《The Devil's Smile》𝗡𝗜𝗡𝗘𝗧𝗘𝗘𝗡
Back at school on the Monday after our weekend away, it was the first proper chance I've had in a few days to have an actual conversation with the boys as a whole group without any one of us having a raging hangover.
The three boys and I sat on our own lunch table today, away from the rest of the football team.
Noah was telling us about the two girls he had a three-way kiss with and Alex explained why he disappeared for most of the night.
The reason being that he seen a girl break her acrylic nail and her actual nail starting bleeding so he had to take a seat in a quiet dark room for an hour.
I feel worse for the girl, breaking an acrylic is probably one of the worse pains ever after period cramps.
Another type of pain boys won't ever understand.
Suddenly Noah slaps his hands down on the table, almost spilling my drink and catching all of our attention.
"Did you guys see the crazy bitch scaling the side of the house" he asked with a incredulous gasp. "Wait let me show you, someone got it on snap"
Noah puts his phone flat on the table for us all to see his screen recording of the video and low and behold, there's me, dangling from the gutter of the house.
My eyes widen before i lock eyes with Charlie and both of us smile and burst out in laughter.
Charlie was laughing so loudly it caught the attention of the tables nearby and I had tears in my eyes, barely being able to catch my breath.
"Um guys?" Alex looks between the two of us, shooting questioning to Noah who looks just as lost.
Charlie starts wheezing and pointing at me, as if telling them i was the crazy bitch.
I on the other hand still couldn't breathe, i starting grabbing onto Charlie, trying to choke out the words I can't breathe between laughs but it was no use.
"Do you two need a minute?" Noah asks as if we would be able to answer him.
After laughing, or more like crying for a few more minutes, both Charlie and I begin to calm down, finally being able to say "i was the the crazy bitch, it was me"
"Fuck off" Noah shouts before laughing with Alex.
"That was you?" Alex asks and I could only nod and bite my lower lip to keep myself from laughing again.
"Why the fuck were you climbing the side of a three storied house? Are you sick in the head?" Noah asks, still amused.
"Charlie was up there!" I say desperately.
"I never said to mount the damn thing" he interjects.
I put my head in my hands and mumble out "I didn't know there was another way"
"Charlie are you excited for your big race tonight?" Noah asks and as soon as he does that, my eyes snap to Charlie.
"Big race?" I cock an eyebrow at him.
Suddenly Charlie looks nervous.
He stutters before answering "oh yeah, um my race tonight with Connor"
"Sorry did you just say Connor?" I ask, slightly both frustrated and anxious.
"Yeah its tonight at nine" Noah says casually as if he can't feel the now tense atmosphere.
"See you there" and with that being said i grab my bag and leave the cafeteria, a slight stomp to my walk.
Was i shocked Charlie finally gave in and agreed to race Connor again? No absolutely not, Connor insulted him and he has far to much of a male ego to let that slide over and over again.
But i was shocked that he hadn't told me about it and by the looks of it, he never planned on telling me.
There was no other way to describe Connor other than a conniving, degenerate, shameful, abhorrent little being.
Did I mention vile?
That being said, the thought of Charlie racing him made me anxious and knowing i had to be there to see it made my stomach knot with worry and tension.
With my hands shaking, I couldn't be in school any longer, I'll just have to speak to Charlie tonight at nine.
I knew tonight would be busy.
Why wouldn't it be?
The notorious Charlie King vs Connor Mcclain.
Anybody who knows anything about these races knows the feud between the two of them, it goes back to when my relationship with Connor started.
In some sick and twisted, fuck up way, it all comes full circle, ending with me.
The races operate like a well oiled machine on nights like this.
Harvey will make sure Charlies car is in the best condition possible, Noah will use his gift of the gab to con people into betting more and more money and well I usually sit there looking pretty.
Not tonight though, tonight I'm standing here looking lost because I can't see Charlie, Harvey or even Noah for that matter.
From afar I see John, an old mechanic friend who usually deals here.
I'm sure he even babysat me once as a kid.
"John!" I call out, jogging over to him slightly.
"Little Ross! I haven't seen you in some months, how's its going?" He says, waving off a customer so he could talk with me.
"It'd be going a lot better if i could find Charlie, have you seen him yet?" I ask.
John points his index finger to the far left of the area, "I'm sure thats him who's just pulled up now"
I look in the area he's pointing at and low and behold i see Charlie sliding out his car and Harvey opening the hood of it.
"You're a life saver" i smile at him graciously.
"No problem little Ross, stay safe tonight yeah?"
"You too!"
With that i take off in the direction of my favourite racer and mechanic duo.
"Charlie!" I call for his attention.
He spins on his heel so he's now facing me, the one tense look on his face morphes into one of relief once his eyes set on me.
"Thank god" he wraps his arms around me tightly, pressing my face into his chest.
I slightly pull back so I can look up at him.
"I didn't mean to not tell you, I didn't want to worry you" he says, looking genuinely guilty.
Before i could even tell him 'its okay' a car pulls up behind me and Charlie instantly tenses, pulling me behind him so he can take a protective stance.
"I've been waiting for this for a long time King" Connor says, getting out of the drivers side door of his blue Subaru.
"Yeah I thought it was about time i did some charity work and complete someones make a wish request" Charlie says, taking one hand behind him so he can hold onto me, almost as if he's scared that i'll be snatched from him.
"Ouch, is that why you're with that hussy too? Charity work?" He asks, a sly grin on his face.
As if he called me a hussy.
But i think Charlie took more offence to it than I did because before i knew it, Charlie was stalking towards Connor, his hands curled into fists.
"Watch your lip Mcclain" Charlie's voice was full of hatred. "You chat a lot of shit for someone who needs three men to back him in a fight"
I know for a fact that hurt his ego.
"Once I'm finished with you, i'll have my men take whats mine for me" Connor winks at me.
He was no longer talking to Charlie, but threatening me. Just thinking about being alone with him or his little boyfriends makes my skin crawl.
Charlie must've noticed my discomfort because he's soon got his hand around my waist, his thumb rubbing the skin on my hip soothingly.
The unofficial referee of the races breaks up the gathering we had going on, making a clearing for the boys to line up their cars.
"You have nothing to worry about" Charlie turns and says to me.
"I know, just don't let him beat you like he did me" i said in a joking manner, although we both knew it was anything but a joke.
I could tell Charlie wasn't impressed.
"Hey, it's my trauma, i'll joke about it if i want to" I say
"Whatever" he smiles and rolls his eyes.
"Be safe" i say, giving his hand a squeeze before he gets into his car.
I feel like I'm sending him off to war
The race made me feel sick to my stomach, I've never felt this kind of anxious when Charlie races and thats purely because I know Connor isn't above running him off the road to ensure he wins.
Charlie had just cut off Connor, over taking him on a sharp bend, making Connor press on his breaks harshly.
Noah and I were holding each others hand, squeezing and shaking one another as Charlie edged closer to the finish line.
"He's going to win" Noah says out loud to no one in particular.
"Connor is going to be fuming" I say in return.
We watch Charlie's infamous red car finish first, drifting it to a stop only meters away from us.
Charlie swings open his door and I practically tackle him into a hug, he catches me and spins, lifting me off the ground for only second or two before planting me back on my feet.
I pull my head away from his chest and look up into his eyes.
Charlie is already looking at me with nothing but adoration even though his eyes keep glancing down at my lips.
Deciding to be bold, i push myself up onto my tiptoes, and thread my arms around his neck.
Before our lips can meet, I'm falling, landing on the cold, damp ground.
I push myself up and sit on the ground, my head pounding and vision spinning, i try to regain all my senses.
All i can really tell is that no one is paying me the attention i deserve after falling and eating ass.
"Nyx!" A familiar voice says from the distance, i recognise their cologne before I recognise their touch.
"I'm fine" i say as he pulls me up off the ground.
Charlie's eyes scan my body for any visual signs of injury.
"Is your head hurting?" He asks, more bothered about myself then the commotion happening behind us.
"My head always hurts" I say.
"Go get in my car, i'll back in just a moment" Charlie states, i can already tell he's seething.
I lock myself in the passenger side of the car whilst I watch the fight happen between Charlie and Connor.
Noah's usual playful self is gone and has been replaced with a stoic look as he keeps an eye on Connors friend who looks ready to jump Charlie.
I can hear their muffled yells and Charlie points at me before landing a solid punch to Connors jaw.
Before it could continue Charlie gets in the car before slamming the door behind him.
We drive out of the area of the races before pulling over on the side of an empty road.
"Are you sure you're not hurt? Tell me you are and i'll have his hands broken so he can't shove you again or anyone for that matter"
I smile at his violently kind offering.
"I'm fine but i hit my head on the landing" i flinch as i rub the lump thats now forming.
I can see Charlies grip on the steering wheel tightening, his knuckles turning white.
I put my hand on his bicep, bringing his attention to me.
"It's honestly fine, we'll buy me some frozen peas and everything will be all good" i say, smiling at the angry blue eyed boy beside me.
"I'm sorry I didn't notice him soon enough to stop him from shoving you" He says, the guilt in his voice.
"It's not your fault he's nuts" I laugh.
If you don't laugh, you'll cry and this pounding feeling in the side of my head is really making me want to cry right now.
Before Charlie could continue guilting himself, I decide to interject " i never did get to congratulate you on your win"
Bringing myself closer to him, i move his face to the side slight and I press a kiss to his cheek.
I'm kind of on a writing spree atm?? I have up until chapter 23 wrote right now and I just wanted to take the time to ask if there's anything you guys would like to see more of? Or even less of??
Id really appreciate your suggestions and everything :)
Also halloween is soon and i have so many banging costume ideas but i live in a UK town where no one dresses up and my friends are all boring so no one will want to go into Newcastle for a night out anyway :/
Rant over
Okay thanks bye!!!
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