《I Find Myself in Words》Depression


A phrase people run away from.

Something people joke about.

Depression is not a joke, it never has and never will be.

A good majority of people don't understand so

they make fun of you if you have it.

They don't understand that depression is like

the whole weight of the world on your back at all times.

Depression isn't just being sad all the time it's,

overthinking every little thing,

not wanting to leave the house,

not wanting to eat,

not wanting to get out of bed,

not wanting anyone to help,

saying "I'm fine" or "I'm okay,"

even though you're not.

You're not okay, and you know that, but

you don't tell anyone because they won't understand.

They won't understand the pain you're going through.

You let depression get the best of you and control you.

You let it end you.

Once you have depression there's no getting out of it.

And it's not necessarily a bad thing, in a sense,

if you learn to grow from it instead of falling apart from it

you will find your happiness.

And even if you feel like you won't, you will, it just takes time.

So be patient.


It's going to be okay.

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