called Hero Killer. Zeraora worries that Iida may attempt something reckless, but he also remembers that Iida is very strict when it comes to abiding by the rules.
Unfortunately, at this moment he cannot do much. He can only hope that Iida recovers. Zeraora departs for the Endeavor Agency.
The train ride was more or less basic, barring the handful of people recognizing and calling out the young tiger for his feats during the Sports Fest. A handful made the moronic mistake of reaching for the young tiger ears and tail fur. Which lead to them receiving a light shock and temporarily losing feeling in their hands. Zeraora was deaf to all of it, as he was busy fiddling with his phone. He reached his desired stop and made his way to Endeavor's Agency.
But there, he encounters a familiar face. One whom he thought he would not see here.
"Zeraora"?! Todoroki called out in surprise.
Zeraora turned and faced him, bearing a very puzzled expression.
"What are you...? So my father left an offer for you too. Huh"? Todoroki was slightly taken aback by this.
"Normally he wouldn't bother training anyone else". He states while facing the tall building.
Todoroki looks back at Zeraora who had a very stern glare. The young tiger's eyes were narrowed and glowing.
"Wha-what is it"? Todoroki asked with a hint of concern.
Zeraora did not answer immediately. He maintained his glare while collecting his thoughts.
'Ya know...'
'From that whole fiasco you pulled at the Sports Fest. I was pretty sure this would've been the last place you'd come to'.
'And yet, here you are'. Zeraora's tone was almost mocking.
"Well. There are a some things I still have figure out for myself so-".
'Yeah, um, first off, I didn't ask and secondly, I don't care'. Zeraora quickly cuts him off.
"What"?! Todoroki was caught off guard.
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